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Created January 11, 2011 22:04
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public class AutoMapperProfile : Profile
protected override void Configure()
CreateMap<DateTime, FormattedDateTime>().ConvertUsing<FormattedDateConverter>();
CreateMap<string, bool>().ConvertUsing(x => x == "Y" || x.ToLowerInvariant() == "on" || x == "1");
DictionaryToClassConverter.ConvertFromDictionary(this, GetType().Assembly, x => x.ToLowerInvariant());
public static class DictionaryToClassConverter
public static void ConvertFromDictionary(Profile p, Assembly assembly, Func<string, string> propertyNameMapper)
var types = assembly
.Where(x => x.GetInterfaces().Where(y => y == typeof(IFlatSql)).Any())
var createMap = typeof(Profile).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).Where(x => x.Name == "CreateMap" && x.IsGenericMethod).Single(); ;
var mapDictionary = typeof(DictionaryToClassConverter).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic).Where(x => x.Name == "MapDictionary").Single();
foreach (var type in types)
MethodInfo createMapGeneric = createMap.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { typeof(IDictionary), type });
var map = createMapGeneric.Invoke(p, new object[] {});
MethodInfo mapDictionaryGeneric = mapDictionary.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { type });
mapDictionaryGeneric.Invoke(null, new object[]{ map, propertyNameMapper });
private static void MapDictionary<T>(this IMappingExpression<IDictionary, T> exp, Func<string, string> propertyNameMapper)
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic))
if (!pi.CanWrite)
var propertyName = propertyNameMapper(pi.Name);
exp.ForMember(pi.Name, cfg =>
cfg.Condition(r => r.Contains(propertyName));
cfg.MapFrom(r => r[propertyName]);
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