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Created August 23, 2011 22:27
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open System
open System.Net.Mail
open System.Security
open System.Security.Cryptography
open System.Text
open SmtpClientExtension
type Account = {
User : string;
Passwort : string;
Email : string;
let asyncSendMail host port =
(fun msg ->
async {
let client = new SmtpClient(host, port)
let! t = client.AsyncSend(msg)
return t
let createMail from subject body =
(fun to' -> new MailMessage(from, to', subject, body))
let createConfirmationMail =
(fun account ->
|> createMail "" "Registration confirmation" "Thank you for registering")
let registerAccount acc =
// do some fancy stuff :)
let hash (text:string) =
use hashFunction = new SHA512Managed()
let encoding = new UnicodeEncoding()
encoding.GetBytes text
|> hashFunction.ComputeHash
|> Convert.ToBase64String
let getAccountData()=
{ User = "rainer"; Passwort = "my_pw"; Email = "" }
let account = getAccountData()
{ account with Passwort = hash account.Passwort }
|> registerAccount
|> createConfirmationMail
|> asyncSendMail "localhost" 50505
|> Async.Start
module SmtpClientExtension =
// author Mauricio Scheffer
// from
open System
open System.Net
open System.Net.Mail
open System.Threading
/// from
type internal AsyncResultNoResult(callback: AsyncCallback, state: obj) =
let statePending = 0
let stateCompletedSync = 1
let stateCompletedAsync = 2
let mutable completedState = statePending
let mutable waitHandle: ManualResetEvent = null
let mutable resultException: exn = null
interface IAsyncResult with
member x.AsyncState = state
member x.AsyncWaitHandle =
if waitHandle = null then
let isDone = (x :> IAsyncResult).IsCompleted
let mre = new ManualResetEvent(isDone)
if Interlocked.CompareExchange(&waitHandle, mre, null) <> null
then mre.Close()
if not isDone && (x :> IAsyncResult).IsCompleted
then waitHandle.Set() |> ignore
upcast waitHandle
member x.CompletedSynchronously =
Thread.VolatileRead(&completedState) = stateCompletedSync
member x.IsCompleted =
Thread.VolatileRead(&completedState) <> statePending
member x.SetAsCompleted(e: exn, completedSynchronously: bool) =
resultException <- e
let prevState = Interlocked.Exchange(&completedState, if completedSynchronously then stateCompletedSync else stateCompletedAsync)
if prevState <> statePending
then raise <| InvalidOperationException("You can set a result only once")
if waitHandle <> null
then waitHandle.Set() |> ignore
if callback <> null
then callback.Invoke(x)
member x.EndInvoke() =
let this = x :> IAsyncResult
if not this.IsCompleted then
this.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne() |> ignore
waitHandle <- null
if resultException <> null
then raise resultException
type SmtpClient with
member private x.GetAsyncResult(callback, state) : IAsyncResult =
let r = AsyncResultNoResult(callback, state)
|> Event.add(fun args -> r.SetAsCompleted(args.Error, false))
upcast r
member x.BeginSend(message: MailMessage, callback, state) =
let r = x.GetAsyncResult(callback, state)
x.SendAsync(message, null)
member x.BeginSend(from, recipients, subject, body, callback, state) =
let r = x.GetAsyncResult(callback, state)
x.SendAsync(from, recipients, subject, body, null)
member x.EndSend(result: IAsyncResult) =
let result = result :?> AsyncResultNoResult
member x.AsyncSend(message: MailMessage) =
Async.FromBeginEnd((fun(iar,state) -> x.BeginSend(message, iar, state)), x.EndSend, x.SendAsyncCancel)
member x.AsyncSend(from, recipients, subject, body) : Async<unit> =
Async.FromBeginEnd((fun(iar,state) -> x.BeginSend(from, recipients, subject, body, iar, state)), x.EndSend, x.SendAsyncCancel)
// silly example
async {
let credentials = NetworkCredential("", "yourpassword")
use smtp = new SmtpClient("", 587, EnableSsl = true, Credentials = credentials)
do! smtp.AsyncSend("", "", "this subject", "cucamonga")
} |> Async.RunSynchronously
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