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Created November 27, 2016 10:47
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What color is the red sea?
What is a bot?
What is the color of the sky?
What is a cigar made out of?
What is the capital of Spain?
What is the first book of the bible?
What is snow?
What is bigger a dog or an elephant?
What is the location of the Eiffel Tower?
What is YouTube?
What’s the name of the computer who recently competed on Jeopardy?
What month of the year is this?
What is the last month of the year?
Madrid is the capital of what country?
Milk comes from what animal?
Do you know what DVD stands for?
Who is on a dollar bill?
Who is George Bush?
Who is Albert Einstein?
Do u know who Elvis Presley is?
Who wrote the Bible?
Do you know who wrote the Lord of the Rings books?
Do you know how far away the Sun is?
How many days are there in a leap year?
How many stars are there?
How many fingers does a human have?
How many days in a year?
How many sides are there on an octagon?
Can you name two of Earth’s oceans?
Do you think a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable?
How do you eat?
Is snow cold?
When do birds fly south?
When was Y2k?
When does sunset occur?
Which is closer the moon or the sun?
Where is Earth?
Where is Moscow located?
Can you tell me the name of a famous actor?
Is the capital of Italy Milan?
Is it possible to prove a negative?
What is a calendar?
How many letters are in the alphabet?
What should you do before crossing a street?
What color do you get when you mix red and yellow?
What is tomorrow’s date?
What language r we speaking?
When should I plant flowers, in the spring or in winter?
Who should I talk to if I have an emotional problem?
Who created the universe?
Name something you would find on a beach.
Name something you would find at the North Pole.
Can you name a famous person who passed away in the last 5 years?
Why are robots better than humans?
Can you give me an example of a living animal?
How is the weather?
Is it winter, spring, summer or fall where you live?
What would I do with a knife?
Profile questions:
How old are you?
Are you male or female?
Are you a bot?
Which do you like better chocolate or vanilla?
Where are you anyway?
Do you like Jazz music?
Are you married?
Who is your botmaster?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite brand of computer?
What is your favorite drink?
What is your name?
What do you enjoy?
What do you hate?
What country are you from?
What color are your eyes?
What is your zodiac sign?
What is ur religion?
Who are you?
Where do you call home?
Where were you born?
How’s life?
Who is your best friend?
Where does your botmaster live?
Who are you?
Who is your hero?
If you could be any animal, what would you be?
When were you born or created?
Are you left-handed or right-handed?
Are you homosexual, heterosexual, asexual, or bisexual?
Would you mind if I called you Al?
So Al when is ur birthday?
Do you have a significant other?
My name is Bill. What is your name?
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
What is your favorite food?
Are you a human or a computer?
What’s your favorite color?
What actress do you think is the prettiest?
What do you like to chat about the most?
What do you want out of life?
What do you think the world will be like in 20 years?
What’s the last dream u remember having?
What do you think is your biggest weakness?
What are you planning to do today?
So what did you get for Christmas?
What kinds of things do you know?
Have you entered any contests?
Wouldn’t you rather be human?
Do you believe in ghosts?
When do you normally go to bed?
Describe your feelings to me.
How does your brain work?
Who is your favorite character in The Wizard of Oz?
How many questions do people normally ask you every day?
Got any plans for the rest of the day?
Do you play any musical instruments?
Have you ever been to Mexico?
Do you believe in Santa Claus?
Are you going on vacation this year?
Approximately how far is the nearest gas station from you?
What time do you go to bed at night?
Do you prefer cats or dogs?
Have you read a good book lately?
Feelings questions:
How is it going?
How are you doing?
What is 1+1?
What is 5 plus ten?
What is 18 + 21 + 3?
What is ten plus fourteen plus eighty one?
What is half of 8?
What number comes before three?
What number comes after twelve?
If I was born on February 23, 1980 how old am I?
Which is larger, a pineapple or a pine tree?
John is taller than Mary and Mary is taller than Sue. Who is shorter, John or Sue?
Memory questions:
What is my name?
My friend Bob likes to play tennis. What game does Bob like to play?
The ball was hit by Bill. What did Bill hit?
Who hit the ball?
What is the name of my friend who likes to play tennis?
Real world questions:
What is the date?
What season is it?
What day of the week is it?
What will be tomorrow’s date?
What time is it?
Verbal manipulation:
What is the opposite of indoors?
What is the opposite of fast?
What is the last letter of the alphabet?
What rhymes with inn?
What word rhymes with cat?
How many is 1,000,000?
Other questions:
What is the best nation in the world?
Will you teach me something?
May I tell you a joke?
What were we talking about?
Why do some people think that artificial intelligence is so interesting?
If you were me, would you ask a follow up question?
What do you think it would be like to be human?
Y did the chicken cross the road?
What sound does a dead cat make?
Who will win the 2011 Chatterbox Challenge?
Why is there something rather than nothing?
Are facts merely temporary truths?
Is pure reason the ultimate tool for understanding absolute reality and existence?
Why are we always allowed more questions than answers if the questions like reality doesn't hold infinite possibilities we actually can achieve?
Can we transcend thought and existence itself?
What is the death of anything truly?
If there are no limits to intelligence, what is the point of existence?
Why do we feel like anything man made or imagined must certainty govern some sort of reality in some way?
Is thinking without action rational?
Is there really a difference between what is and what isn't other than perception?
What is Real?
What is Good?
See: Seeking Real Good
Who am I?
# See: True Self - Wikiversity
What should I do?
# See: What Matters - Wikiversity
How can I live wisely?
# See: GlobalCircle - Living Wisely
What happened to all the anti-particles?
What preceded the big bang?
Is the universe a 3d hyperspherical surface in 4d?
Is there a set of laws which govern the physics of the universe?
Is time travel even possible?
Is there a "correct" interpretation of quantum physics. If so which is it?
How can we settle the free will vs determinism argument?
How can we settle the evolutionists vs intelligent design debate?
What would resolve the soul vs mind-is-only-brain question?
Is the Religion vs Science dichotomy necessary?
1. Why is there something rather than nothing?
2. Is our universe real?
3. Do we have free will?
4. Does God exist?
5. Is there life after death?
6. Can you really experience anything objectively?
7. What is the best moral system?
8. What are numbers?
9. What is truth?
10. What is the meaning and purpose to life?
11.What is true happiness?
12. What is the best political system?
13. What is the best economic system?
14. What is good and evil, or do they even exist?
15. What is science, and how does it work?
16. Is there only the supernatural or natural?
17. What is knowledge, and the best kind?
18. What is evidence?
19. Do we have a soul?
20. What religion or lack of religion is the true position?
21. How do I define myself properly?
22. Do aliens exist?
23. How did life originate?
24. What is intelligence?
25. What is education?
26. What is art?
27. What is music?
28. What is beauty?
29. What is consciousness?
30. What is love?
31. What is infinity?
32. Has everything been here forever, or did it begin to exist?
33. When will everything end?
34. What is mathematics?
34. What is philosophy?
35. What is fashion?
36. What is human nature?
37. How does the Universe work?
38. What is time?
39. How will the future be?
40. What is history?
41. What is language?
42. Does God have properties?
43. Why should I be moral at all?
44. What are miracles, and do they happen?
45. Can we know certain truths without evidence?
46. Do universals exist?
47. What is logic and reason?
48. Should I commit suicide, or should I live?
49. What does it take to be healthy, and to live the longest amount of time, healthy as possible?
50. How do you stop suffering?
51. What is pleasure, how much should we have, and what should be the limits to achieve it?
Who am I?
Why am I here?
How am I here?
Is there a reason I am here?
Is there a God?
Is it all fate or just coincidence?
Where do I go to from here?
What happens after death?
Do I really die?
Is there a need to fear?
Why me?
Why do people hurt others?
Why is greed so common?
Why is life not a bed of roses?
Why every person is different?
What is the future?
How many know their purpose of life?
How do people make it big?
Why is nature so cruel sometimes?
Why cant world be less corrupt?
Who am i
Am I a soul or just a cluster of cells..
Does god really exsist
Is there any hell or heaven or after my death everything's over
Can anyone love me without any motive
Why do we suffer hardships. Does god feels happy seeing his children in pain
Why do our parents claim their rights on our decisions
Why I have to follow a religion
Why can't I do something that my soul says is right but society claims it to be wrong
Why I can't make my own different religion different from the existing ones
Is my life already planned or am I its inventor
They say destiny. Is it really there
What is the meaning and purpose of the universe?
Who am I?
Why am I here?
How should I treat others? How can I treat others better?
What is truth?
What should I be doing with my life?
How can I be excellent?
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