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Last active September 5, 2019 00:48
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Golf Blitz level checker
import std.algorithm;
import std.range;
import std.string;
import std.array;
import std.conv;
// |level|common|rare|epic|bux|xp|xptonextlevel|
enum xpData =
// |level|cards|bux|xp|
enum powerupData =
T parseRecord(T)(string record)
T result;
auto r = record
.filter!(a => a.strip.length > 0)
.map!(a =>!int);
static foreach(i; 0 .. result.tupleof.length)
result.tupleof[i] = r.front; r.popFront;
return result;
struct LevelData
int level;
int common;
int rare;
int epic;
int bux;
int xp;
int nextLevelxp;
struct PowerupData
int level;
int cards;
int bux;
int xp;
auto levels =!(a => parseRecord!LevelData(a)).array;
auto powerups =!(a => parseRecord!PowerupData(a)).array;
struct state
// how many powerups are at the given level
int[12] powerups;
int xp;
void printPowerups(void delegate(const(char)[]) dg)
import std.format;
auto fpu = powerups[]
.filter!(a => a[1] != 0);
bool first = true;
foreach(x; fpu)
dg(", ");
first = false;
formattedWrite(dg, "%s lv%s", x[1], x[0] + 1 );
void toString(void delegate(const(char)[]) dg)
import std.format;
formattedWrite(dg, "(%s xp; powerups: ", xp);
struct buxcards
int bux;
int cards;
buxcards * prev;
int opCmp(buxcards other) const
if(other.bux == bux)
if( == cards)
return 0;
return > cards ? -1 : 1;
return other.bux > bux ? -1 : 1;
void toString(void delegate(const(char)[]) dg)
import std.format;
formattedWrite(dg, "(%s bux, %s cards purchased)", bux, cards);
int buyPowerup(ref state s)
foreach(i; 0 .. powerups.length)
s.xp += powerups[i].xp;
return powerups[i].bux;
return 0;
int main(string[] args)
import std.stdio;
import std.getopt; // well, it's just easier
int maxlevel = 50;
int minlevel = 1;
int startingxp;
string powerupargs = "3";
auto helpInformation = getopt(
"max", &maxlevel,
"min", &minlevel,
"xp", &startingxp,
"powerups", &powerupargs);
if (helpInformation.helpWanted)
defaultGetoptPrinter("Calculate golf blitz minimum bux/cards requirements to get to a specific level",
if(maxlevel < 1 || maxlevel > 50)
writeln("need max level between 1 and 50");
return 1;
if(minlevel < 1 || minlevel > maxlevel)
writeln("need min level between 1 and ", maxlevel);
return 1;
// first, fix the level up xp numbers, we want cumulative xp
foreach(i; 1 .. levels.length)
levels[i].nextLevelxp += levels[i-1].nextLevelxp;
buxcards[state] memo1; // current level
buxcards[state] memo2; // next level
state start;
start.xp = startingxp;
if(minlevel > 1)
start.xp += levels[minlevel - 2].nextLevelxp;
// ensure valid xp start
if(start.xp >= levels[minlevel - 1].nextLevelxp)
writeln("invalid starting state at level ", minlevel, " and xp ", startingxp);
return 1;
auto powerarray = powerupargs
.map!(a =>!int)
// TODO: make sure the total number of powerups does not exceed valid ones
if(powerarray.length > 12)
writeln("invalid powerup args, only 12 powerup levels exist");
return 1;
start.powerups[0 .. powerarray.length] = powerarray[];
memo1[start] = buxcards(0, 0);
foreach(level ; minlevel-1 .. maxlevel-1)
//writefln("At level %s, there are %s different states", level + 1, memo1.length);
auto ld = levels[level];
// are we gaining a new powerup at this level
auto newPowerup = ld.level > 1 && ld.level <= 37 && ((ld.level - 1) % 4 == 0);
foreach(curstate, ref baseBux; memo1)
// new level 1 powerup
// maxSkins is the maximum number of skins needed to level up to
// the next level if all we did was buy skins.
int maxSkins = ((ld.nextLevelxp - curstate.xp) + ld.xp - 1) / ld.xp;
foreach(skins; 0 .. maxSkins + 1)
// buy this many skins
auto newstate = curstate;
newstate.xp += ld.xp * skins;
auto newBuxCards = baseBux;
newBuxCards.prev = &baseBux;
newBuxCards.bux += skins * ld.bux; += skins;
while(newstate.xp < ld.nextLevelxp)
auto b = buyPowerup(newstate);
if(b == 0)
// can't buy any more powerups, so this possibility isn't valid (this probably won't happen)
continue skinloop;
newBuxCards.bux += b;
// get to the next level
if(auto v = newstate in memo2)
*v = min(*v, newBuxCards);
memo2[newstate] = newBuxCards;
// clear memo1, and swap the two memos
memo1 = memo2;
memo2 = null;
// find cheapest result
buxcards cheapest;
cheapest.bux = int.max;
foreach(k, v; memo1)
cheapest = min(cheapest, v);
// print the path
state printPath(buxcards *cur, int level)
if(cur.prev is null)
return start;
auto st = printPath(cur.prev, level - 1);
auto origst = st;
// print the difference between the previous level and this level
string powerupUpgrades;
auto nskins = -;
import std.stdio;
//writefln("origBux = %s", cur.prev.bux);
//writefln("%s skins at level %s paid = %s", nskins, level-1, levels[level-2].bux * nskins);
auto buxspent = cur.prev.bux + nskins * levels[level - 2].bux;
st.xp += levels[level-2].xp * nskins;
while(buxspent < cur.bux)
buxspent += buyPowerup(st);
if(buxspent != cur.bux)
writefln("expected %s, but got %s, cards = %s, prev = %s, new = %s", cur.bux, buxspent,, origst, st);
if(level > 1 && level <= 37 && ((level - 1) % 4 == 0))
// new powerup
st.printPowerups((s) {powerupUpgrades ~= s;});
writefln("At level %s, purchase %s skins, and upgrade powerups to %s", level - 1, nskins, powerupUpgrades);
return st;
foreach(k, v; memo1)
if(v == cheapest)
writefln("%s => %s", k, v);
printPath(&cheapest, maxlevel);
return 0;
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schveiguy commented Sep 4, 2019

Checks the minimum bux needed to get to a specific level in golf blitz. It also will minimize cards purchased for states that have equal bux. At the end, it prints out the states that have the minimal bux for that level.

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