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Last active December 14, 2015 20:49
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my .bashrc
source .bashrc
if [ `hostname -s` != $MY_LAPTOP ]; then
# reattach or start a new screen. don't make it a login shell.
screen -xRR -ln
# prompt configuration.
if [ `hostname -s` != $MY_LAPTOP ]; then
# ... remote terminal prompt looks like:
# 16:08:35 my_server:~$
# ... or if not using my regular username remotely:
# 16:08:35 ubuntu@aws_instance:~$
HOST=`hostname -s`
if [ `whoami` != $MY_USERNAME ]; then
export PS1="\\[\\e]0;$HOST:\\w\\a\\]\\t $HOST:\\w$ "
# ... local terminal prompt looks like:
# 13:07:59 ~$
export PS1='\[\e]0;\w\a\]\t \w$ '
# setting $SSH_AUTH_SOCK in combination with .screenrc lets ssh-agent reconnect
# after detaching and reattaching a screen(1) session.
test $SSH_AUTH_SOCK && ln -sf "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" "/tmp/ssh-agent-$USER-screen"
# keep the matching .screenrc here for reference.
[ ! -r ~/.screenrc ] && cat > ~/.screenrc <<EOF
defutf8 on
term screen-256color
unsetenv SSH_AUTH_SOCK
setenv SSH_AUTH_SOCK "/tmp/ssh-agent-$USER-screen"
# usage: moveinto new.remote.server
# copies up all the necessaries, including this file.
moveinto () {
cd ~
ssh $1 'mkdir -p .ssh && chmod 700 .ssh'
rsync -av .ssh/ $1:.ssh/authorized_keys
rsync -av .ssh/config $1:.ssh/config
rsync -avz .screenrc .bash_profile .bashrc .gitconfig .gemrc .vim* $1:
# minutiae.
# don't put duplicate lines in the history.
# append to the history file, don't overwrite it
shopt -s histappend
# for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1)
# check the window size after each command and, if necessary,
# update the values of LINES and COLUMNS.
shopt -s checkwinsize
# other minutiae.
export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim
export TZ=America/Los_Angeles
alias h='history | tail -20'
# handy git aliases.
alias pull="git pull --ff-only origin"
alias fetch="git fetch"
alias rebase="git rebase -i"
alias commit="git commit"
alias checkout="git checkout"
alias push="git push origin"
alias branch="git branch"
alias merge="git merge"
alias delta="git diff" # so as not to conflict with diff(1)
alias status="git status"
alias log="git log"
alias stash="git stash"
# put server-specific stuff in ~/.bashrc.local
[ -r ~/.bashrc.local ] && source ~/.bashrc.local
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