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Created October 16, 2014 23:43
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Save schmunk42/3bcfbba5411bb9ea66f4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Phundament 4.0.0-beta1 Installation Log
$ composer create-project --stability=beta phundament/app:4.0.* app-v4-beta1
Installing phundament/app (4.0.0-beta1)
- Installing phundament/app (4.0.0-beta1)
Cloning 8ddc349022caa11db0f13cae50bb23e97e4d68d1
Created project in app-v4-beta1
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
- Installing bower-asset/jquery (2.1.1)
Cloning 4dec426aa2a6cbabb1b064319ba7c272d594a688
- Installing bower-asset/bootstrap (v3.2.0)
Cloning c068162161154a4b85110ea1e7dd3d7897ce2b72
- Installing bower-asset/jquery.inputmask (3.1.33)
Cloning 0c6ce85c1bc12e81ecb0df62fbc62db116b7b53d
- Installing bower-asset/punycode (v1.3.1)
Cloning de452f89aea23f126f7b219f576abda1c0823825
- Installing bower-asset/yii2-pjax (v2.0.1)
Cloning f07ce95f6098c0bd5421789a20789f39a19be73b
- Installing yiisoft/yii2-composer (2.0.0)
Cloning 4ccbb7dd1cc7c5d2da316bb92db784e3b3e403fb
- Installing ezyang/htmlpurifier (v4.6.0)
Cloning 6f389f0f25b90d0b495308efcfa073981177f0fd
- Installing cebe/markdown (1.0.0)
Cloning 4f6b35cc5cc1025ed946839fd24e05ace617867a
- Installing yiisoft/yii2 (2.0.0)
Cloning cf1ce50f33344fa2cf1b384cd86c1424493d3323
- Installing swiftmailer/swiftmailer (v5.3.0)
Cloning b86b927dfefdb56ab0b22d1350033d9a38e9f205
- Installing yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer (2.0.0)
Cloning 40fc07ab41e553c8ffaf0847f10ddc68cb553cf8
- Installing yiisoft/yii2-authclient (2.0.0)
Cloning 38d1bd9431fc3f778d869b0836ffa4c6d66d2382
- Installing dektrium/yii2-user (v0.8.1)
Cloning 3285bc20314bf7d1672ca4c3329431537da21fa3
- Installing dmstr/yii2-adminlte-asset (dev-master 879800d)
Cloning 879800d440b005f8d1fdbe16a84bb54c1e5f4755
- Installing dmstr/yii2-migrate-command (dev-master c6eeaee)
Cloning c6eeaeee75998c79f9528f4d5c31c13edebe6fce
- Installing symfony/event-dispatcher (v2.5.5)
Cloning f6281337bf5f985f585d1db6a83adb05ce531f46
- Installing guzzle/guzzle (v3.8.1)
Cloning 4de0618a01b34aa1c8c33a3f13f396dcd3882eba
- Installing yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap (2.0.0)
Cloning 925395bd697c3ba2ce73937a7a236bdf26344417
- Installing yiisoft/yii2-debug (2.0.0)
Cloning 9108fff1bd117ba608b3d17aba4727d916deb3a8
- Installing cebe/yii2-gravatar (1.1)
Cloning c9c01bd14c9bdee9e5ae1ef1aad23f80c182c057
- Installing 2amigos/yii2-pjax-filter-behavior (0.1.0)
Cloning c87fba16063316ff71582a0333a79a2550c3ca89
- Installing 2amigos/yii2-packagist-component (0.1.1)
Cloning a010d0b41bc579209e1ca50771015d830a20e032
- Installing 2amigos/yii2-arrayquery-component (0.1.1)
Cloning 2cd66841ad9bc12b768a668a78de12098724aef3
- Installing schmunk42/yii2-packaii (dev-master 015001e)
Cloning 015001eb17ab7c27a5f0f01e977c0becc4759852
- Installing vlucas/phpdotenv (v1.0.9)
Cloning 56c252d48dce336da97926591aed71805203815b
- Installing dmstr/yii2-app-command (dev-master 4b6a619)
Cloning 4b6a6197b8ba901bab1155add642ee225b75f092
- Installing phpspec/php-diff (v1.0.2)
Cloning 30e103d19519fe678ae64a60d77884ef3d71b28a
- Installing bower-asset/typeahead.js (v0.10.5)
Cloning 5f198b87d1af845da502ea9df93a5e84801ce742
- Installing yiisoft/yii2-gii (2.0.0)
Cloning 0ab5293df49246a2002210150fa22af37fd9b782
- Installing schmunk42/yii2-giiant (dev-master e5f1728)
Cloning e5f1728f23bdc824674cfe234510fa0f16fe208e
- Installing fzaninotto/faker (v1.4.0)
Cloning 010c7efedd88bf31141a02719f51fb44c732d5a0
- Installing yiisoft/yii2-faker (2.0.0)
Cloning 7e86db1260be50f5124efb8549172699ad52bed3
symfony/event-dispatcher suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection ()
symfony/event-dispatcher suggests installing symfony/http-kernel ()
Generating autoload files
Do you want to remove the existing VCS (.git, .svn..) history? [Y,n]? n
Phundament application packages have been successfully installed.
Please choose your environment with
cd /path/to/phundament/app-v4-beta1
$ cd /path/to/phundament/app-v4-beta1
Kraftbuch:app-v4-beta1 tobias$ ./init
Yii Application Initialization Tool v1.0
Which environment do you want the application to be initialized in?
[0] Development
[1] Production
[2] Dotenv
[3] Puphpet
Your choice [0-3, or "q" to quit] 2
Initialize the application under 'Dotenv' environment? [yes|no] yes
Start initialization ...
generate .env
generate backend/config/main-local.php
generate backend/config/params-local.php
generate backend/web/index-test.php
generate backend/web/index.php
generate common/config/env.php
generate common/config/main-local.php
generate common/config/params-local.php
generate console/config/main-local.php
generate console/config/params-local.php
generate frontend/config/main-local.php
generate frontend/config/params-local.php
generate frontend/web/index-test.php
generate frontend/web/index.php
generate yii
generate cookie validation key in backend/config/main-local.php
generate cookie validation key in frontend/config/main-local.php
chmod 0777 backend/runtime
chmod 0777 backend/web/assets
chmod 0777 frontend/runtime
chmod 0777 frontend/web/assets
chmod 0755 yii
... initialization completed.
Adjust the config files for your environment, see for detailed instructions.
To finalize the application setup, run
./yii app/setup
Kraftbuch:app-v4-beta1 tobias$ edit .env
Kraftbuch:app-v4-beta1 tobias$ ./yii app/setup
Running action 'migrate'...
Yii Migration Tool (based on Yii v2.0.0)
Database Connection: mysql:host=localhost;dbname=p4
Creating migration history table "migration"...done.
Total 6 new migrations to be applied:
@dektrium/user/migrations (/path/to/phundament/app-v4-beta1/vendor/dektrium/yii2-user/migrations)
m140209_132017_init (@dektrium/user/migrations)
m140403_174025_create_account_table (@dektrium/user/migrations)
m140504_113157_update_tables (@dektrium/user/migrations)
m140504_130429_create_token_table (@dektrium/user/migrations)
m140830_171933_fix_ip_field (@dektrium/user/migrations)
m140830_172703_change_account_table_name (@dektrium/user/migrations)
Apply the above migrations? (yes|no) [no]:y
*** applying m140209_132017_init
> create table {{%user}} ... done (time: 0.023s)
> create unique index user_unique_username on {{%user}} (username) ... done (time: 0.009s)
> create unique index user_unique_email on {{%user}} (email) ... done (time: 0.008s)
> create unique index user_confirmation on {{%user}} (id, confirmation_token) ... done (time: 0.007s)
> create unique index user_recovery on {{%user}} (id, recovery_token) ... done (time: 0.009s)
> create table {{%profile}} ... done (time: 0.005s)
> add foreign key fk_user_profile: {{%profile}} (user_id) references {{%user}} (id) ... done (time: 0.006s)
*** applied m140209_132017_init (time: 0.071s)
*** applying m140403_174025_create_account_table
> create table {{%account}} ... done (time: 0.017s)
> create unique index account_unique on {{%account}} (provider,client_id) ... done (time: 0.013s)
> add foreign key fk_user_account: {{%account}} (user_id) references {{%user}} (id) ... done (time: 0.008s)
*** applied m140403_174025_create_account_table (time: 0.039s)
*** applying m140504_113157_update_tables
> drop index user_confirmation ... done (time: 0.022s)
> drop index user_recovery ... done (time: 0.008s)
> drop column confirmation_token from table {{%user}} ... done (time: 0.008s)
> drop column confirmation_sent_at from table {{%user}} ... done (time: 0.007s)
> drop column recovery_token from table {{%user}} ... done (time: 0.008s)
> drop column recovery_sent_at from table {{%user}} ... done (time: 0.009s)
> drop column logged_in_from from table {{%user}} ... done (time: 0.007s)
> drop column logged_in_at from table {{%user}} ... done (time: 0.006s)
> rename column registered_from in table {{%user}} to registration_ip ... done (time: 0.008s)
> add column flags integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 to table {{%user}} ... done (time: 0.007s)
> rename column properties in table {{%account}} to data ... done (time: 0.007s)
*** applied m140504_113157_update_tables (time: 0.099s)
*** applying m140504_130429_create_token_table
> create table {{%token}} ... done (time: 0.016s)
> create unique index token_unique on {{%token}} (user_id,code,type) ... done (time: 0.012s)
> add foreign key fk_user_token: {{%token}} (user_id) references {{%user}} (id) ... done (time: 0.008s)
*** applied m140504_130429_create_token_table (time: 0.038s)
*** applying m140830_171933_fix_ip_field
> alter column registration_ip in table {{%user}} to bigint ... done (time: 0.028s)
*** applied m140830_171933_fix_ip_field (time: 0.029s)
*** applying m140830_172703_change_account_table_name
> rename table {{%account}} to {{%social_account}} ... done (time: 0.006s)
*** applied m140830_172703_change_account_table_name (time: 0.013s)
Migrated up successfully.
Running action 'app/setup-admin-user'...
E-Mail for application admin user:
Running action 'user/create'...
User has been created!
Password for application admin user (leave empty if you want to use the auto-generated value):
Running action 'user/confirm'...
User has been confirmed
Running action 'app/virtual-host'...
"Frontend" Domain-name (example:, leave empty to skip)
Kraftbuch:app-v4-beta1 tobias$
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