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Created October 22, 2012 17:10
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  • Save schneems/3932626 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save schneems/3932626 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
require 'json'
## What
# This file takes in a markdown file and converts any [codeblocks](
# into gists, then embeds the gists via JS.
# Watch out for Github rate limiting, via IP, this is not an authenticated request
# The first argument into the script should be the filename you want to convert
# $ ruby gist_snippits.rb tmp.txt
file_name = ARGV.shift
output_file_name = "output_#{file_name}"
## This regex pulls out the code blocks, see below for explanation
code_block_regex = /(^\s*$\n|\A)(^(?:[ ]{4}|\t).*[^\s].*$\n?(?:(?:^\s*$\n?)*^(?:[ ]{4}|\t).*[^\s].*$\n?)*)/
STDOUT.flush # lets the working dots "." print on the same line like tests not 100% required
# this sends the content to github, to make a gist, returns JSON with the `html_url`.
def curl_to_github(content, options = {})
response = `curl -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d '#{gist_request(content, options)}' \ `
return JSON.parse(response)
# formats content to gist format that github can read.
def gist_request(content, options = {})
"public" => "#{options[:public] || true}",
"files" => {
"#{options[:name] || ''}" => {
"content" => "#{content}"
puts "Converting code blocks in #{file_name} to embedded gists"
# open given file, extract each code block and replace it with an embedded, "r") do |file|
contents =
while code_match = contents.match(code_block_regex)
print "."
gist_response = curl_to_github(code_match.to_s)
puts gist_response["message"] if gist_response["message"] # display warning
contents.sub!(code_block_regex, "\n\n<script src='#{gist_response["html_url"]}.js'></script>\n\n")
puts "\n\nWriting output to #{output_file_name}", "w") {|f| f.write(contents)}
puts "Finished"
## Regexp explained from Stack Overflow
# (^\s*$\n|\A) # Capt grp 1, block is preceeded by a blank line or begin of string
# ( # Begin "Capture group 2", start of pre/code block
# ^(?:[ ]{4}|\t) .* [^\s] .* $ \n? # First line of code block (note - lines must contain at least 1 non-whitespace character)
# (?: # Start "Optionally, get more lines of code"
# (?: ^ \s* $ \n? )* # Many optional blank lines
# ^(?:[ ]{4}|\t) .* [^\s] .* $ \n? # Another line of code
# )* # End "Optionally, get more lines of code", do 0 or more times
# )
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