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* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { IndexedDbPersistence } from '../../../src/local/indexeddb_persistence';
import { assert } from '../../../src/util/assert';
import { addEqualityMatcher } from '../../util/equality_matcher';
import { SpecBuilder } from './spec_builder';
import { SpecStep } from './spec_test_runner';
// Disables all other tests; useful for debugging. Multiple tests can have
// this tag and they'll all be run (but all others won't).
const EXCLUSIVE_TAG = 'exclusive';
// Persistence-related tests.
const PERSISTENCE_TAG = 'persistence';
// Explicit per-platform disable flags.
const NO_WEB_TAG = 'no-web';
const NO_ANDROID_TAG = 'no-android';
const NO_IOS_TAG = 'no-ios';
const NO_LRU = 'no-lru';
const KNOWN_TAGS = [
const WEB_SPEC_TEST_FILTER = (tags: string[]) =>
tags.indexOf(NO_WEB_TAG) === -1;
// The format of one describeSpec written to a JSON file.
interface SpecOutputFormat {
describeName: string;
itName: string;
tags: string[];
comment?: string;
steps: SpecStep[];
// The name of the describeSpec that's currently running.
let describeName = '';
// Tags for the describeSpec that's current running.
let describeTags: string[] = [];
// A map of string name -> spec json for every `it` in this `describe`.
let specsInThisTest: { [name: string]: SpecOutputFormat };
// A function to write the specs with, if set.
let writeJSONFile: ((json: string) => void) | null = null;
* If you call this function before your describeSpec, then the spec test will
* be written using the given function instead of running as a normal test.
export function setSpecJSONHandler(writer: (json: string) => void): void {
writeJSONFile = writer;
* Runner for the spec tests.
* @param runner The Mocha test runner.
* @param name A name to give the test.
* @param tags Tags to apply to the test (e.g. 'exclusive' to only run
* individual tests)
* @param commentOrBuilder A comment or a function that returns a spec.
* @param maybeBuilder If a comment once provided, a function that returns a spec.
* If writeToJSONFile has been called, the spec will be stored in
* `specsInThisTest`. Otherwise, it will be run, just as it() would run it.
function specRunner(
runner: (
description: string,
callback: (this: Mocha.ISuiteCallbackContext) => void
) => Mocha.ISuite,
name: string,
tags: string[],
commentOrBuilder: string | (() => SpecBuilder),
maybeBuilder?: () => SpecBuilder
): void {
let comment: string | undefined;
let builder: () => SpecBuilder;
if (typeof commentOrBuilder === 'string') {
comment = commentOrBuilder;
builder = maybeBuilder;
} else {
builder = commentOrBuilder;
assert(!!builder, 'Missing spec builder');
// Union in the tags for the describeSpec().
tags = tags.concat(describeTags);
for (const tag of tags) {
"The 'exclusive' tag is only supported on Android on iOS. To run a single spec test on Web, use `specTest.only`."
KNOWN_TAGS.indexOf(tag) >= 0,
'Unknown tag "' + tag + '" on test: ' + name
if (!writeJSONFile) {
const persistenceModes = IndexedDbPersistence.isAvailable()
? [true, false]
: [false];
for (const usePersistence of persistenceModes) {
const spec = builder();
const mode = usePersistence ? '(Persistence)' : '(Memory)';
const fullName = `${mode} ${name}`;
if (!WEB_SPEC_TEST_FILTER(tags)) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:ban
it.skip(fullName, () => spec.runAsTest(fullName, usePersistence));
} else if (usePersistence && tags.indexOf('no-lru') !== -1) {
// spec should have a comment explaining why it is being skipped.
// tslint:disable-next-line:ban
it.skip(fullName, () => spec.runAsTest(fullName, usePersistence));
} else {
runner(fullName, () => spec.runAsTest(fullName, usePersistence));
const spec = builder();
const specJSON = spec.toJSON();
const json = {
itName: name,
config: specJSON.config,
steps: specJSON.steps
if (name in specsInThisTest) {
throw new Error('duplicate spec test: "' + name + '"');
specsInThisTest[name] = json;
export interface SpecIt {
name: string,
tags: string[],
commentOrBuilder: string | (() => SpecBuilder),
maybeBuilder?: () => SpecBuilder
): void;
only: (
name: string,
tags: string[],
commentOrBuilder: string | (() => SpecBuilder),
maybeBuilder?: () => SpecBuilder
) => void;
export const specTest: SpecIt = Object.assign(
name: string,
tags: string[],
commentOrBuilder: string | (() => SpecBuilder),
maybeBuilder?: () => SpecBuilder
) => specRunner(it, name, tags, commentOrBuilder, maybeBuilder),
only: (
name: string,
tags: string[],
commentOrBuilder: string | (() => SpecBuilder),
maybeBuilder?: () => SpecBuilder
) => specRunner(it.only, name, tags, commentOrBuilder, maybeBuilder)
* Like describe, but for spec tests.
* @param name A name to give the test.
* @param tags Tags to apply to all tests in the spec (e.g. 'exclusive' to
* only run individual tests)
* @param builder A function that calls specTest for each test case.
* If writeToJSONFile has been called, the specs will be stored in
* that file. Otherwise, they will be run, just as describe would run.
export function describeSpec(
name: string,
tags: string[],
builder: () => void
): void {
describeTags = tags;
describeName = name;
if (!writeJSONFile) {
describe(name, () => {
return builder();
} else {
specsInThisTest = {};
const output = JSON.stringify(specsInThisTest, null, 2);
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