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Created July 15, 2021 15:59
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Improved / alternative scaling points algorithm
// first variant
1) find hull (bounding) polygon for points
2) calculate centroid for this polygon
3) use centroid as anchor point to scale points
// Hull
MinimalBoundingBox::monotoneChainConvexHull(const std::vector<Point> &points)
// break if only one point as input
if (points.size() <= 1) {
return points;
auto sortedPoints = points;
// sort vectors
std::sort(sortedPoints.begin(), sortedPoints.end(), [&](const Point &p1, const Point &p2) -> bool {
if (isDoubleEqual(p1.x, p2.x)) {
if (isDoubleEqual(p1.y, p2.y)) {
return false;
return (p1.y < p2.y);
return (p1.x < p2.x);
auto hullPoints = std::vector<Point>(sortedPoints.size() * 2);
auto pointLength = sortedPoints.size();
auto counter = 0;
// iterate for lowerHull
for (int i = 0; i < pointLength; ++i) {
while (counter >= 2 && cross(hullPoints[counter - 2], hullPoints[counter - 1], sortedPoints[i]) <= 0) {
hullPoints[counter++] = sortedPoints[i];
// iterate for upperHull
for (int i = (int) pointLength - 2, j = counter + 1; i >= 0; i--) {
while (counter >= j && cross(hullPoints[counter - 2], hullPoints[counter - 1], sortedPoints[i]) <= 0) {
hullPoints[counter++] = sortedPoints[i];
// remove duplicate start points
hullPoints.erase(hullPoints.begin() + counter, hullPoints.end());
return hullPoints;
// Centroid
compute2DPolygonCentroid(const std::vector<Point> &vertices)
Point centroid = {0, 0};
double signedArea = 0.0;
double x0 = 0.0; // Current vertex X
double y0 = 0.0; // Current vertex Y
double x1 = 0.0; // Next vertex X
double y1 = 0.0; // Next vertex Y
double a = 0.0; // Partial signed area
auto vertexCount = vertices.size();
for (int i=0; i < vertexCount; ++i) {
x0 = vertices[i].x;
y0 = vertices[i].y;
x1 = vertices[(i+1) % vertexCount].x;
y1 = vertices[(i+1) % vertexCount].y;
a = x0*y1 - x1*y0;
signedArea += a;
centroid.x += (x0 + x1)*a;
centroid.y += (y0 + y1)*a;
signedArea *= 0.5;
centroid.x /= (6.0*signedArea);
centroid.y /= (6.0*signedArea);
return centroid;
// Scale points
* @see
* @param points Points to scale
* @param anchorPoint Scaling occurs relative to this point
* @param scaleFactor Scale factor
MathUtils::scalePoints(const std::vector<Point> &points, const Point &anchorPoint, double scaleFactor)
std::vector<Point> result;
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
Point point = points[i];
//this is a vector that leads from mass center to current vertex
Point vec = {point.x - anchorPoint.x, point.y - anchorPoint.y};
point.x = anchorPoint.x + scaleFactor * vec.x;
point.y = anchorPoint.y + scaleFactor * vec.y;
return result;
// Utils
* Cross the specified o, a and b.
* Zero if collinear
* Positive if counter-clockwise
* Negative if clockwise
* @param o 0
* @param a The alpha component
* @param b The blue component
MinimalBoundingBox::cross(const Point &o, const Point &a, const Point &b)
return (a.x - o.x) * (b.y - o.y) - (a.y - o.y) * (b.x - o.x);
MinimalBoundingBox::isDoubleEqual(double v1, double v2)
return std::abs(v1 - v2) < DBL_EPSILON;
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