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Created July 5, 2017 12:25
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streaming responses in java.jdbc
(ns soka-trb.jdbc-streaming
"streaming results in, when {:use-streaming? true} is passed
as option
hooks into jdbc/prepare-statements and calls turn-on-streaming
Users need to extend the TurnOnStreaming protocol for their databases
(:require [ :as jdbc]
(defprotocol TurnOnStreaming
(turn-on-streaming [con opts]))
(extend-protocol TurnOnStreaming
(turn-on-streaming [con opts] opts)
(turn-on-streaming [con opts]
(.setAutoCommit con false)
(if (pos? (get opts :fetch-size 0))
(assoc opts :fetch-size 1000)))
(turn-on-streaming [con opts]
(assoc opts :fetch-size Integer/MIN_VALUE)))
(defn prepare-statement
([f con sql] (prepare-statement f con sql {}))
^java.sql.Connection con
^String sql
{:keys [return-keys result-type concurrency cursors
fetch-size max-rows timeout use-streaming?] :as opts}]
(if use-streaming?
(f con sql (turn-on-streaming con opts))
(f con sql opts))))
(defn add-hook
(robert.hooke/add-hook #'jdbc/prepare-statement #'prepare-statement))
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