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Last active October 5, 2021 17:23
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start external map navigation from ionic 2 app for ios and android; needs cordova-plugin-geolocation
startExternalMap() {
if (this.location.latitude) {
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
Geolocation.getCurrentPosition().then((position) => {
// ios
if ('ios')) {'maps://?q=' + + '&saddr=' + position.coords.latitude + ',' + position.coords.longitude + '&daddr=' + this.location.latitude + ',' + this.location.longitude, '_system');
// android
if ('android')) {'geo://' + position.coords.latitude + ',' + position.coords.longitude + '?q=' + this.location.latitude + ',' + this.location.longitude + '(' + + ')', '_system');
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Thank you so very much <3

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I am a beginner in Ionic from skd please tell me what are the variables here in the above code

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HI, thank you for the code.
This open the maps, but when I press back button on android it go back to my app and relaunch the map again.
If I change to my app it relaunch the map again. Like a redirect page when you press back in navigator.

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I had an issue with opening links to google maps app, from my Ionic app. The user location was not available so the user wasn't able to navigate.
This plugin solved the issue!

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updated syntax for ios 11+ ionic 3'maps://?q=' + address, '_system');

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import { InAppBrowser } from '@ionic-native/in-app-browser/ngx';

constructor(public iab:InAppBrowser)

OpenMap(address) {
this.iab.create("" + address, "_blank");

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