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Last active December 7, 2022 11:08
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  • Save schollz/044ded385a902a0455f4f9f5f9c66731 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save schollz/044ded385a902a0455f4f9f5f9c66731 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
description = "Grep all files in a folder"
command = "grep -rn \"texthere\" ."
output = ""
description = "Sync only certain files using filters and rsync"
command = "rsync -rv --include '*/' --include '*something*' --exclude '*' --prune-empty-dirs Source/ Target/"
output = ""
description = "Search and replace in a bunch of files using sed"
command = "sed -i -e 's/SEARCHFOR/REPLACEMENT/g' *"
output = ""
description = "Search and replace in a bunch of files using sed, and create backups"
command = "sed -i.bak -e 's/SEARCHFOR/REPLACEMENT/g' *"
output = ""
description = "Search and replace strings in files, except certain folders"
command = "find . -type f ! -path \"./.git/*\" -exec sed -i 's/name1/name2/g' {} \\;"
output = ""
description = "List all files in a directory, fastest solution"
command = "tree -Ufain --noreport -o files.index"
output = ""
description = "Download a list of URLs into an organized folder, with cookies"
command = "wget -x --load-cookies=cookies.txt --no-clobber -i LIST_OF_URLS"
output = ""
description = "DOwnload youtube video as mp3"
command = "youtube-dl -x --audio-quality 2 --audio-format mp3 YOUTUBEURL"
output = ""
description = "Open a GUI program via SSH or CRON"
command = "export DISPLAY=:0 && /open/some/program"
output = ""
description = "CRON command to backup a file every 10 minutes"
command = "*/10 * * * * /bin/cp /some/file /some/other/file.backup$(date +%Y%m%d)"
output = ""
description = "Create a list of lines that are in the new file but not in the old file"
command = "grep -F -x -v -f list.old > list.diff"
output = ""
description = "Run command over SSH"
command = "ssh user@server 'command'"
output = ""
description = "Sort datafile by first column in numerical order"
command = "sort -s -n -k 1,1 data.dat"
output = ""
description = "Word count of files of a particular type"
command = "find ./ -type f -name \"*work*\" -exec wc -w {} +"
output = ""
description = "Get only the changed lines between diffing two files"
command = "diff --new-line-format=\"\" --unchanged-line-format=\"\" urlsfull.txt urls1subset.txt > urlsfull-subset.txt"
output = ""
description = "Mirror a website"
command = "wget -r -np -N --convert-links --adjust-extension --header=\"Accept: text/html\" --user-agent=\"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:21.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/21.0\""
output = ""
description = "Hack swiping apps (requires Android Debug Bridge)"
command = "while true; do adb shell input tap 1000 2200; sleep .$[ ( $RANDOM % 10 ) + 1 ]s; done"
output = ""
description = "Resize images on ImagicMagick"
command = "convert -size 100x100 input.png -resize 100x100 +profile \"*\" output.jpg"
output = ""
description = "sudo su && cd / && tar -cvpzf backup.tar.gz --exclude=/backup.tar.gz --one-file-system /"
command = "Backup an entire filesystem"
output = ""
description = "sudo tar -xvpzf /path/to/backup.tar.gz -C /media/whatever --numeric-owner"
command = "Restore an entire filesystem"
output = ""
description = "Run a command in terminal every 10 seconds"
command = "while true; do; COMMAND; sleep 10; done"
output = ""
description = "Monitor progresss of inserting SQL statements into database"
command = "pv -atep -s $(du -BK data.sql | cut -f1) data.sql | sqlite3 data.db"
output = ""
description = "Delete the first column of a data"
command = "awk '!($1=\"\")' filename"
output = ""
description = "Pipe data into xmgrace"
command = "cat datafile | xmgrace -"
output = ""
description = "tar a big directory and show the progress"
command = "SIZE=`du -sk | cut -f 1` && tar cf - | pv -atep -s ${SIZE}k > /media/zns/Media/"
output = ""
description = "Remove .lzma extension from each file in a directory"
command = "for i in *.lzma; do; mv -- \"$i\" \"${i%.lzma}\"; done"
output = ""
description = "tar a file, with progress, onto a remote server"
command = "SIZE=`du -sk | cut -f 1` && tar cf - | pv -atep -s ${SIZE}k | ssh \"cat >\""
output = ""
description = "untar a file and get progress bar, with decompression"
command = "pv -atep file.tgz | tar xzf - -C target_directory"
output = ""
description = "Measure read and write speed of a drive"
command = "dd if=/dev/zero of=/test/drive/output conv=fdatasync bs=384k count=1k; rm -f /test/drive/output"
output = ""
description = "Convert a bunch of images named final.untitled.00001.jpg to movie"
command = "ffmpeg -framerate 25 -i final.untitled.%05d.jpg output.mp4"
output = ""
description = "Reveal free space in bytes"
command = "df -k *"
output = ""
description = "split a file onto multiple USB sticks simultaneously"
command = "cat | pv -atep -s ${SIZE}k | split -b 45966182400 -d - part --filter=./split-filter"
output = ""
description = "Find intersection between two lists of items"
command = "comm -12 <(cat 1.txt | sort) <(cat 2.txt | sort) > intersection.txt"
output = ""
description = "Get number of FILES in a directory using"
command = "tree --dirsfirst -UF . | tail -n1"
output = ""
description = "Remove all the docker images"
command = "docker rmi -f $(docker images -q)"
output = ""
description = "Count number of sentences in a file"
command = "tr -d -C . <data/news3.txt | wc -c"
output = ""
description = "Benchmark a command, see [here for installation]("
command = "perf stat -r 50 -d CMD"
output = ""
description = "gpg encrypt a file using the armor"
command = "gpg --yes --armor --recipient \"THE NAME\" --trust-model always --encrypt FILE"
output = ""
description = "gpg decrypt a file"
command = "gpg --yes --decrypt FILE"
output = ""
description = "Put tor on for everything in the shell"
command = ". torsocks on"
output = ""
description = "Remove a directory with progress (replace 70000 with number of files)"
command = "rm -rv dir_to_remove | pv -l -s 700000 > logfile"
output = ""
description = "Untar part of an archive (\"home/foo/bar\" in the archive) to \"/\""
command = "tar -C / -xvf foo.tar home/foo/bar"
output = ""
description = "Clone entire drive and show progress (use cat instead of pv for no progress)"
command = "pv /dev/sda > /dev/sdb"
output = ""
description = "Use xargs to run a command in parallel on files and save the result file in a different folder with the same name"
command = "find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -P4 -I {} sh -c 'pluck -a \"a\" -d \"b\" -l -1 -f {} -o out/`basename {}`.json'"
output = ""
description = "Run command in parallel and also print progress, when using a filelist"
command = "FIND=( find \"\" -type f ) && ${FIND[@]} -print0 | pv -0lps $(${FIND[@]} | wc -l) | xargs -0 -n1 -P4 -I {} sh -c 'pluck -c config.toml -f {} -o out/`basename {}`.json'"
output = ""
description = "Clone all repositories of an organization or user on Github"
command = "curl -s | python -c $'import json, sys, os\\nfor repo in json.load(sys.stdin): os.system(\"git clone \" + repo[\"ssh_url\"])'"
output = ""
description = "Convert website HTML to markdown and strip tags"
command = "pandoc -s -S -t markdown-raw_html -o website.html"
output = ""
description = "Change all the extension from .old to .new"
command = "rename 's/.old/.new/' *.old"
output = ""
description = "Create low-resolution of PDF with ghostscript"
command = "gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=PGK.pdf PGKv11.pdf"
output = ""
description = "Start auto-syncing webserver with browser-sync"
command = "browser-sync start --server --files . --index index.html"
output = ""
description = "Remove old docker stuff"
command = "docker ps --filter \"status=exited\" | grep 'weeks ago' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker rm"
output = ""
description = "Docker remove all untagged images"
command = "docker images | grep \"<none>\" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker rmi"
output = ""
description = "Make an offline mirror of a website"
command = "wget --mirror --convert-links --adjust-extension --page-requisites --no-parent"
output = ""
description = "Use IPFS locally while running `ipfs daemon` on, by forwarding ports"
command = "ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 -L 5001:localhost:5001"
output = ""
description = "Probe which devices are on the network and get the MAC addresses"
command = "arping -w 1 -f -I wlp3s0 | grep '\\[' | cut -d \"[\" -f2 | cut -d \"]\" -f1"
output = ""
description = "Resume a rsync/scp transfer from local to remote after it has been broken"
command = "rsync -P -e ssh local_file user@host:remote_file"
output = ""
description = "Find and delete files older than 7 days"
command = "find /path/to/ -type f -mtime +7 -name '*.gz' -execdir rm -- '{}' \\;"
output = ""
description = "Download a site in its entirity so that it works offline (gets other-domain assets as well)"
command = "wget --restrict-file-names=windows -k --adjust-extension --span-hosts --convert-links --backup-converted --page-requisites SITE"
output = ""
description = "Download a website for converting to ipfs"
command = "wget --recursive --level=1 --span-hosts -k --no-clobber --page-requisites --adjust-extension --span-hosts --convert-links --restrict-file-names=windows --domains --no-parent"
output = ""
description = "Resize a big JPG image from Google Photos to something smaller"
command = "convert -resize 1600 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 55% in.jpg out.jpg"
output = ""
description = "SSH copy a file from a remote to local, with gzip to increase bandwidth transferred"
command = "ssh -p 22 user@server \"cat bigfile | gzip -9\" | gzip -d | pv -atep -s \"1g\" > bigfile"
output = ""
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