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Created June 5, 2017 11:16
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Please do
its cute
Or Jupiter
This 100%
/s, moron
Hello Dave
6 years?????
He's both.
He's amazing.
"justice" FTFY
Ok, fuck you.
Trump rallies
I can't reach
Creative name
Ya like jazz?
It is dark tho
Pujol you mean?
"Let me finish!"
So Flynn is safe?
*breathes heavily*
I wanna watch this.
Kudos for this.
coming to grad school
it does when they die.
Dragonball Z: Abridged
Hrmph. We will see.
Gary Jules - Mad World
Don't forget Denmark!
America? Where to begin...
Mine was 2 x chromosomes.
Shareblue is CTR rebranded
Radicalized indivudals
"What sorcery is this?"
I like where your heads at
That'll be $500 - Mechanic
I say gif instead of gif
Good luck with that fam
This is your brain on Islam.
Yeah but those are for banner ads.
I'm sorry to hear that mate....
Not if it happens in my fireplace.
Uncivil! Uncouth! Uncultivated!
portable breathing apparatus salesman.
Hi, you wee beautiful person!
Just another star on the wall.
There's nothing wrong with that.
As someone considering moving to mn, same
Something something Andrew Jackson
This is my favorite thing I've read all day.
No justifiable fear? Go read some shit.
thanks for the ride on the lolercoaster!
Yeah, he might miss a tee time at Mar A Lago.
Notice how Kylo now has a space cape as well.
Seems to be doing a good job destabilizing NATO
Let's wait and see just how big this RICO case is.
Because Christianity is fucking insane too
Her face kinda looks like that restored Jesus painting
The actual problem is they don't see it that way.
African kids could've eaten all those lightbu... Nevermind.
There are no life boats left. They all get to drown.
Jane Levy. I just have any thing for cute redheads....
The lady in my office is the purest form of dumbness
Yup, I really don't give a shit. My life isn't interesting.
Yes, actually. A pretty broad variety of it, as well.
Segwit is 2mb blocks though. And miners are preventing it.
They have certain stuff thrown in but other than that not really.
> might want to tax weed ~instead~ as well. That sound about right?
And the cars are in the "Smooth" state, not prototype state.
> Fuck Thanks for reminding me I'm not getting any. Fuck you!
Exactly, we will be leaving without a deal as we are told.
I like how you didn't answer the question, you're just an asshole.
probably even more obvious at 4AM after no sleeping for too long haha
If you're going backwards, isn't your back wheel kindof your front wheel?
Slacker. It's accessible and funny, but also unorthodox and contemplative.
I'm not trying to argue the glans is an organ I'm trying to argue the clitoris isn't.
And when it's raining super​ hard I sleep faster so that's also a plus
It is better for the state as its own entity, which is the only entity in the state who matters.
Not just the PI. Fox news says they corroborated the claim with federal investigators.
God's Speed. "Do you have any potions or food? Your mana is low." quote from one of my favorite games!
There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth.
Say it over and over again: This is not normal. These are *not* the actions of an innocent man.
Yeah but she's a woman so more than likely she will just get a slap on the wrist
As a specialist in Bird Law I'll have you know that birds often take the wrap for many crimes they never did.
Wait, I heard from TRP that Chad is a great lay and perfect for short term dating...
Just like every day at the end of his campaign was an October surprise advent calendar
Guys like this must love arranged marriages. No need to put effort for love and free sex.
Same thing growing up with my Dad. Bit then he switched to buying cream for coffee and the rule was nullified.
I was looking at some of my old games to see and was wondering if ps2 is considered retro yet.
Oh god.. I can't imagine me being anything like them. I hate talking about myself. Mostly because I have a boring life.
my four children and a wife that loves me. I have this and i feel selfish tbat i have so much.
What, no love for Splash Mountain? (To be fair, I love almost all of them equally. Seven Dwarfs is kinda half-baked)
Not all have Viking bloodlines I'm learning that my birth family is part of war 1066 the battle of the real middle earth
She was one seat over; my brother was sitting between us. Besides, I wasn't looking for my mom - I was looking for the source of the laughter.
Now imagine your mid flight look out the window and that same piece of duck tape goes flying away in the wind
Bob has said what a steaming pile he considers the movie. TBH it's a kids movie so if you just take it with that truckload of salt it's only bad.
I've never heard of this brand. I like their stuff, but they're a teeny bit pricey. I'll be on the lookout for sales.
Flint is one of the most crime ridden cities in the country. It most likely was a resident but there certainly could be a sinister motive behind it.
Came here to say, that's not Siamesey looking enough in the face to be a Russian Blue. Definitely a shorthair I would say.
You are not alone. I don't know if it's aged well and it wasn't loved when it came out but as a casual theatre fan I liked it.
I was thinking about this when I got hit-and-run. $800 repair, or $30 suction-cup buttplug and possible humiliation. I chose the former, my friend.
This reminds me of the scene from wolf of wall street where they are on his boat and Leo tries to bribe the FBI agent (who looks like he would play an excellent Comey btw).
Nice map but with all the sea lions ambushing the fish as they return to the river the improved habitat won't matter. The sea lions are wiping out all the salmon and steelhead runs in the Sandy.
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