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Created June 20, 2014 12:13
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(in-ns 'clojure.core)
;; make reloading namespaces work with proxy!
(defn proxy-name**
{:tag String}
[^Class super interfaces]
(let [inames (into1 (sorted-set) (map #(.getName ^Class %) interfaces))
ihashes (into1 (sorted-set) (map #(System/identityHashCode %) interfaces))]
(apply str (.replace (str *ns*) \- \_) ".proxy"
(interleave (repeat "$")
[(.getName super)]
(map #(subs % (inc (.lastIndexOf ^String % "."))) inames)
[(Integer/toHexString (hash ihashes))])))))
(defn proxy-name
{:tag String}
[^Class super interfaces]
(let [r (proxy-name** super interfaces)]
(println "using patched proxy-name" [super interfaces] r)
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