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Last active November 20, 2022 19:40
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  • Save schochastics/ed86633da6ca8b29c1b5aacafa06544a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# original python code:
# mapping:
ngram_search <- function(q="",size = 10){
data <- list(query=list())
data[["query"]][["bool"]] <- list()
data[["query"]][["bool"]][["must"]] <- list()
match <- list()
match[["match"]] <- list(screen_name.ngram = q)
data[["query"]][["bool"]][["must"]] <- match
data[['sort']] <- list(followers_count = 'desc')
data[['size']] <- size
h <- new_handle(verbose = FALSE)
handle_setheaders(h,"Content-Type" = "application/json")
handle_setopt(handle = h, postfields=as.character(toJSON(data,auto_unbox = TRUE)), customrequest="GET")
c <- curl_fetch_memory(url = "", handle=h)
df <- fromJSON(rawToChar(c$content))
tbl <- df$hits$hits
tbl <- ngram_search("NASA")
data.frame(screen_name = tbl$`_source`$screen_name, tbl$`_source`$followers_count)
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