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Last active March 18, 2024 21:28
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  • Save schneems/95b9387a613f4934f30f8508ef8014d8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save schneems/95b9387a613f4934f30f8508ef8014d8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ pack build codetriage-image --path . --env 'DATABASE_URL=postgres://<redacted>:<redacted>@<redacted><redacted>'


22: Pulling from heroku/builder
Digest: sha256:5828a4bcc19a72471cc9ca128a44cc13386f68cfa030359206ccde769f597b53
Status: Image is up to date for heroku/builder:22
22-cnb: Pulling from heroku/heroku
Digest: sha256:6d5f868e91eba6a6ec22a9a9b9b31a2fd486a0f0f57082fd0864e0bf0b3e4395
Status: Image is up to date for heroku/heroku:22-cnb
Image with name "codetriage-image" not found
4 of 5 buildpacks participating
heroku/nodejs-engine 3.0.1
heroku/nodejs-yarn   3.0.1
heroku/ruby          2.1.2
heroku/procfile      3.0.1

[Heroku Node.js Engine Buildpack]

[Checking Node.js version]
Node.js version not specified, using 20.x
Resolved Node.js version: 20.11.1

[Installing Node.js distribution]
Downloading Node.js 20.11.1
Extracting Node.js 20.11.1
Installing Node.js 20.11.1

[Detecting yarn CLI version to install]
No yarn engine range detected in package.json, using default ({DEFAULT_YARN_REQUIREMENT})
Resolved yarn CLI version: 1.22.22

[Installing yarn CLI]
Downloading yarn 1.22.22
Extracting yarn 1.22.22
Installing yarn 1.22.22
Yarn CLI operating in yarn 1.22.22 mode.

[Setting up yarn dependency cache]
yarn config v1.22.22
success Set "cache-folder" to "/layers/heroku_nodejs-yarn/deps/cache".
Done in 0.05s.

[Installing dependencies]
yarn install v1.22.22
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
Done in 0.11s.

[Running scripts]
No build scripts found

# Heroku Ruby Buildpack

- Metrics agent
  - Skipping install (`barnes` gem not found)
- Ruby version `3.1.4` from `Gemfile.lock`
  - Installing ..... (2.667s)
- Bundler version `2.3.23` from `Gemfile.lock`
  - Running `gem install bundler --version 2.3.23` .... (1.064s)
- Bundle install
  - Running `BUNDLE_BIN="/layers/heroku_ruby/gems/bin" BUNDLE_CLEAN="1" BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT="1" BUNDLE_GEMFILE="/workspace/Gemfile" BUNDLE_PATH="/layers/heroku_ruby/gems" BUNDLE_WITHOUT="development:test" bundle install`

      Fetching gem metadata from
      Fetching rake 13.1.0
      Installing rake 13.1.0
      Fetching concurrent-ruby 1.2.2
      Fetching minitest 5.20.0
      Fetching builder 3.2.4
      Fetching erubi 1.12.0
      Fetching mini_portile2 2.8.5
      Fetching racc 1.7.1
      Fetching crass 1.0.6
      Fetching rack 2.2.8
      Fetching websocket-extensions 0.1.5
      Fetching mini_mime 1.1.5
      Fetching marcel 1.0.2
      Fetching nio4r 2.5.9
      Installing erubi 1.12.0
      Fetching timeout 0.3.0
      Installing crass 1.0.6
      Installing websocket-extensions 0.1.5
      Fetching public_suffix 5.0.3
      Installing mini_portile2 2.8.5
      Installing builder 3.2.4
      Fetching ast 2.4.2
      Installing mini_mime 1.1.5
      Installing marcel 1.0.2
      Installing minitest 5.20.0
      Installing racc 1.7.1 with native extensions
      Fetching execjs 2.8.1
      Fetching aws-eventstream 1.2.0
      Fetching aws-partitions 1.648.0
      Fetching jmespath 1.6.1
      Installing timeout 0.3.0
      Fetching babel-source 5.8.35
      Fetching bcrypt 3.1.19
      Installing ast 2.4.2
      Installing rack 2.2.8
      Installing nio4r 2.5.9 with native extensions
      Fetching bluecloth 2.2.0
      Installing execjs 2.8.1
      Installing aws-eventstream 1.2.0
      Installing jmespath 1.6.1
      Fetching msgpack 1.5.6
      Installing public_suffix 5.0.3
      Fetching thor 1.3.0
      Installing concurrent-ruby 1.2.2
      Using bundler 2.3.23
      Fetching coffee-script-source 1.12.2
      Installing aws-partitions 1.648.0
      Fetching method_source 1.0.0
      Fetching zeitwerk 2.6.12
      Fetching connection_pool 2.4.1
      Installing bcrypt 3.1.19 with native extensions
      Installing bluecloth 2.2.0 with native extensions
      Installing thor 1.3.0
      Installing coffee-script-source 1.12.2
      Installing method_source 1.0.0
      Installing msgpack 1.5.6 with native extensions
      Fetching dalli 3.2.6
      Installing connection_pool 2.4.1
      Installing babel-source 5.8.35
      Fetching orm_adapter 0.5.0
      Fetching excon 0.71.0
      Installing zeitwerk 2.6.12
      Fetching multipart-post 2.3.0
      Fetching ffi 1.15.4
      Fetching flamegraph 0.9.5
      Fetching rrrretry 1.0.0
      Installing dalli 3.2.6
      Installing orm_adapter 0.5.0
      Installing multipart-post 2.3.0
      Fetching hashie 5.0.0
      Fetching htmlentities 4.3.4
      Fetching jwt 2.7.1
      Installing excon 0.71.0
      Fetching rexml 3.2.6
      Installing rrrretry 1.0.0
      Fetching local_time 2.1.0
      Installing flamegraph 0.9.5
      Fetching matrix 0.4.2
      Installing htmlentities 4.3.4
      Installing jwt 2.7.1
      Installing hashie 5.0.0
      Fetching mime-types-data 3.2019.1009
      Installing local_time 2.1.0
      Fetching multi_xml 0.6.0
      Using ruby2_keywords 0.0.5
      Fetching rb-fsevent 0.11.0
      Installing matrix 0.4.2
      Fetching normalize-rails 8.0.1
      Installing rexml 3.2.6
      Fetching version_gem 1.1.3
      Installing ffi 1.15.4 with native extensions
      Fetching oj 3.13.21
      Installing multi_xml 0.6.0
      Fetching optimist 3.0.1
      Installing normalize-rails 8.0.1
      Fetching pdf-core 0.9.0
      Installing version_gem 1.1.3
      Installing mime-types-data 3.2019.1009
      Fetching pg 1.2.3
      Installing rb-fsevent 0.11.0
      Fetching ttfunk 1.7.0
      Fetching rack-timeout 0.6.3
      Installing optimist 3.0.1
      Installing pdf-core 0.9.0
      Fetching rails-autoscale-core 1.1.0
      Fetching render_async 2.1.11
      Installing oj 3.13.21 with native extensions
      Installing ttfunk 1.7.0
      Installing rack-timeout 0.6.3
      Installing pg 1.2.3 with native extensions
      Fetching tilt 2.0.11
      Installing rails-autoscale-core 1.1.0
      Fetching unf_ext
      Installing render_async 2.1.11
      Fetching temple 0.8.2
      Fetching stackprof 0.2.17
      Installing tilt 2.0.11
      Fetching webrick 1.7.0
      Installing temple 0.8.2
      Fetching will_paginate 4.0.0
      Installing unf_ext with native extensions
      Installing stackprof 0.2.17 with native extensions
      Installing will_paginate 4.0.0
      Fetching websocket-driver 0.7.6
      Installing webrick 1.7.0
      Fetching sitemap_generator 6.1.2
      Installing websocket-driver 0.7.6 with native extensions
      Installing sitemap_generator 6.1.2
      Fetching net-protocol 0.1.3
      Installing net-protocol 0.1.3
      Fetching aws-sigv4 1.5.2
      Installing aws-sigv4 1.5.2
      Fetching autoprefixer-rails
      Installing autoprefixer-rails
      Fetching uglifier 4.2.0
      Installing uglifier 4.2.0
      Fetching addressable 2.8.5
      Installing addressable 2.8.5
      Fetching rack-test 2.1.0
      Installing rack-test 2.1.0
      Fetching warden 1.2.9
      Installing warden 1.2.9
      Fetching rack-protection 3.1.0
      Installing rack-protection 3.1.0
      Fetching rack-mini-profiler 3.1.1
      Installing rack-mini-profiler 3.1.1
      Fetching coffee-script 2.4.1
      Fetching redis-client 0.18.0
      Installing coffee-script 2.4.1
      Fetching bourbon 7.3.0
      Installing redis-client 0.18.0
      Fetching i18n 1.14.1
      Installing bourbon 7.3.0
      Fetching tzinfo 2.0.6
      Installing i18n 1.14.1
      Fetching sprockets 4.1.1
      Installing tzinfo 2.0.6
      Fetching babel-transpiler 0.7.0
      Fetching faraday 0.17.6
      Installing sprockets 4.1.1
      Installing babel-transpiler 0.7.0
      Fetching git_hub_bub 1.0.1
      Fetching mustermann 3.0.0
      Fetching kramdown 2.4.0
      Installing faraday 0.17.6
      Fetching snaky_hash 2.0.1
      Installing mustermann 3.0.0
      Installing git_hub_bub 1.0.1
      Fetching mime-types 3.3.1
      Installing kramdown 2.4.0
      Fetching prawn 2.4.0
      Installing snaky_hash 2.0.1
      Fetching slim 4.1.0
      Installing mime-types 3.3.1
      Fetching yard 0.9.28
      Fetching net-imap 0.3.1
      Installing prawn 2.4.0
      Installing slim 4.1.0
      Installing net-imap 0.3.1
      Fetching net-pop 0.1.2
      Fetching net-smtp 0.3.2
      Fetching aws-sdk-core 3.162.0
      Installing yard 0.9.28
      Installing net-pop 0.1.2
      Fetching css_parser 1.7.1
      Installing net-smtp 0.3.2
      Fetching rack-canonical-host 1.2.0
      Fetching omniauth 2.1.1
      Installing aws-sdk-core 3.162.0
      Installing css_parser 1.7.1
      Fetching sidekiq 7.1.6
      Installing rack-canonical-host 1.2.0
      Fetching activesupport 7.0.8
      Installing omniauth 2.1.1
      Fetching nokogiri 1.15.4
      Fetching parser
      Installing sidekiq 7.1.6
      Installing activesupport 7.0.8
      Fetching sentry-raven 2.13.0
      Fetching sinatra 3.1.0
      Fetching oauth2 2.0.9
      Installing parser
      Installing sentry-raven 2.13.0
      Installing oauth2 2.0.9
      Fetching kramdown-parser-gfm 1.1.0
      Installing sinatra 3.1.0
      Fetching mail 2.8.1
      Installing nokogiri 1.15.4 with native extensions
      Fetching premailer 1.11.1
      Installing kramdown-parser-gfm 1.1.0
      Fetching aws-sdk-kms 1.58.0
      Fetching unf 0.1.4
      Installing mail 2.8.1
      Installing premailer 1.11.1
      Fetching globalid 1.1.0
      Installing aws-sdk-kms 1.58.0
      Installing globalid 1.1.0
      Fetching activemodel 7.0.8
      Fetching skylight 6.0.1
      Installing unf 0.1.4
      Fetching omniauth-oauth2 1.8.0
      Fetching scout_apm 5.3.1
      Installing activemodel 7.0.8
      Installing omniauth-oauth2 1.8.0
      Fetching aws-sdk-s3 1.115.0
      Fetching activejob 7.0.8
      Installing skylight 6.0.1 with native extensions
      Installing scout_apm 5.3.1 with native extensions
      Installing activejob 7.0.8
      Fetching simpleidn 0.2.1
      Installing aws-sdk-s3 1.115.0
      Fetching omniauth-github 2.0.1
      Installing simpleidn 0.2.1
      Fetching activerecord 7.0.8
      Installing omniauth-github 2.0.1
      Fetching valid_email 0.1.4
      Installing valid_email 0.1.4
      Installing activerecord 7.0.8
      Fetching puma 6.4.0
      Installing puma 6.4.0 with native extensions
      Fetching bootsnap 1.13.0
      Installing bootsnap 1.13.0 with native extensions
      Fetching get_process_mem 0.2.7
      Fetching rb-inotify 0.10.1
      Fetching rbtrace 0.4.14
      Fetching sassc 2.4.0
      Installing get_process_mem 0.2.7
      Fetching puma_worker_killer 0.3.1
      Installing rb-inotify 0.10.1
      Fetching sass-listen 4.0.0
      Installing sassc 2.4.0 with native extensions
      Installing puma_worker_killer 0.3.1
      Installing rbtrace 0.4.14 with native extensions
      Installing sass-listen 4.0.0
      Fetching sass 3.7.4
      Installing sass 3.7.4
      Fetching neat 1.7.4
      Installing neat 1.7.4
      Fetching rails-dom-testing 2.2.0
      Fetching loofah 2.21.4
      Installing rails-dom-testing 2.2.0
      Installing loofah 2.21.4
      Fetching rails-html-sanitizer 1.6.0
      Installing rails-html-sanitizer 1.6.0
      Fetching actionview 7.0.8
      Installing actionview 7.0.8
      Fetching actionpack 7.0.8
      Installing actionpack 7.0.8
      Fetching activestorage 7.0.8
      Fetching actionmailer 7.0.8
      Fetching sprockets-rails 3.4.2
      Fetching actioncable 7.0.8
      Fetching omniauth-rails_csrf_protection 1.0.1
      Fetching railties 7.0.8
      Installing omniauth-rails_csrf_protection 1.0.1
      Installing sprockets-rails 3.4.2
      Installing actionmailer 7.0.8
      Installing activestorage 7.0.8
      Installing actioncable 7.0.8
      Fetching premailer-rails 1.12.0
      Fetching maildown 3.3.1
      Installing railties 7.0.8
      Fetching actionmailbox 7.0.8
      Fetching actiontext 7.0.8
      Fetching coffee-rails 5.0.0
      Fetching responders 3.1.1
      Fetching jquery-rails 4.6.0
      Fetching slim-rails 3.6.3
      Fetching wicked 1.3.4
      Fetching sassc-rails 2.1.2
      Fetching rails-autoscale-web 1.1.0
      Installing premailer-rails 1.12.0
      Installing maildown 3.3.1
      Installing actionmailbox 7.0.8
      Installing coffee-rails 5.0.0
      Installing rails-autoscale-web 1.1.0
      Installing responders 3.1.1
      Installing slim-rails 3.6.3
      Installing sassc-rails 2.1.2
      Installing actiontext 7.0.8
      Fetching devise 4.9.3
      Installing wicked 1.3.4
      Fetching rails 7.0.8
      Installing jquery-rails 4.6.0
      Installing rails 7.0.8
      Installing devise 4.9.3
      Bundle complete! 73 Gemfile dependencies, 154 gems now installed.
      Gems in the groups 'development' and 'test' were not installed.
      Bundled gems are installed into `/layers/heroku_ruby/gems`
      Post-install message from devise:

      [DEVISE] Please review the [changelog] and [upgrade guide] for more info on Hotwire / Turbo integration.

        [upgrade guide]
        Post-install message from sass:

      Ruby Sass has reached end-of-life and should no longer be used.

      * If you use Sass as a command-line tool, we recommend using Dart Sass, the new
        primary implementation:

      * If you use Sass as a plug-in for a Ruby web framework, we recommend using the
        sassc gem:

      * For more details, please refer to the Sass blog:

      Post-install message from oauth2:

      You have installed oauth2 version 2.0.9, congratulations!

      There are BREAKING changes if you are upgrading from < v2, but most will not encounter them, and updating your code should be easy!

      We have made two other major migrations:
      1. master branch renamed to main
      2. Github has been replaced with Gitlab

      Please see:

      Please report issues, and support the project! Thanks, |7eter l-|. l3oling

  - Done (3m 31s)
- Setting default processes
  - Running `bundle list` ... (0.296s)
  - Detected rails app (`rails` gem found)
- Rake assets install
  - Detected rake (`rake` gem found, `Rakefile` found at `/workspace/Rakefile`)
  - Running `bundle exec rake -P --trace` ..... (2.482s)
  - Compiling assets with cache (detected `rake assets:precompile` and `rake assets:clean` via `bundle exec rake -P`)
  - Creating cache for /workspace/public/assets
  - Creating cache for /workspace/tmp/cache/assets
  - Running `bundle exec rake assets:precompile assets:clean --trace`

      ** Invoke assets:precompile (first_time)
      ** Invoke assets:environment (first_time)
      ** Execute assets:environment
      ** Invoke environment (first_time)
      ** Execute environment
      ** Execute assets:precompile
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:04.170388 #47619]  INFO -- : [RailsAutoscale] Preparing request middleware
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:04.193698 #47619]  INFO -- : [SKYLIGHT] [6.0.1] Unable to start, see the Skylight logs for more details
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:04.222722 #47619]  INFO -- : Raven 2.13.0 configured not to capture errors: DSN not set
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:04.335365 #47619]  INFO -- : [RailsAutoscale] Reporter not started: RAILS_AUTOSCALE_URL is not set
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.979679 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/manifest-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.js
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.980610 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/manifest-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.js.gz
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.980891 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/application-13d93fcc1c2ebd5bacc59c8216030b181b4256615430f07a24296767d7e78a5c.js
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.981875 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/application-13d93fcc1c2ebd5bacc59c8216030b181b4256615430f07a24296767d7e78a5c.js.gz
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.982066 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/application-017f3f6bb89839a4eacb167ea56139d40ca2a7df640c4ca407c910923696dfcd.css
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.982619 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/application-017f3f6bb89839a4eacb167ea56139d40ca2a7df640c4ca407c910923696dfcd.css.gz
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.983234 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/markdown-92e5e6f3a76f841ab96d45132e49e672ab8efd72bbe05b370ff646603a94b085.css
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.983341 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/markdown-92e5e6f3a76f841ab96d45132e49e672ab8efd72bbe05b370ff646603a94b085.css.gz
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.984609 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/CodeTriage2012-1dba32b768501df4ee2d4c65caeeef65c84cefd3a3375333afd7c8fe45316d42.png
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.985340 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/favicon-3f3e475345be27562adee9d8e596a032785e3efd4496111cab0b1fe0a81ad722.ico
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.985485 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/favicon-3f3e475345be27562adee9d8e596a032785e3efd4496111cab0b1fe0a81ad722.ico.gz
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.985608 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/heroku-0b69cdda85829b596ef98490183fc8091a441d46658a212157be1180c984ef70.svg
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.989406 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/heroku-0b69cdda85829b596ef98490183fc8091a441d46658a212157be1180c984ef70.svg.gz
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.989560 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/logo-dark-text-98052f59b783d471be36d54f3afab231828005eebe27f800f93a393dc2eb7c7f.png
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.990754 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/logo-9e857012167869da2c0c5be182a31acf91c966078485533ee413e07076895909.svg
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.991290 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/logo-9e857012167869da2c0c5be182a31acf91c966078485533ee413e07076895909.svg.gz
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.991427 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/private-avatar-2cf35a2b142bc75b9cedc8d20d1ba6314f79ae7a11cfc34a21323c7716450b7c.svg
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.991552 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/private-avatar-2cf35a2b142bc75b9cedc8d20d1ba6314f79ae7a11cfc34a21323c7716450b7c.svg.gz
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.991675 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/schneems-9ca448300214e9f09ef91e08bcb1731bb89159898c4989b1df36e1c36fa0fed3.svg
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.992393 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/schneems-9ca448300214e9f09ef91e08bcb1731bb89159898c4989b1df36e1c36fa0fed3.svg.gz
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.992529 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/sponsors/scout-7276a86cd2157f9b3539e552c9774bed076b0f30036fe17cc56eecfd8b218e31.png
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.993088 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/thoughtbot-f2640f32b24b47bcb8908a9dcaeb07f802c256a412b469a7579036e298a8ee3a.svg
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.993199 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/thoughtbot-f2640f32b24b47bcb8908a9dcaeb07f802c256a412b469a7579036e298a8ee3a.svg.gz
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.993322 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/warning-10ac3b52075c7a8c233b6ecc19b57afe9f8b9424f09b1724a51c00b50a20073f.svg
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.993418 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/warning-10ac3b52075c7a8c233b6ecc19b57afe9f8b9424f09b1724a51c00b50a20073f.svg.gz
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.993533 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/actiontext-81e286cd6b71a0827990aec2867dcfab7c94caaa3feeaf55466a7741c30b7d40.js
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.993624 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/actiontext-81e286cd6b71a0827990aec2867dcfab7c94caaa3feeaf55466a7741c30b7d40.js.gz
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.993713 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/trix-0739f876ba5e18ebd2717232387e6752c6328d7d97ce143d8866f6e9f3d279e7.js
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.993844 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/trix-0739f876ba5e18ebd2717232387e6752c6328d7d97ce143d8866f6e9f3d279e7.js.gz
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.993973 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/trix-6fd35bb8fae1d6a795115763ca265369b9750f73a1c6283a0b0ef4b6c2d550c8.css
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.994055 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/trix-6fd35bb8fae1d6a795115763ca265369b9750f73a1c6283a0b0ef4b6c2d550c8.css.gz
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.994177 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/activestorage-997aaa7ee7cd1f853586f1abbcf8a4fa59a8f80270c9033c09ad406150f80e3a.js
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.995028 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/activestorage-997aaa7ee7cd1f853586f1abbcf8a4fa59a8f80270c9033c09ad406150f80e3a.js.gz
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.995155 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/activestorage.esm-aaa35775410d4c9038d69046036657c2fea6d5e47bd681dc92f11b306087ed6a.js
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.995234 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/activestorage.esm-aaa35775410d4c9038d69046036657c2fea6d5e47bd681dc92f11b306087ed6a.js.gz
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.995953 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/actioncable-92f6c9e9908a7b2c224e5a6689d938937329ad215f2aacdb7781f28795cf6809.js
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.996046 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/actioncable-92f6c9e9908a7b2c224e5a6689d938937329ad215f2aacdb7781f28795cf6809.js.gz
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.996171 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/actioncable.esm-6ff4c875f7c74aded61b68b042ce24650c7caa1003f6c99a64a37b40dc13ec8d.js
      I, [2024-03-18T21:24:08.997752 #47619]  INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/actioncable.esm-6ff4c875f7c74aded61b68b042ce24650c7caa1003f6c99a64a37b40dc13ec8d.js.gz
      ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time)
      ** Invoke db:load_config (first_time)
      ** Invoke environment
      ** Execute db:load_config
      ** Execute db:migrate
      ** Invoke db:_dump (first_time)
      ** Execute db:_dump
      ** Invoke db:schema:dump (first_time)
      ** Invoke db:load_config
      ** Execute db:schema:dump
      ** Invoke db:schema:cache:dump (first_time)
      ** Invoke db:load_config
      ** Execute db:schema:cache:dump
      ** Invoke assets:clean (first_time)
      ** Invoke assets:environment
      ** Execute assets:clean
      D, [2024-03-18T21:24:13.801413 #47619] DEBUG -- :    (95.5ms)  SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(3010662050404357335)
      D, [2024-03-18T21:24:14.012318 #47619] DEBUG -- :   ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Pluck (94.6ms)  SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC
      D, [2024-03-18T21:24:14.415332 #47619] DEBUG -- :   ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Load (98.3ms)  SELECT "ar_internal_metadata".* FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["key", "environment"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
      D, [2024-03-18T21:24:14.623735 #47619] DEBUG -- :    (101.5ms)  SELECT pg_advisory_unlock(3010662050404357335)
      D, [2024-03-18T21:24:17.125159 #47619] DEBUG -- :   ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Pluck (102.7ms)  SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC
      D, [2024-03-18T21:24:41.701620 #47619] DEBUG -- :   ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Pluck (98.5ms)  SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC

  - Done (38.921s)
  - Storing cache for /workspace/public/assets
  - Storing cache for /workspace/tmp/cache/assets
- Done (finished in 4m 17s)

[Discovering process types]
Procfile declares types -> web, worker, release
Adding layer 'heroku/nodejs-engine:dist'
Adding layer 'heroku/nodejs-engine:node_runtime_metrics'
Adding layer 'heroku/nodejs-engine:web_env'
Adding layer 'heroku/nodejs-yarn:deps'
Adding layer 'heroku/nodejs-yarn:dist'
Adding layer 'heroku/ruby:bundler'
Adding layer 'heroku/ruby:cache_public_assets'
Adding layer 'heroku/ruby:cache_tmp_cache_assets'
Adding layer 'heroku/ruby:env_defaults'
Adding layer 'heroku/ruby:gems'
Adding layer 'heroku/ruby:ruby'
Adding layer 'buildpacksio/lifecycle:launch.sbom'
Adding 1/1 app layer(s)
Adding layer 'buildpacksio/lifecycle:launcher'
Adding layer 'buildpacksio/lifecycle:config'
Adding layer 'buildpacksio/lifecycle:process-types'
Adding label 'io.buildpacks.lifecycle.metadata'
Adding label ''
Adding label 'io.buildpacks.project.metadata'
Setting default process type 'web'
Saving codetriage-image...
*** Images (b9758a0e1032):
Adding cache layer 'heroku/nodejs-engine:dist'
Adding cache layer 'heroku/nodejs-yarn:deps'
Adding cache layer 'heroku/nodejs-yarn:dist'
Adding cache layer 'heroku/ruby:bundler'
Adding cache layer 'heroku/ruby:cache_public_assets'
Adding cache layer 'heroku/ruby:cache_tmp_cache_assets'
Adding cache layer 'heroku/ruby:gems'
Adding cache layer 'heroku/ruby:ruby'
Successfully built image codetriage-image
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