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Created April 1, 2022 08:20
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  • Save schovi/a73f319f336f11a3c16ba923b19df21a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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tap 'homebrew/cask'
tap 'homebrew/cask-fonts'
tap 'homebrew/cask-versions'
tap 'clementtsang/bottom' #
tap 'brona/iproute2mac'
# tap 'thoughtbot/formulae' #
## Cask applications
cask_args appdir: '/Applications'
# cask 'dash' # Recently paid
cask 'altair-graphql-client'
cask 'app-cleaner'
cask 'around'
cask 'brave-browser'
cask 'captain'
cask 'caption'
cask 'cleanshot'
cask 'coconutbattery'
cask 'contexts'
cask 'cyberduck'
cask 'daisydisk'
cask 'devdocs'
cask 'discord'
cask 'docker'
cask 'dozer'
cask 'epic-games'
cask 'figma'
cask 'flotato'
cask 'fork'
cask 'freeyourmusic'
cask 'gog-galaxy'
cask 'gpg-suite-no-mail'
cask 'handbrake'
cask 'homebrew/cask-drivers/sony-ps-remote-play'
cask 'iina'
cask 'itch'
cask 'iterm2-beta'
cask 'keka'
cask 'keybase'
# cask 'macvim' # installed manually
cask 'meetingbar'
cask 'miro'
cask 'monitorcontrol'
cask 'monodraw'
cask 'mos'
cask 'onyx'
cask 'paw'
cask 'pika'
cask 'postman'
cask 'raycast'
cask 'rectangle' # TODO: there is a PRO version
cask 'secretive'
cask 'sequel-pro'
cask 'slack'
cask 'spotify'
cask 'steam'
cask 'tableplus'
cask 'table-tool'
cask 'twitch'
cask 'visual-studio-code'
cask 'whatsapp'
cask 'wifi-explorer'
cask 'wireshark'
cask 'xbar'
cask 'zoom'
# cask 'tunnelblick'
# cask 'wkhtmltopdf'
# cask 'qlvideo'
# cask 'visualvm'
## Mac app Store
# mas '1Password', id: 443_987_910 # Not working in Productboard
mas 'Any Media Info', id: 1124274642
mas 'Bear', id: 1091189122
mas 'Codye', id: 1516894961
mas 'DevCleaner', id: 1388020431
mas 'Gifski', id: 1351639930
mas 'HazeOver', id: 430798174
mas 'Infuse', id: 1136220934
mas 'InYourFace', id: 1476964367
mas 'IP Scanner', id: 404167149
mas 'Keynote', id: 409183694
mas 'LimeChat', id: 414030210
mas 'Lunatask: A Better To-Do List', id: 1583719331
mas 'Numbers', id: 409203825
mas 'Okta Extension App', id: 1439967473
mas 'Overlap', id: 1516950324
mas 'Pages', id: 409201541
mas 'Paste', id: 967805235
mas 'Reeder', id: 1529448980
mas 'Sandkorn', id: 1377973524
mas 'Speedtest', id: 1153157709
mas 'Table Tool', id: 1122008420
# mas 'Dato', id: 1470584107
# mas 'Grammarly for Safari', id: 1462114288
# mas 'Hand Mirror', id: 1502839586
# mas 'Jira', id: 1475897096
# mas 'ToothFairy', id: 1191449274
## Terminal and native utils replacements
## Essentials
brew 'fish'
# brew 'aws-iam-authenticator'
brew 'aws-iam-authenticator'
cask 'aws-vault'
brew 'awscli'
brew 'bat'
brew 'bench'
brew 'bottom'
brew 'curl'
brew 'diff-so-fancy'
brew 'dsq' # -> sql query like any data file
brew 'exa'
brew 'fd'
brew 'fzf'
brew 'git'
brew 'git-delta'
brew 'helm'
brew 'htmlq'
brew 'httpie'
brew 'jless'
brew 'jo'
brew 'jq'
brew 'k9s' #
brew 'kubectx' #
brew 'lazydocker'
brew 'libpq'
brew 'mkcert'
brew 'nvm'
brew 'openjdk'
brew 'pgcli'
brew 'prettyping'
brew 'redis'
brew 'ripgrep'
brew 'starship'
brew 'stern'
brew 'tailscale'
brew 'terminal-notifier'
brew 'tilt'
brew 'tree'
brew 'z'
# Crystal
brew 'crystal'
# brew 'ameba'
## Non essentials
brew 'hexyl'
# brew 'htop'
brew 'iproute2mac' # command 'ip'
brew 'ncdu'
brew 'tldr'
brew 'neofetch'
# brew 'screen'
brew 'telnet'
## Fonts
cask 'font-hack-nerd-font'
cask 'font-jetbrains-mono'
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