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Created March 1, 2021 20:25
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Use this script to fix AVI Xvid or DivX files to be playable on newer Samsung TV's
Do not run this script from Powershell ISE, only run from Powershell terminal window or Windows Terminal
Prerequisite: ffmpeg.exe in global path
# if you want to backup files first before processing set this variable value to $true
[bool] $EnableBackup = $false
# for example, if backup fails then stop the script
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
$FilesToProcess = Get-ChildItem -path $PSScriptRoot -Filter *.avi -Recurse
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $FilesToProcess.Length; $i++) {
$source = $FilesToProcess[$i].FullName
Write-Host $("(" + [string]($i+1) + '\' + [string]$FilesToProcess.Length + ") " + $source) -ForegroundColor red -BackgroundColor white
# backup
if ($EnableBackup -and (-not (Test-Path($($source + ".bak")) ))) {
Write-Host "backing up: $source"
Copy-Item -PAth $source -Destination $($source + ".bak")
# rename original file
Move-Item -Path $source -Destination $($source + '.baksrc')
# ffmpeg process, src:
& ffmpeg -i $('"' + $source + ".baksrc" + '"') -nostats -loglevel error -c copy -bsf:v mpeg4_unpack_bframes -vtag FMP4 $('"' + $source + '"')
# remove original file
Remove-Item -Path $($source + '.baksrc')
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