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Last active June 23, 2024 16:35
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Backup Grafana sqlite db to Backblaze
# Prerequisites:
# sudo apt install pipx curl jq tar sqlite3
# sudo pipx install b2
# pass 4 args:
# - instance (meta information), example: <machine name>
# - b2 bucket name (target of the upload), example: grafana-backups
# - path to backblaze credentials file that sets B2_ACCOUNT_ID and B2_APP_KEY
# Full example: ./ "$(hostname)" grafana-backups .b2_creds
set -e
echo $(date)
# Verify we are root
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Please run as root"
exit 1
# Read arguments
source $3
echo "Backing up grafana ${INSTANCE} to bucket ${BUCKET}"
if [ ! -f "${DB_FILE}" ]; then
echo "Database ${DB_FILE} does not exist!"
exit 1
FILE_NAME="grafana_${INSTANCE}_$(date +%Y-%m-%d).db.bak"
B2_INFO="--info app=grafana --info instance=${INSTANCE}"
mkdir -p ${TMP_DIR}
# cleanup any old backups
if [ -f "${TMP_FILE}" ]; then
rm -f "${TMP_FILE}"
# get it
sqlite3 ${DB_FILE} ".backup '${TMP_FILE}'"
# Calculate sha1 sum
SHA1=$(sha1sum ${TMP_FILE} | sed -En "s/^([0-9a-f]{40}).*/\1/p")
echo "sha1sum is ${SHA1}"
# log in to backblaze
b2 account authorize ${B2_ACCOUNT_ID} ${B2_APP_KEY}
echo "Logged into b2"
# Upload to backblaze
b2 file upload --sha1 ${SHA1} \
${B2_INFO} \
--quiet \
echo "Uploaded to b2"
#log out of backblaze
b2 account clear
echo "Logged out of b2"
# Clean up tar file
if [ -f "${TMP_FILE}" ]; then
rm -f "${TMP_FILE}"
echo "Cleaned up and done"
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