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Created July 1, 2017 17:28
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I agree.
Good luck.
Thank you.
Same here.
Not really.
Holy shit.
Home Depot
Slow down!
What is it?
(β–€ΜΏΔΉΜ―β–€ΜΏ ΜΏ)
Thanks a lot!
what the fuck
What the fuck.
That's the point.
No thank you.
You can do it.
Thanks for that.
You're an idiot.
Little big planet
Username checks out.
What is your point?
You're not alone.
Thanks for the reply.
Thanks for the chance!
Care to elaborate?
Thank you for this.
That's a good idea.
Not with that attitude.
Thank You, Coil Art!
Thank you for the advice.
And therefore very gorgeous.
Wtf are you talking about?
What about your loved ones?
I'm sorry for your loss.
Did you read the article?
It's the same taste for me
Alright, got it. Thanks mate.
Praise be to the Supreme Leader
WTB German husband. Pm offers.
Who has not crooked lamp shades?
Trumps twitter feed is the pocket sand.
Onions. I don't like the texture or taste.
F is for friends who do stuff together.
Saying random shit and getting Gold for it
Brah... Stingy even with fake sharing.
Much more deserving than mark hammil!
My dog's feet, they smell like Fritos.
I think the fake to real ratio is approaching 1.
That's what they want you to think
cute!! do you have any with your wives?
The ugly ark shaped church in Mosul is bigger
Not sure if there newest citizens will accept that.
He should have returned the swan's calls then
Twerking...lets stare at a loose ass jiggle
Hurt sung by Johnny Cash original by Nine Inch Nails
Meet the new boss. Even worse than the old boss.
Rally X, an arcade game from the early 80s. think that is the correct answer, WaPo.
Caesar had it all one day and the next he was on the ground dead
Do you feel robbed of pre-Vulgar Latin Iberian languages?
In his younger years, I'm pretty sure he was made out of calfskin.
You cannot grasp the true form of Giygas's selfie!
I was just joking about the comment I replied to.
The Office. None of what happened in the actual finale.
Are you describing going to college or learning a trade?
Commenting just so I can remember to look up that album later. Great movie btw.
R32. Meh. I agree with your child sentiments though ;-)
Remind me again of the punishments for doubting the will of the Kaiser?
Where is the punchline?Bartender says "we don't serve that here"
> This will surely result in a coalition against the kurds after ISIS is done.Nah
The wagons will circle as long as the wheel in the sky keeps on turning.
Better than 3%? And they call this guy a "mathematical man". That's umpossible!
That's a really good idea- thanks! I will be stealing that trick.
You should go and punch that insurance broker in the face! #ripoff
Happy to see we agree - I am always upvoting your very good advice.
You send another reply and I will report harassment. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?
The end of the night on 4th of July, the smell of fireworks and freshly mowed grass.
Thanks, I'm doing my best now that I realize I was the victim in all of this.
Aliens are real. Like the grimy, spooky aliens with 30 inch fingers. They're real somewhere.
I mean, if my boyfriend bought me some KAF, I wouldn't be terribly mad at him. I love baking!
the flip side is that now youngins want you to on the internet started gaining public traction.
the....*"are you gonna fuck the shit out of me tonight or what look"* from the woman on the left
I've heard great things about the series (except the first two) so maybe I'll get them during the steam summer sale
You don't need to worry about the system man, you're letting it control you. You need to take control back.
>How disconnected can you be. I am a father. How disconnected are you? How many children do you have?
> It was hell but due legal reasons it was hard to get rid of don't work in an at-will state?
I've never seen it that way... that's really interesting and makes perfect sense. Thanks for the epiphany!
I can't answer your question well, I'd have to ask my parish priest who knows all about it. PM me in a week's time!
I don't think anyone who appreciates the original Transformer mythos is capable of getting a job.
You just have to remember to cum on your right hand so when you shake other hands they still get a little bit on theirs
No, buzz off.And as I don't do friendships with ulterior motives, our friendship is toast at that moment as well.
The joke is a GF would want to stay around afterwards and talk. They may even want to define the your relationship.You pay extra to avoid that problem.
Yet the west laughs about "The Great Firewall of China", or Russia's anti-LGBT speech law.Pot, meet Kettle.
Every so often I'll wave over my phone and go oh yeah that won't work, it was such a clever feature, don't get why other OEMs haven't done it
That's like saying I found this refrigerator box in an alley in San Francisco so it costs the same as Fresno to live here.
2Cellos was probably once of the best shows I've been to. It was a little short, but the guys are funny and very very talented.
In this scenario, I took the risk of not having insurance. Assuming the accident was my fault, then I should pay it. I go into debt.
I'm English so not allowed guns here. I have a cricket bat though so anyone breaking into my house to steal my assets are going to get a taste of willow lightly coated in linseed.
This is called a straw purchase by the banks. If they knew about it and knew the dealership knew about it the dealership would have had to buy the loan back. Never do this!!
What year is it? Me and my friends starting playing Left4Dead2 and I never got to play it previously, but it's actually a pretty fun party game.
He was pretty fired up when he went to their apartment, but he's calmed down since. Right now he's not planning on going back unless she asks him to.
These articles about Carriers being obsolete have been written for the past several decades. Everyone is so quick to say how China or Russia could potentially destroy them in WW3. **But they aren't really designed for WW3 against China and Russia.** And that's okay. Just like how ICBMs and B-2 bombers aren't useful in the Syria conflict, aircraft carriers aren't the most useful thing in a total war against China. Not every part of the military has to be the perfect weapon against every type of military foe, different parts of the military are great at different things. Saying the carriers are useless because China could sink them, makes as much sense as saying the M1-Abrams is pointless because in a war against the Philippines they wouldn't be very effective in small island jungles.Think about what sorts of battles the US military *actually* deals with in the average year. They bomb terrorists or rebels, they conduct raids, and every decade or so they get involved with a small scale war against a smaller country that isn't really a threat. Against all of these realistic, practical missions, aircraft carriers are incredibly useful and incredibly safe are far as military targets go. Al Queda is not going to successfully go after an aircraft carrier at sea. Neither will Syria or even Iran for that matter. Sure they won't be invincible against China or Russia, but that's not really the point. If we're at that point where it's a total war against China or Russia we have much bigger things to worry about (i.e. nuclear armageddon) and the vulnerability of aircraft carriers will be the least of our concerns.
I totally get where you're coming from - my childhood was not great, and being as I didn't grow up with a good perspective of how parents are supposed to be, it has me worried that I won't be able to be a good mom. I know that I will be able to, out of sheer stubbornness to give my child a better childhood than I had, and my husband frequently tells me I'm the strongest person he knows. But it's just one of those thoughts that will not fully go away.
I've got a really good friend who sometimes can't get past the fact that I smell exactly like her ex. It's just funny when occasionally she'll just give me this weird look and then kind of have to reset herself. She knows what it is, and we laugh about it, but it still happens sometimes.
A first draft of what? Of my mediocre novel in progress, that took about 4 to 6 months. I also had a summer with nothing to do, so I worked on it for about four hours a day. That was also including about half a dozen revisions to each chapter that I did as I wrote it. But I started school again and I've only had the time and energy for about an hour every day. Going through each chapter after the first draft has taken about two months or so with this schedule.
Not exactly true. A US employee can not break foreign laws, just because they are US citizens.If it was as simple as you're saying, they wouldn't even *need* court orders, they could just ask a US employee to steal the data.
I feel like we should be able to call Obama drunk at 4am sobbing and apologizing and asking him to take us back. I know the majority of us didn't choose break up with him and move onto this burnt turd with hair, but he feels like the only person that can protect us now.
Catch the tiger by the toe, If he hollers let him go, my mother said if your in this situation you will not become the victor, I chose you.After me and the tiger have sufficiently settled who gets to be it first we will engage in a game of tag untill I exhaust him and then I will slowly embrace him and strangle him to death.
It's not that she NEEDS to change. It's that I can't mention anything without being accused of being controlling, etc. In reality, it's not that i want to control her life. I see that she's repeating a mistake or mentality that is preventing her from being happy or successful in certain aspects. And it's also disheartening when you're with someone and know they have no interest in improving themselves. Nobody's perfect but we should always be trying, and accepting viewpoints from others
No one is taking away your first amendment rights. No one is taking away your second amendment rights. Every single form of government redistributes wealth by taking money from you via taxes. And the argument is absolutely that you are greedy and probably think that you made all your money on your own when you live in a country with infrastructure and markets that you did not create but profit from.
> my point was that morality, as its exact nature IS so heavily debated, is too loosely defined to base legal proceedings aroundMorality is literally the only basis on which to base a legal system on. Even your cherished biotruths are just morality dressed up as natural inevitability - there is nothing that inherently compels us to base laws on supposedly "natural" tendencies (particularly when those tendencies self-evidently include a wide range of activities that are not only considered immoral by a wide range of societies, but actively harmful to human communities).> You are kind of proving my point here.Only if you have really terrible reading comprehension.
You seem to be making my point. How do you think we get a Congress willing to impeach? You inflame Americans who _should_ have come out in better numbers to vote against him to _actually_ come out in better numbers to vote against his Congressional allies in 2018.
So I had a white boy for a son but...I want my boy to be a girl, my white girl to be Asian and I'll have a side of my dog being turned into a cat.Oh, and can you add in a procedure for my husband to be turned into a chair? He's always wanted to be a chair.
Also let's be real, he thought what he felt with O was super magical too. It seems like this guy is really into the beginnings of relationships. I'm not saying that his concerns with O are unwarranted (+100 lbs within a span of a few months is a lot for anyone to handle) but he seems to really idealize his SO in relationships. It seems like he has a pattern of jumping into relationships.
You have to add to Netflix the cost of internet, which can get up there if you're streaming. And HBO etc. are in addition to cable costs and can also add a bunch to your bill. And even though it doesn't seem like a lot, it absolutely can be if you're scraping by.
You asked me what you lied about. I gave you an example of something you completely made up on the spot, in this very comment chain.To that you respond with something utterly unhinged and devoid of even a semblance of sense.Go be schizotypal in your own time.
The Democratic party was taken over by conervatives late 80s early 90s and why Bill Clinton delivered such a conservative agenda and why Democratic in Congress very deliberately failed to support Obama, as did the DNC fail to support Obama or other liberal Democratic advising the President to no go campaign for liberal candidates or any Democratic candidate.If the DNC stays conservative, yes they will fail. Just because they aren't "as bad as the Republicans," doesn't mean they are good. And no, not all the Democratic elected are frauds.
Well that's an extremely poor reason to look down on traveling. 50 years from now I'm not going to say to myself "I'm glad I didn't experience the rest of the world because I wouldn't have fully understood each culture."
Well I took some pills I found on the floor and then I tried to read a comic and a hand came out of the comic and pulled me into the comic and there was a guy in the comic with a mirror and some other guys with a pipe wrench and we had to run from the pipe wrench guys and there was this happy Scandinavian music going do-do-do-do-do do-do do-do-do-do and then I woke up in the waste paper bin.
I don't think this will be a good representation of the anime series at all. I feel like this story could have worked if they had written it with new characters encountering the Death Note in North America (as if Ryuk delivered the Note to a new location), because Ryuk seems spot on but the rest of the characters look way off to me.
In India it makes sense if you think about how the British committed genocide there not long before he came to power. The UK was more of an enemy to India than Germany.
They weren't though. Guy wasn't involved at any point in the investigation. So even if the video was exactly what he said with no editing, he still simply can't know enough to say it's all made up.
When I first played this game, it was on an eMac 700 Mhz G4 and I was about 14 years old. I just played the Mecc demo and never got around to playing the entire game until much later. Considering that the Geforce 2 was one of the leading graphics cards at the time, the game was super pretty, had a great atmosphere and overall beautiful design.
It's not my favorite smell of all time but I actually like the smell of skunk. Obviously not getting sprayed but that smell in the air at night reminds me of my childhood in Michigan. Down here in Georgia where I live you don't get that smell ever. It just smells like ass here.
>sometimes ghosting is healthy as hell.Ghosting is only acceptable when you fear for your safety or are otherwise dealing with someone threatening. It's not a "healthy" behavior in other cases, it's just the avoidance of negative emotions and conflict.
it s the perception of time that completely messes you up in these situations. You felt like you laid in this bed for an entire life. You probably were gone something like 5 minutes :-)
Ya know thinking about, spinnes wires shouldn't scale since he has to be moving that fast actually. So only Eleanore.
Oh my. Bless your heart. I think most of America is interested in if 45* et Al committed an act of treason.Spolier Alert: Looks like he did.
The smell of a rotting human corpse. It defies description.(Deputy coroner, 16 years)
I make the choices I make based on the faith the I have in the information I use to make those decisions. If you truly believe that the church will care for you, house you, feed you, provide healthcare and entertain you the way that you need as a human being, why have you not committed to that lifestyle?
Sorry, I actually have two jobs, I can't just sit around and discuss sports and go for walks whenever.
> With Apple? BUCKLE UP BUCKAROO, WE'RE GOING TO APPLEPARK MOTHERFUCKER!Fuckin hilarious! Remember Quicktime? Oh you gotta install ITunes to run that? Like the fuck?
Well *obviously.* How can you believe that raising a daughter *isn't* cuckoldry!?! ANY WOMAN, whether they are related to you or are just walking by on the streets, THAT YOU SET YOUR EYES ON IS CUCKING YOU IF THEY ARE EVEN SO MUCH AS TALKING TO ANOTHER GUY!!!1!1!1!!!!1Come on, this is the first thing they teach you in ALFALFA 101. Did you miss class that day???
Fuck, now you make me imagine some dude having sex while scoring out loud."THE TIGHTNESS OF YOUR PUSSY IS UNBELIEVABLE. 10/10!!!""THE WAY YOU MOVE YOUR HIP MAKES ME ROCK HARD. 8,5/10!!!!"
*Jack drowns in Titanic* "meh"*heroic soldier dies* "meh"*end of the notebook* "aw fuck....that sucks"*end of old yeller* "OH HELL NAW!! WHY THE GOTTA PUT HIM DOWN LIKE THAT THAT'S SO FUCKED UP MAN 😭😭😭😭😭"
thanks man, I just watched this demo for the first few rounds, turns out I'm a hypocrite, my aims trash XD off to dm now steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_download_match%20CSGO-bmbBY-Umb92-uzy4e-zwMYm-dYmQD
What I remembered:WB2pARA&cnOwnU8jMCK%hTkyrTActual Code:WB2&pARAcnOwnUjMCK%hTk8JHyrT
Hulu, LLC:- NBCUniversal (30%)- Fox Entertainment Group (30%)- Disney–ABC Television Group (30%)- Turner Broadcasting System (10%)
Actually, I believe the correct lyrics are:> eqgfio;vkhnxIRLJKSGJSIGKjhdnbskjbiufjhbHGBjkaj IT'S A SECRET
> Back in the days of Total Request Live with Carson motherfucking DalyOh, when they'd cut in the middle of a music video with some teenager in Time Square screaming "HIMYNAMEISKAYLEEANDI'MFROMOKLAHOMAANDIJUSTWANTEDTOGIVEASHOUTOUTTOMYBESTFRIENDSARAHBESTFRIENDSFOREVERAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!"
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