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Tobias Munk schmunk42

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justinclayton /
Created July 15, 2015 22:04
CLI to add DNS Records in Route53
#!/bin/bash -eo pipefail
## Allows for creation of "Basic" DNS records in a Route53 hosted zone
function main() {
[[ -z $record_name ]] && echo "record_name is: $record_name" && exit 1
[[ -z $record_value ]] && echo "record_value is: $record_value" && exit 1
cornernote /
Last active October 14, 2015 14:43
code generator config

Using Giiant with Providers

The following code should be added to the bootstrap of your yii application. If you would like to keep it in it's own file (recommended) create a config/giiant.php, then include it from your config/bootstrap.php.


Use a DateTimePicker for the scheduled_at field:

shovon /
Created April 10, 2015 15:18
Increasing swap size. Only tested on the ubuntu/trusty64 Vagrant box. CREDIT GOES TO --->
# size of swapfile in megabytes
# does the swap file already exist?
grep -q "swapfile" /etc/fstab
# if not then create it
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
mikehaertl /
Last active September 19, 2022 21:20
How to develop with docker and Yii2

Docker Development Workflow

These ideas are WORK IN PROGRESS!


The core idea with this workflow is that we end up with a self contained docker image of your application. This image will not only contain our code, but also all the dependencies that are neccessary to run the code. This image can then be used for both, easy deployment in production and as basis for ongoing development.

The image is not a static, though. In fact, it will see many revisions over time - which is supported nicely through dockers inheritance approach. We basically

jashkenas /
Last active November 29, 2023 14:49
Why Semantic Versioning Isn't

Spurred by recent events (, this is a quick set of jotted-down thoughts about the state of "Semantic" Versioning, and why we should be fighting the good fight against it.

For a long time in the history of software, version numbers indicated the relative progress and change in a given piece of software. A major release (1.x.x) was major, a minor release (x.1.x) was minor, and a patch release was just a small patch. You could evaluate a given piece of software by name + version, and get a feeling for how far away version 2.0.1 was from version 2.8.0.

But Semantic Versioning (henceforth, SemVer), as specified at, changes this to prioritize a mechanistic understanding of a codebase over a human one. Any "breaking" change to the software must be accompanied with a new major version number. It's alright for robots, but bad for us.

SemVer tries to compress a huge amount of information — the nature of the change, the percentage of users that wil

  • 🎨 when improving the format/structure of the code
  • 🚀 when improving performance
  • ✏️ when writing docs
  • 💡 new idea
  • 🚧 work in progress
  • ➕ when adding feature
  • ➖ when removing feature
  • 🔈 when adding logging
  • 🔇 when reducing logging
  • 🐛 when fixing a bug
sheerun / certgen.rb
Last active April 10, 2022 15:39
Docker TLS certificate generator
# Generates necessary certificates to ~/.docker
# Usage:
# bundle install
# ruby certgen.rb <domain>
require 'certificate_authority'
require 'fileutils'
if ARGV.empty?
kevin-smets /
Last active June 8, 2024 10:07
iTerm2 + Oh My Zsh + Solarized color scheme + Source Code Pro Powerline + Font Awesome + [Powerlevel10k] - (macOS)





anonymous / gist:8565929
Created January 22, 2014 19:42
There are a lot of complaints going around about Laravel these days, but a lot
of the important ones seem to be missing from the spotlight.
Bugfixes, issues and pull requests being left open for months with no
clarification of intent:
motin / Identity.php
Last active January 2, 2016 19:28
Example environment bootstrap files for any php project
namespace neam\envbootstrap;
class Identity
static public function brand()