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WIP: pxor string via janky emulation
import time
from typing import List
import pefile
from capstone import *
from capstone.x86 import *
import re
import struct
# SAMPLE_PATH = 'bin/enc_string_test.bin32'
SAMPLE_PATH = 'bin/2cd2f077ca597ad0ef234a357ea71558d5e039da9df9958d0b8bd0efa92e74c9.bin32'
# SAMPLE_PATH = 'bin/cheat.bin'
STACK_SIZE = 0x3000
CHUNK_SIZE = 0x400
# 128 bit pack/unpack
def pack_128(val):
b = (val >> 64) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
return struct.pack('<QQ', a, b)
def unpack_128(val):
a, b = struct.unpack('<QQ', val)
return a | (b << 64)
class Env:
def __init__(self):
self.stack = bytearray(STACK_SIZE)
self.reg = [0]*X86_REG_ENDING
def clear(self):
self.stack = bytearray(STACK_SIZE)
self.reg = [0] * X86_REG_ENDING
# save data to the stack as little endian at the given offset
def save_stack(self, offset, data, size):
# if offset is negative, wrap around
if offset < 0:
offset = STACK_SIZE + offset
if offset + size > STACK_SIZE:
offset = offset % STACK_SIZE
if size == 1:
self.stack[offset] = data
elif size == 2:
self.stack[offset:offset+2] = struct.pack('<H', data)
elif size == 4:
self.stack[offset:offset+4] = struct.pack('<I', data)
elif size == 8:
self.stack[offset:offset+8] = struct.pack('<Q', data)
elif size == 16:
self.stack[offset:offset+16] = pack_128(data)
# load data from the stack as little endian at the given offset
def load_stack(self, offset, size):
if offset < 0:
offset = STACK_SIZE + offset
if offset + size > STACK_SIZE:
offset = offset % STACK_SIZE
if size == 1:
return self.stack[offset]
elif size == 2:
return struct.unpack('<H', self.stack[offset:offset+2])[0]
elif size == 4:
return struct.unpack('<I', self.stack[offset:offset+4])[0]
elif size == 8:
return struct.unpack('<Q', self.stack[offset:offset+8])[0]
elif size == 16:
return unpack_128(self.stack[offset:offset+16])
def setup_capstone():
md = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_32)
md.detail = True
md.skipdata = True
return md
# find all pxor instructions using regex, then goes up chunk size and disassembles
def find_all_pxor(md: Cs, pe: pefile.PE):
txt_section = pe.sections[0]
txt_data = txt_section.get_data()
image_base = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase
section_rva = txt_section.VirtualAddress
pxor_egg = b'\x66\x0F\xEF'
pxor_size = 6
scan_end = txt_data.rfind(pxor_egg)
txt_data = txt_data[:scan_end+pxor_size]
# get a chunk of instructions starting from the given offset
def get_chunk(start, size):
instructions = []
for inst in md.disasm(txt_data[start-size:start+pxor_size], image_base + section_rva + start + pxor_size - size):
# we only care about pxor and mov instructions
if inst.mnemonic == 'pxor' or inst.mnemonic == 'mov' or inst.mnemonic == 'movaps':
# skip if no instructions
if len(instructions) == 0:
return []
# skip if first instruction is not pxor
if instructions[-1].mnemonic != 'pxor':
return []
return instructions
# get pxor chunks
chunks = []
for m in re.finditer(pxor_egg, txt_data, re.DOTALL):
scan_end = m.start()
chunks.append(get_chunk(scan_end, CHUNK_SIZE))
return chunks
#simple xor function
def xor(data, key):
out = []
for i in range(len(data)):
out.append(data[i] ^ key[i % len(key)])
return bytes(out)
def emulate_chunk(chunk : List[CsInsn], env: Env):
inst : CsInsn # auto complete
strings_out = []
for inst in chunk:
r, w = inst.regs_access()
#print(f'{hex(inst.address)}: {inst.mnemonic} {inst.op_str}, r: {r}, w: {w}')
if inst.mnemonic == 'mov':
# if first op is stack pointer and second op is register
if len(r) == 2 and (r[0] == X86_REG_ESP or r[0] == X86_REG_EBP):
#print(f'0x{inst.address:x}: write {hex(env.reg[r[1]])} to stack at {hex(inst.disp)}')
env.save_stack(inst.disp, env.reg[r[1]], inst.operands[1].size)
# if first op is register and second op is stack pointer
elif len(r) == 1 and (r[0] == X86_REG_ESP or r[0] == X86_REG_EBP) and len(w) == 1:
#print(f'0x{inst.address:x}: read {hex(env.load_stack(inst.disp, inst.operands[0].size))} from stack at {hex(inst.disp)}')
env.reg[w[0]] = env.load_stack(inst.disp, inst.operands[0].size)
# if first op is stack pointer and second op is immediate
elif len(r) == 1 and (r[0] == X86_REG_ESP or r[0] == X86_REG_EBP) and inst.operands[1].type == X86_OP_IMM:
#print(f'0x{inst.address:x}: write {hex(inst.operands[1].imm)} to stack at {hex(inst.disp)}')
env.save_stack(inst.disp, inst.operands[1].imm, inst.operands[1].size)
# if first op is register and second op is immediate
elif len(w) == 1 and inst.operands[1].type == X86_OP_IMM:
#print(f'0x{inst.address:x}: write {hex(inst.operands[1].imm)} to {hex(inst.operands[0].reg)}')
env.reg[w[0]] = inst.operands[1].imm
# if first op is stack pointer and second op is register
elif len(r) == 2 and (r[0] == X86_REG_ESP or r[0] == X86_REG_EBP):
#print(f'0x{inst.address:x}: write {hex(env.reg[r[1]])} to stack at {hex(inst.disp)}')
env.save_stack(inst.disp, env.reg[r[1]], inst.operands[1].size)
elif inst.mnemonic == 'movaps':
# if first op is stack pointer and second op is register
if len(r) == 2 and (r[0] == X86_REG_ESP or r[0] == X86_REG_EBP):
#print(f'0x{inst.address:x}: write {hex(env.reg[r[1]])} to stack at {hex(inst.disp)}')
env.save_stack(inst.disp, env.reg[r[1]], inst.operands[1].size)
# if first op is register and second op is stack pointer
elif len(r) == 1 and (r[0] == X86_REG_ESP or r[0] == X86_REG_EBP) and len(w) == 1:
#print(f'0x{inst.address:x}: read {hex(env.load_stack(inst.disp, inst.operands[0].size))} from stack at {hex(inst.disp)}')
env.reg[w[0]] = env.load_stack(inst.disp, inst.operands[0].size)
# looking for pxor with:
# "pxor xmm0, xmmword ptr [esp+0x10]"
# "pxor xmm0, xmmword ptr [ebp-0x10]"
# e.g.
elif inst.mnemonic == 'pxor':
# grab the two operand values
val1 = env.reg[r[0]]
val2 = env.load_stack(inst.disp, inst.operands[1].size)
#print(f'0x{inst.address:x}: xor {hex(val1)} with {hex(val2)} to get {hex(val1 ^ val2)}')
if val1 == 0 or val2 == 0:
# pack them into 128 bit values
data = pack_128(val1)
key = pack_128(val2)
out = xor(data, key)
#print(f'0x{inst.address:x}: xor {data} with {key} to get {out}')
env.reg[w[0]] = unpack_128(out)
strings_out.append((inst.address, out))
raise Exception(f'Unknown instruction {inst.mnemonic}')
# strings_out = b''.join(strings_out)
# strings_out = strings_out.split(b'\x00')
return strings_out
pe = pefile.PE(SAMPLE_PATH)
md = setup_capstone()
t = time.time()
chunks = find_all_pxor(md, pe)
print(f"found {len(chunks)} chunks")
env = Env()
strings = []
# loop through each chunk and "emulate" it
for chunk in chunks:
if len(chunk) == 0:
# extend the strings list with the strings found in this chunk
strings.extend(emulate_chunk(chunk, env))
print(f"Benchmark {time.time() - t}")
# hack to remove duplicates
# strings = list(dict.fromkeys(strings))
for a, s in strings:
# tidy up some of the strings
s = s.rstrip(b'\x00')
s = s.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
if len(s) == 0:
print(f'0x{a:08x}: {s}')
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