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Last active June 17, 2017 19:01
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Me too.
How so?
Fuck off.
Holy shit
Are you me?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Fuck you.
RemindMe! 2 days
Well done.
Thank you
Don't worry.
Just saying.
Why not both?
You monster.
You are delusional.
Oh, absolutely.
Isn't that illegal?
What a nightmare.
Nothing special.
I don't disagree with you.
Battlestar Galactica.
According to whom?
My first thought.
That's a fair point.
Thank you for your help!
That's the real question.
Why would they do that?
I think you replied to the wrong comment.
Today you, tomorrow me.
Thank you for the correction.
With the McDonalds logo embossed too.
Twice the pride, double the fall.
That's what I'm thinking.
Mr Freeze, Clayface, etc etc...
She became the head cheerleader that night
"Bankai! Yu-Gi-Oh [extra Japanese word]!"
Well, I guess he is a golden god...
The UK needs the Second Amendment.
Yes! Maile Lani, she's wonderful!
10 days doesn't seem that impressive.
Haha, good one. Took me a few seconds.
> Nobody deserves to be shot.Hitler? Stalin? etc?
Not before Speedwagon withdraws coolly.
You're right! I've decided not to say anything at all.
Sex in the toilets was horrendously awkward.
I've got $5 on it. PM your Cashtag or PayPal e-mail.
the look back like "Is anybody else seeing this shit?!"
I guess I'd just sit and listen to Kanye talk about himself
MAGA goons would vote Putin for our actual president.
Helping parents with their crippling loneliness
Damn, you must've taken your medication late...
Hitmonlee, looks cool as shit and also works as a bodyguard.
Why would anyone even want to do this to themselves
Yeah, what are you trying to say here?Poor folks held ransom? WTF?
Fuck you cunt, you got a problem with them doing that: you're a cunt.
I wouldn't be making fun of the report if it were legitimate
That's a psychiatrist. Psychologists are a different breed.
That's my favorite Bond movie! I couldn't fit it in the title, though.
You think being transparent about it will outweigh the situation?
They're both industries employing idiots. It's like a dwarf calling a baby short.
Im pretty sure thats windows media player's visualizer from windows vista lol.
Like in the place beyond the pines, escape by dirt bike and drive into a truck.
Sorry, this isn't Trump's cabinet, we're not obligated to lock his boots.
Yet another example of the media only reporting on black-on-black crime.
I don't disagree, just giving what I recall was the public feeling back then.
Because they don't see the value in it. Whether it's in their own lives or society at large.
Don't be daft. It isn't like they want to repel human rights or massively spy on us. /s
It's no different than using the San Diego attack to promote further gun control.
My brother broke his leg on a research university campus and the 4 block ride cost him $1100.
Woke up in a co-workers hotel room... probably a mistake but luckily HR didn't find out
I can understand yes, had my first budweiser like a few weeks ago. Honestly it is disgusting.
Eugenics are pretty cool, tho. Also, what she's paying them to do is reversible surgery.
I had a can of coke the other day and it was lovely but also made me realise I haven't drunk it in MONTHS
Went to my friends 21st birthday party with my fiancée. I'm a very very new drinker, I've drank like maybe 4 other times by metal or with one other person. Anyways, I've known him since 4th grade, but I haven't seen him or anyone else from high school since 11th grade so after everyone showed up and the party started ramping up I had drank 1 shot and 7 beers within 2 hours on a semi empty stomach. I was completely shit faced having a blast though catching up with everyone. I grabbed my 8th drink, went over to my fiancée, said something (I can't remember) turned around to go to the bathroom and I just remember throwing up my entire stomach ALL over the floor. The party was at the birthday guys girlfriends house. I hugged the toilet for the next hour puking up my guts, at this point my fiancée had cleaned up the floor puke and was comforting me on the toilet. Apparently according to my fiancée I was crying like a big baby saying the stupidest shit. She then helped me up and walked me out to the car while I had my face in a bowl the whole way home. We finally got home around 2am and I let out one last puke and passed out. Woke up at 7am and fiancée was still up. She said I kept spitting up so she stayed up to make sure I was fine.
There's a smooth pebble stone that sits on my desk. It's perfectly rounded to the point where it shines in the sunlight and it's slippery when you hold it. I use it as a paperweight for all the work that I do these days. But recently, it's become more of a problem. You see - that stone isn't just any simple stone. To anyone else, it might be, sure. But for me, that stone is extremely special. It's special because it represents a memory. A memory that, like the stone, will never leave me. It was back when I worked caring for traumatised children. I have many stories from this time of my life, good ones and bad ones, for sure. I've seen the worst of humanity and the best of it. I've seen the scars of abuse and the smiles of survival. But, in particular, this one child comes to mind. She was a sheepish, quiet girl around ten years old when I met her. The cruelty of life had robbed her of many things. She didn't have any parents, she didn't have a home, she didn't have any family, and, tragically, due to psychological complications, she had no memory. She remembered basic functions, but any event or conversation that happened a few days ago would be lost to her.What she did have, though, is the cutest, wholesome, most heartwarming smile that I have ever seen on any person, ever. And that's not an exaggeration. Despite her situation, she was always the light in the darkness. She would be constantly giggling or telling jokes and she would generally just be happy to be alive. She lived in the moment, too filled with childlike innocence to worry about her future, and unable to dredge up memories of her past. She would give me pebbles every day. The best ones from her front garden. Ones with weird shapes, ones that were smooth, big ones, small ones, all kinds. Every single day, with no exception. For two entire years. And then one day, whilst drawing a picture with some crayons, she looked up at me and asked a question."What's it like to remember?"I asked her to bring my box of pebbles. She dragged it towards me, it was getting quite heavy at that point. Then I plunged my hand into it and pulled out a perfectly rounded, shining pebble. "Memories are like these pebbles," I began. "You said you got these ones from your front garden, right?" She nodded. "But you picked this one up, why?" "I only pick the nice ones to give to you." "Well," I continued, "Just like in life, there are lots of memories in the world. Uninteresting ones, bad ones, things that you want to forget." I held the smooth stone in front of her eyes. "But in all of those bad memories, there's the nice ones. The happy ones. The ones you want to cherish forever." "Will I be a happy memory to you?" I smiled and nodded. "Of course you'll be." Now, fifteen years later, the Pebble remains. It's there whenever I'm doing work. Even after a stressful day I can't help but smile as I look at it. Because this stone isn't just any simple stone. It's a memory of a girl who couldn't remember.
A recent poll conducted after the Comey hearing last Thurs showed 50+% of Republican's polled felt that Trump was a more honest person than Comey.
With the attitude her parents display, I highly doubt moving another 20 minutes away would make a difference at all. Having a new didn't!
Because GDP=/=quality of life.GDP just mean total wealth produce in 1 year, doesnt mean this wealth is distributed fairly
You know who Bin Ladens family is, right? It's not always the poor who radicalize. It's the mentally unstable.
-No livable wage.-No healthcare.-No social assistance of any kind.Yep...the Christian Conservative. The answer to "WWJD?"
Lol in 2015 90% of comments were protecting Islam.... How times have changed, it's because completely vice versa!
"Coming up next week, Double N takes down a gallon of BLEACH. Shit is wack! His hair falls out!"
Calling Bullshit. This is a story every MR2 Owner told.Source: Owned a 91 MR2 Turbo
You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, AND YOU... WILL... ATONE!
I have the Exynos S7 Edge and it's more like 8.5/10 but 8.8/10 with SuperStock ROM. I get 5 hrs SoT.
It is the republic announcer friendo. also SUPER BATTLE DROID!!!! TAKE HIM DOWN!!!
ExOfficio undies FTW! Got some for backpacking, now they're my travel anywhere undies. Quick dry!
You might say he was...Born To Be Wild!(•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
1. Î àm göōd @ åcçéñts/voices.2. I can pick up new (to me) software pretty fast.
>Millennials ruined ~~cyberpunk~~ **EVERYTHING!Fixed that for you.
You've never watched Silicon Valley?!🤦‍♂️
Fucking me watching Primer. tumblr_mya7dcPZ0n1qkfwf2o1_500
"Takashi-kun, we need bridge here!""Say no more fam-san.""推した橋。"
Free btc? :D 1CBRSbstMifpBjWCAjf3p2Jr8uitaAhQac
Heh. Why not?1E7BDvFC9R25Tk1faMAWdxEwu7iwSSEsrN
I would like some1NqVhQrYf5UvfKsoDyX4VAhbNACvjxsoaL
■ Current Update (5/23): 「光の果て、幻創の未来」Part4
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