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Created August 10, 2021 23:47
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import argparse
from PIL import Image
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("inputfile", help="Path to the image file to convert")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Path to output file with the C array, if not given the same filename as the input is used, with filetype .c", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--preview", help="Print the resulting image to the terminal", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--dither", help="Set flag to dither image in conversion from colour to BW, if applicable", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--small", help="Set flag if your OLED has a resolution of 128x32 instead of 128x64", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-x", "--width", help="Pixel width of your OLED", type=int)
parser.add_argument("-y", "--height", help="Pixel height of your OLED. If no OLED resolution information is given, 128x64 is assumed", type=int)
parser.add_argument("-w", "--white",
help="If set, the padding on images with an aspect ratio different to the aspect ratio of your OLED will be white instead of black", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
## Some argument checking to be sure given input isn't goobledigook
if args.small and (args.width or args.height):
exit("Use only -s/--small OR -x/--width <WIDTH> -y/--height <HEIGHT> to set your OLED resolution")
if (args.width is None and args.height is not None) or (args.width is not None and args.height is None):
exit("Please provide both width and height of your OLED: -x <WIDTH> -y <HEIGHT>")
if (args.width and args.width <= 0) or (args.height and args.height <= 0):
exit("Given OLED resolution must be positive integers")
if args.height and args.height % 8 != 0:
exit("Vertical resolution must be a multiple of 8")
## Calculate and store OLED resolution and aspect ratio for later
outputWidth = 128 if not args.width else args.width
outputHeight = 32 if args.small else 64 if not args.height else args.height
outputAspectRatio = outputWidth / outputHeight
outputFilename = args.inputfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".c"
def image2array(filename, dithering):
result = []
with as img:
print("Reading file {}".format(filename))
if img.mode != "1":
img = img.convert("1", dither=1 if dithering else 0)
print("Converting image to black and white, {}dithering".format("" if dithering else "not "))
inputWidth, inputHeight = img.size
inputAspectRatio = inputWidth / inputHeight
if inputAspectRatio >= outputAspectRatio: # If input image is too wide, resize to fit
rescaleFactor = outputWidth / inputWidth
img = img.resize((round(inputWidth * rescaleFactor), round(inputHeight * rescaleFactor)))
rescaleFactor = outputHeight / inputHeight # If input image is too tall, resize to fit
img = img.resize((round(inputWidth * rescaleFactor), round(inputHeight * rescaleFactor)))
resizedWidth, resizedHeight = img.size
frame ="1", (outputWidth, outputHeight), 255 if args.white else 0) # Make empty frame of same resolution as output
if outputWidth > resizedWidth: # Place resized input image centered in the empty frame
frame.paste(img, ((outputWidth - resizedWidth) // 2, 0))
elif outputHeight > resizedHeight:
frame.paste(img, (0, (outputHeight - resizedHeight) // 2))
frame.paste(img, (0, 0))
img = frame
resizedWidth, resizedHeight = img.size
for y in range(0, resizedHeight, 8):
for x in range(0, resizedWidth):
col = 0
for p in range(0, 8):
pixel = int(img.getpixel((x, y + p)) / 255)
s = pixel << p
col = col | s
except IOError:
exit("Error reading image file")
return result
def previewImage(array, width, height):
print("Printing preview:")
for y in range(0, int(height / 8)):
for p in range(0, 8, 2):
for x in range(0, width):
i = x + y * width
b = array[i] >> p & 1
b2 = array[i] >> (p + 1) & 1
if (b == 0 and b2 == 0):
print(" ", end = '')
elif (b == 1 and b2 == 0):
print("▀", end = '')
elif (b == 0 and b2 == 1):
print("▄", end = '')
elif (b == 1 and b2 == 1):
print("█", end = '')
def writeArray(array, width, tofile, outputfile):
outputstring = ""
outputstring += "static void render_image_{}(void) {{\n ".format(outputfile[:-2])
outputstring += "static const char PROGMEM {}[] = {{ ".format(outputfile[:-2])
for index, byte in enumerate(array):
if index % width == 0 and index > 0:
outputstring += "\n "
outputstring += "{}, ".format(byte) if index != len(array) - 1 else "{}\n }};\n\n".format(byte)
outputstring += " oled_write_raw_P({}, sizeof({}));\n}}".format(outputfile[:-2], outputfile[:-2])
if tofile:
with open(outputfile, "w+") as f:
print("Writing to file {}".format(outputfile))
exit("Error writing to output file")
imagearray = image2array(args.inputfile, args.dither)
if args.preview:
previewImage(imagearray, outputWidth, outputHeight)
writeArray(imagearray, outputWidth, args.output, outputFilename)
print("Success! Copy the {} to your keymap.c to start using it!".format(("contents of " + outputFilename) if args.output else "above"))
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