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Created March 18, 2024 22:46
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from itertools import combinations, pairwise, product, count
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Sequence, Tuple, TypeAlias, Optional, Protocol
from numpy._typing import NDArray
from numpy.core import numerictypes
from numpy.core.function_base import linspace
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from math import cos, radians, sin, sqrt, tau, ceil, pi
from fractions import Fraction
from dataclasses import dataclass
from import Iterable
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import imread
Number: TypeAlias = int | float
XY: TypeAlias = Tuple[Number, Number]
def PA(point: XY):
return f"PA {round(point[0])},{round(point[1])};"
def SP(pen: int = 0):
return f"SP {pen};"
def LB(string: str):
# ASCII 3 = "\3" = "ETX" = (end of text)
return f"LB{string}\3;"
def TEXT(point, label, run_over_rise=None, width=None, height=None):
if run_over_rise:
yield f"DI {round(run_over_rise[0])},{round(run_over_rise[1])};"
if width and height:
yield f"SI {width:.3f},{height:.3f}"
yield from [PU, PA(point), LB(label)]
IN = "IN;"
PD = "PD;"
PU = "PU;"
class Plottable(Protocol):
def __call__(self, offsets: XY = (0, 0), size: XY = (1, 1)) -> Iterable[str]: ...
GapUnit: TypeAlias = Number | Fraction
Gap: TypeAlias = GapUnit | Tuple[GapUnit, GapUnit]
class ZStack(Plottable):
def __init__(self, children: Sequence[Plottable]):
self.children = children
def __call__(self, offsets: XY = (0, 0), size: XY = (1, 1)) -> Iterable[str]:
for child in self.children:
yield from child(offsets, size)
class Grid(Plottable):
def __init__(
children: Sequence[Plottable],
gap: Gap = (0, 0),
self.children = children
self.columns = columns
if not isinstance(gap, tuple):
gap = (gap, gap) = gap
def __call__(self, offsets: XY = (0, 0), size: XY = (1, 1)) -> Iterable[str]:
row_gap, column_gap =
width = (1.0 - column_gap) / self.columns * size[0]
row_count = ceil(len(self.children) / self.columns)
height = (1.0 - row_gap) / row_count * size[1]
child_size = (width, height)
gap_width = column_gap / (self.columns - 1) * size[0] if self.columns > 1 else 0
gap_height = row_gap / (row_count - 1) * size[1] if row_count > 1 else 0
# print(locals())
for i, child in enumerate(self.children):
row, column = divmod(i, self.columns)
child_offsets = (
int(column * (width + gap_width) + offsets[0]),
int(row * (height + gap_height) + offsets[1]),
yield from child(offsets=child_offsets, size=child_size)
class Page:
default_height = 7650
default_width = 10750
default_size = (default_width, default_height)
def __init__(
child: Plottable,
origin=(0, 0),
) -> None:
self.child = child
self.origin = origin
self.size = size
def __call__(self, number: Optional[int | str] = None):
yield from [IN, SP(1)]
yield from self.child(self.origin, self.size)
if number and False:
yield from TEXT(
point=(Page.default_width + 200, Page.default_height / 2 - 62),
run_over_rise=(0, 1), # portrait bottom
yield from [PU, SP()]
class CalibratedPage(Page):
"""Magic values; calibrated with ruler"""
def __init__(self, child: Plottable) -> None:
# to equalize left and right margin...
origin = (0, 220)
# ...and top & bottom margin, too
size = (Page.default_width - 80, Page.default_height - 220 - 10)
super().__init__(child, origin, size)
def scaled(point: XY, offset: XY, size: XY):
scaled_x = point[0] * size[0] + offset[0]
scaled_y = point[1] * size[1] + offset[1]
return (scaled_x, scaled_y)
class Path(Plottable):
def __init__(self, vertices: Sequence[XY], close=False) -> None:
self.vertices = vertices
self.close = close
def __call__(self, offsets: XY = (0, 0), size: XY = (1, 1)) -> Iterable[str]:
start, rest = self.vertices[0], self.vertices[1:]
scaled_start = scaled(start, offsets, size)
yield from [PU, PA(scaled_start), PD]
yield from [PA(scaled(point, offsets, size)) for point in rest]
if self.close:
yield PA(scaled_start)
def rgb2gray(rgb):
r, g, b = rgb[:, :, 0], rgb[:, :, 1], rgb[:, :, 2]
gray = 0.2989 * r + 0.5870 * g + 0.1140 * b
return gray
class Postage(Plottable):
def __init__(self, message=[], address=[]) -> None:
self.message = message
self.address = address
self.line_height = 0.05
def __call__(self, offsets: XY = (0, 0), size: XY = (1, 1)) -> Iterable[str]:
cmds = []
for i, line in enumerate(self.message):
cmds += TEXT(
point=scaled((-0.1, 1 - (0.1 + self.line_height * i)), offsets, size),
run_over_rise=(1, 0), # portrait bottom
for i, line in enumerate(self.address):
cmds += TEXT(
(0.6, 1.0 - (self.line_height * 7 + self.line_height * i)),
run_over_rise=(1, 0), # portrait bottom
yield from cmds
class Cat(Plottable):
def __init__(self, close=False) -> None:
self.something = True
def __call__(self, offsets: XY = (0, 0), size: XY = (1, 1)) -> Iterable[str]:
filename = "mrchou.png"
thresholds = [21, 26]
thresholdi_override = None
commands = [PU]
for thresholdi, threshold in enumerate(thresholds):
if thresholdi_override is not None:
thresholdi = thresholdi_override
# run `convert libby.png -colorspace Gray libby2.png`
os.system(f"convert {filename} -colorspace Gray 1.png")
os.system(f"convert 1.png -background white -alpha remove -alpha off 2.png")
os.system(f"convert 2.png -threshold {threshold}% 3.png")
im = imread("3.png")
max_size = max(im.shape)
f"convert -size {max_size}x{max_size} xc:white 3.png -gravity center -composite 4.png"
# reduce size of image
im = imread("4.png")
scaling_factor = 1
spread_factor = 2
f"convert 4.png -resize {im.shape[0]/scaling_factor}x{im.shape[1]/scaling_factor} 5.png"
os.system(f"convert 5.png -rotate 0 6.png")
im = imread("6.png")
# # # rotate image
# im = np.rot90(im, 3)
# get dimensions of image
pen_down = False
did_pen_down = False
for i, row in enumerate(im):
if i % spread_factor != 0 and spread_factor > 1:
for j, v in enumerate(row):
v = not v
x = (
+ scaling_factor * j * size[0] / im.shape[0]
+ scaling_factor * size[0] / im.shape[0] * thresholdi / 3 * 2
y = (
+ scaling_factor * i * size[1] / im.shape[1]
+ scaling_factor * size[1] / im.shape[1] * thresholdi / 3 * 2
if v and not pen_down:
commands.append(PA((x, y)))
pen_down = True
did_pen_down = True
elif (not v) and pen_down:
commands.append(PA((x, y)))
pen_down = False
if did_pen_down:
did_pen_down = False
yield from commands
class UpTriangle(Plottable):
def __call__(self, offsets: XY = (0, 0), size: XY = (1, 1)) -> Iterable[str]:
path = Path([(0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0)], close=True)
yield from path(offsets, size)
class Outline(Plottable):
def __init__(self, child: Plottable) -> None:
self.child = child
def __call__(self, offsets: XY = (0, 0), size: XY = (1, 1)) -> Iterable[str]:
path = Path([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)], close=True)
yield from path(offsets, size)
yield from self.child(offsets, size)
class CenterSquare(Plottable):
def __init__(self, child: Plottable) -> None:
self.child = child
def __call__(self, offsets: XY = (0, 0), size: XY = (1, 1)) -> Iterable[str]:
major, minor = (0, 1) if size[0] >= size[1] else (1, 0)
major_length, minor_length = size[major], size[minor]
assert (major_length, minor_length) == (max(size), min(size))
major_offset, minor_offset = offsets[major], offsets[minor]
delta = major_length - minor_length
child_offsets = ()
major_minor_offsets = (offsets[major] + delta / 2, offsets[minor])
child_offsets = (
if size[0] >= size[1]
else tuple(reversed(major_minor_offsets))
child_size = (minor_length, minor_length)
yield from self.child(offsets=child_offsets, size=child_size)
# Function to parse HPGL commands and extract points
def parse_hpgl(hpgl):
commands = hpgl.strip().split(";")
lines = []
texts = []
pen_down = 0
current_pos = (0, 0)
for cmd in commands:
if cmd.startswith("PU"):
pen_down = 0
elif cmd.startswith("PD"):
pen_down = 1
elif cmd.startswith("LB"):
texts.append((current_pos, cmd[2:-1]))
elif cmd.startswith("PA"):
coords = cmd[2:].split(",")
last_pos = current_pos
current_pos = (int(coords[0]), int(coords[1]))
if pen_down == 1:
lines.append((last_pos, current_pos))
return lines, texts
# Function to draw lines on a matplotlib plot
def draw_hpgl(hpgl):
lines, texts = parse_hpgl(hpgl)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for line in lines:
(x1, y1), (x2, y2) = line
ax.plot([x1, x2], [y1, y2], "black")
for text in texts:
(x, y), t = text
ax.text(x, y, t, fontsize=6)
ax.set_aspect("equal", "box")
plt.gca().invert_yaxis() # Invert Y-axis to match HPGL coordinate system
plt.axis("off") # Turn off axes for a cleaner look
plt.savefig("plot.png", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0) # Save plot to file
def main():
cats = [
message=["hello, world", "- person"],
"number street",
"apt X",
"city, st",
for _ in range(4)
cats = [Outline(CenterSquare(Cat())) for _ in range(4)]
grid = Grid(children=cats, columns=2, gap=(Fraction("1/64"), Fraction("1/64")))
page = CalibratedPage(grid)
hpgl_code = ""
for line in page(number="testpage"):
hpgl_code += line
if __name__ == "__main__":
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