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Created October 7, 2017 14:41
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Fun with Haskell Lists
module PictureASCII where
import Data.Char
-- 1) ASCII Pictures
-- A Picture is a list of strings.
type Picture = [String]
-- An example picture. Design a nicer one.
lambda :: Picture
lambda = [
" ",
" #### ",
" ### ",
" ### ",
" #### ",
" ## ### ",
" ## ### ",
" ### ### ",
" "]
rabbit :: Picture
rabbit = [
" (\\ /) ",
" .\\\\_//. ",
" )0 0( ",
" ( (_) ) ",
" `'\"'` "]
-- Run 'main' to see an example.
main :: IO ()
main = printPicture lambda
-- Prints the given picture to stdout.
printPicture :: Picture -> IO ()
printPicture p = putStr (unlines p)
-- a) Mirrors the given picture horizontally.
flipH :: Picture -> Picture
flipH p = reverse p
-- b) Mirrors the given picture vertically.
-- hint = "Wrqr Mrvyr zhff frcneng hztrxrueg jreqra."
flipV :: Picture -> Picture
flipV p = map reverse p
-- c) Takes two pictures and puts the first above the second.
-- hint = "Qnf fbyygra Fvr nhpu buar Uvysr uvaxevrtra."
above :: Picture -> Picture -> Picture
above p1 p2 = p1 ++ p2
-- d) Takes two pictures and puts the first left of the second.
-- hint = "Irejraqra Fvr qvr Shaxgvba mvcJvgu hz wr mjrv Mrvyra mh xbaxngravrera."
beside :: Picture -> Picture -> Picture
beside p1 p2 = zipWith (++) p1 p2
-- 2) Functions on Lists
-- hint = "\65533oreyrtra Fvr fvpu mhrefg qvr Fvtanghe"
-- a) Append an element at the end.
append :: a -> [a] -> [a]
append element list = list ++ [element]
-- b) Reverse all but the first and the last element.
reverseInner :: [a] -> [a]
reverseInner l = [head l] ++ reverse (tail (init l)) ++ [last l]
-- c) Insert an element at a given position.
insertAt :: a -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
insertAt el at list = (take at list) ++ [el] ++ (drop at list)
-- Functions to decode hints.
-- Usage: decodeHint "Mhrefg anpuqraxra, qnaa Gvccf nafpunhra =)"
decodeHint :: String -> String
decodeHint = map rot13
where rot13 c
| toLower c >= 'a' && toLower c <= 'm' = chr (ord c + 13)
| toLower c >= 'n' && toLower c <= 'z' = chr (ord c - 13)
| otherwise = c
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