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Last active June 27, 2017 18:01
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I agree.
Why not?
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you!
Same here.
Tom Cruise
Holy shit.
Not really.
Good point.
It depends.
Fair point.
What is that?
That is true.
I know right.
No it's not.
Please explain.
What a save!
No one cares.
I don't care.
Can you explain?
-30? No. They dont.
How old are you?
Where do you live?
What did he say?
How does that work?
That or Space Jam
My thoughts exactly.
That's pretty cool.
What's the difference?
Username checks out
I don't believe you.
Risky click of the day
That's what she said.
Not with that attitude.
Thank you for your input.
What country are you from?
What are you talking about?
What does that even mean?
thats it keep on doing it!
Mad skillz with a blade ...
Maybe they're not smoking enough
They weren't allowed to watch it.
If your name is Unkle Adams you can
Pharmacy techs also know the answer.
Not your monkeys, not your circus.
The prequel trilogy of Star Wars...
Frank: "They drew first bloodddd!"
I thought he was too fat to be Speaker
The second one does not feature the frog!
Spaceballs if far too quoted for that rating.
"The Wheels of Justice turn slowly"
Rapture is the name of his liason.
I have my doubts that he is that disturbed...
The 40 Year Old Virgin. It was so bad.
Would you like to play a game of Angry Birds?
About 1.30h - 2h per day, 3 or 4 days per week.
These 2 were the reason I was so hyped. All is lost.
I guess I'm heavier than I thought then.
Jennifer's Body500 Days of SummerBig Little Lies
chick fil a is a great company fuck outta here
This is basically the position in I'm in too.
hello finland, depressed alcoholics and school-shooters.
Why waste the first bite of you already know you want more salt
Is there a more colonial name than Washington, Columbia, America?
I tried one morning lift and now I'm homeless and have to eat rocks.
illegal votes are fake news, zero evidence it's real
This is the first story in a long time that's scared me. Good job
I would shit my pants! (Aaand ruin some passerby's day)
My responses are limited. You must ask the right questions
So Venture Brothers was right?"Grab the handle, push the button."
As the Joker? Holy shit, I gotta look into this haha. That sounds intense.
Yes, peace on Earth will finally reign when Serbia recognizes Kosovo.
Surprised they made it to the station with that ticking timebomb
could have been making 25 an hr rn but i fucked up by having 6 referrals
Yeah I usually leave my panties on or use a sheet between. And not directly on my clit.
they think laws don't apply to them... sort of on a permanent purge day
In all fairness, that's not a terribly unreasonable thing to get annoyed by.
All these replies make me happy that I've never had a Facebook or Instagram.
I am very happy for that, haha. Thank you for removing yourself from being a Darwin Award candidate.
Yes, let's fuck the customer in every possible way and then blame them when they don't ask for more.
According to the bullies at my school you just described my 6th Grade wardrobe.
1/9 = .1112/9 = .222...7/9 = .7778/9 = .8889/9 = .999 AND also 1Therefore .999.... = 1
> Most home service is 240 volt 200 ampYou guys have 48 kVa connections for domestic use O_O wow
Like the shooting of the congressmen. Compare coverage over the first week to when Giffords was shot.
They will not let you be on a Jury if they have any incliniation are not completely on the police's side.
Tell that to the translators and their families still getting killed in iraq today.
But *all* the suns are growing older, not just ours. Read "The Final Question" by Issac Asimov.
Live sound engineers with hearing aids, see quite a few of the old boys who don't believe in ear plugs!
Now are we talking a penis punching spree or just how many can you punch throughout your life
Steve Zahn and I share the same birthday! I've always enjoyed his acting. Glad he seems to be a genuinely nice guy.
I think the name you have/go by says a lot.For example, I know five Catholic girls named Mary Katherine.
23, Everytime I get closer to the relationship with a girl I suddenly lose all interest in her I dunno why.
Caliph = Successor of Muhammad. Caliphate = realm under control of the caliph.Sultan = Monarch.Sultanate = kingdom.
I wouldn't mind watching a commercial of something along the lines of Sandy dunny paper for real men.
I can refuse service to anyone I feel like. If I don't like the way your shoes are tied I can refuse a product or service
I laughed for a solid five minutes in bed last night because of this. I'm still laughing at that stupid left turn of an ending.
My friend works in an Army vet clinic.. forget your CAC overnight and you'll find it frozen in dog urine the next day. There have been zero repeat offenders.
Legalisation of gay marriages in Canada - realised I couldn't keep the charade anymore. Was time to accept my sexuality. Just came out to her
This comment is WAAAAY too low...brow. I honestly laughed pretty loud at this one. I had to explain to my boss, she loved it!
Somebody has been paying his own bills for a while now, actually. Read the rest of the comments I left here, I left my most recent police corruption story somewhere ITT.
Are you white? I'm not and I get asked if I have a weapon on me literally every time I have any interaction w the law. Nothing more than speeding tickets for 10+ years
Just fucking do it. Holy crap dude your 21. And continue to bring up the fact that your brother can drive on his own and that it is pure sexism.
I agree, that's why I feel like I should do something, it's only a matter of time before someone gets hurt. It's just hard trying to get my brother arrested even if he's an awful person.
Legit the truth - my mechanic brothers shitbox corolla daily is his prize because he doesn't have to put the effort into keeping it slick like he does for his vintage baby. Cheap af to feed too.
I love the fact that that art was supposed to be a Dimir card in Ravnica block but the card got canned so they reused the art in Alara. You can still see the Dimir signet on his forehead.
A cascade of poor decisions caught up with me all at once. Getting married at 19Staying married to an emotionally abusive personAllowing myself to be pressured into having a baby before I finished school.Allowing my spouse to engineer a situation where we had to move in with his mom, who was also in an abusive marriage. Despite all this, I graduated with a B.S. in. STEM field, got into a PhD program, and started said program.It was at this point that my 8 month old started sleeping 2 or fewer hours per night, and sleeping all day for the babysitter. My husband quit coming home, choosing to go out partying after work. Said partying led to no $ for food or rent. My in laws are constantly fighting while I'm trying to study. Baby is demanding my attention. I get very very stressed & depressed. My study program did not allow us to have a job, as it was very intensive. I'm super stressed becaise there is no money to pay for any necessities. I'm sleeping less than 2 hours per night, going to class all day, then study groups in the evenings with a baby in tow. I started falling asleep any time I sat down for more than 2 minutes. I wound up flunking out. No, I'm not married to that guy anymore. Baby is now 10, and we are happily doing great with a new family. I still regret not getting that degree, but maybe when the kids are all out of the house...
He was an animal-tamer. In the morning he would clean his well-worn whip, have a test crack or two on the hay-bales on his porch, and twirl it absentmindedly on his way down to the animal cages. An enthusiast of his craft, breaking-in animals was both his vocation and his passion.Upon arrival he would find the beasts already roused and restless; lead by leash to the training yard by one of his apprentices. He would give a tight-lipped grin at the sight of one or two of the creatures' pelts soaking wet. For those that needed an extra nudge in waking an unceremonious dousing would typically do the trick (as well as discourage fleas). However, after a week or so with him, most of the creatures were already conditioned to awaken at the crack of dawn. He prided himself in instilling order on the unintelligent mind.With years of experience behind him, he wasted no time with each day's training regimen. He was the trainer responsible for the recently-caught, wilder specimens and in the hot summer months new arrivals at the pens were plentiful. With his whistle and his whip he would quickly send them through the familiar motions and commands. Any feral actions, whimpers and growls alike, were met with a lash.Of course, he strived to be a fair. Most, quickly accustomed to their new masters, performed doggedly and were encouraged with reward. A pat on the head was common, while a cut of meat (replacing the usual grain feed) was a rarity. Those he deemed prepared were transfered to the younger, less experienced trainers where they were prepared for private ownership as pets or beasts of burden. At the end of each day, he could swear he saw some semblance of pride in the animal eyes of those he moved to this advanced training.Settling into bed at night, he would make an introspective note of when the Captain was bringing the next shipment from Africa. As he pulled the sheets close, he would mentally organise the list of plantation owners who would soon be placing orders in preparation for cotton season. Closing his eyes, he would recall the cries in their strange, savage tongue. And he would smile as the images of whip-drawn blood, stark crimson on black skin, flashed through his mind, lulling him to sleep. With one foot already in the domain of Morpheus, his last thought would be of appreciation for a life worth living as he imagined the coming day and a return to his beloved occupation.He was an animal-tamer. In the morning he would clean his well-worn whip, have a test crack or two on the hay-bales on his porch, and twirl it absentmindedly on his way down to the animal cages. An enthusiast of his craft, breaking-in animals was both his vocation and his passion.
If you'll recall, my argument is that he's a poor leader. The evidence for this is in your argument. Everything else being said, corruption of various forms has been all you, and without any evidence provided. You say a lot about everyone being against him, something you seem to think is unjust. We disagree, I think he's a poor leader and deserves this treatment. The burden is on you. You say he's a good leader, show me where? Show me all this evidence that has turned you from a so called Liberal, to a Trump supporter.
Just to give context to what that is, non-dimensional means that there is no dimension like ft or m/s or inches after the number. A safety factor is a non-dimensional number used in design a lot. It is the ratio of the true design strength to the minimum strength required like Newtons/Newtons or lbs/lbs. Usually dimensionless numbers are ratios between two same values, or is a conglomeration of values that just end up cancelling but contextually gives an idea about the value of an aspect of the system, like fire spreadability.
Dude... Socialism has nothing to do with the size of the State, especially since its end goal is to abolish the State. Socialism means the workers owning the means of production, not the State or some private individual. Scandinavia is a Social Democrat country, Capitalism with benefits programs.
I mean, I wouldn't have said it that way, but I think the same way about a vacation. Once a year isn't bad, and you have to have fun some times. Yeah maybe it's not the most responsible way to spend my money but it's the one I look forward to most.
Sprint's coverage. If I advertised any other company like Sprint it wouldn't fly. "McDonalds used to suck really bad, but now we're within 1% of edible food... and we're cheaper, so why not?"... Ahh Sprint.... Lease a phone today because we know if you are considering Sprint it is 100% based on price....
True I don't come across as bi (if thats even a thing) but the best dressed guy who really loved the Smiths/Cure and musicals who was great at dancing and has the most stereotypical gay lisp surprised the hell out of his family by marrying a woman twenty years ago. He has four kids and as far as his brother can tell he's straight as they come.
For what it's worth, this is easy to see explicitly. Pick a target, say 6. Pick a starting number, say 4. Pick an amount to add to 4 that stays below 6, say 1. Now you're at 5. Pick an amount to add to 5 that stays below 6, say 0.5. Now you're at 5.5. Repeat infinitely.
There never was a chance for diplomacy with North Korea because North Korea isn't diplomatic when it comes to their nuclear ambitions. All that was left was to show the world that we exhausted all possible diplomatic routes before the decap strike comes.
1) My sisters birthday this weekend should be fun2) I am the new coworker!3) I love them, I actually just had them4) light blue, it's hot already5) I'm thinking about it, something less physically demanding would be cool. Although I am getting strong again.
I'm not? Do you know what a normative statement is? At which point did I say "it's good that it works this way" or "the finance industry, which perfect and beyond reproach" or anything like that? I just outlined the role of a bank which you could easily find on Wikipedia or something too...
Not even really the NK gov't, thte kid went to another country and committed a crime, regardless of how small tsters we might think it is there are countries they cut your fucking hands off for stealing. What compelled him to think stealing while in a country hostile to Americans is beyond pale.
No democracy is inherently badImagine if you were sick Would you allow the general public to vote on what disease you have and what treatment to give you?Or would you rather have a doctor decide what disease you have and what to treat it with?In a democracy a drooling retard has the same voting power as someone like Richard Feynman
I love Harry Potter, but the internet fandom completely killed it for me. It's everywhere, and everyone wants to read way too deeply into it. Now everyone wants to know what Hogwarts House you're in (go Ravenclaw). Maybe that was once a cute, geeky question but now it is just a pointless, overly-annoying statement. Disclaimer: If you are part of that fandom, enjoy yourself. I'm happy for you. But please understand overkill.
> (or always have been if one looks at the violent crime statistics). Bullshit. While black on white crime is somewhat higher than white on black crime, it's nowhere near where it needs to be if you want to ascribe it to some sort of silly race war.
> we need to lower our CO2/green house gas emissions as soon as possible, there is no real debate on what is going on or how to fix it That's not how a country works. You need a plan, you need numbers, and you need hard evidence to support those numbers before many of these things can be set into motion.
Are liberals the most useless political group in America? No one is buying their 57 genders, LGBTQIAP bullshit and it is sinking them at the polls. My wife is black and started voting republican because she doesnt want the Democratic party screwing up our kids.
sure obama did not tell everyone to just show up at the polls and try to let all unregistered aliens vote. never happened. I love how you idiots keep losing and losing, (senate, house, presidency and 4 elections since) and they reason is your illeagals are not voting cause they are afraid to break the law cause they are afarid of Trump. Your going no where.
I'm a little confused by this, myofascial release - as best I understand it from my quick researching - is a type of therapy used and not a measurable physiological response. I don't really understand what type of studies you are looking for.
I did, too. Crossed some busy streets. I think the one nearest the school had a crossing guard, but not all the time. It took me like 40 minutes to walk to school. I was a fit kid, though!
Best of luck. I finally managed to get an appointment for various (pretty serious and painful) physical maladies which have accumulated as a side affect of my depression.Getting help for the actual depression itself is still a distant dream, because I'm on Medicaid and no one seems to accept my plan. Then there's the ridiculous hold times when you're trying to call anywhere for clarification, combined with the months-long wait to actually see anyone...aaaand I've just discouraged myself once more.
That's not exactly true. Drake had been tweeting JB for a while and then at one of Drake's concerts Bieber turned up and had an impromptu concert stealing his entire crowd.
1) That is not a Catholic belief. Being a good person is not enough to get into Heaven.In fact that is a heresy that was denounced centuries ago. You have to accept Jesus to be saved, and while even the biggest sinner could get to Heaven under the right circumstances, a staunch atheist is not going to be passing through those pearly gates.
What if it's all from him and he's acting as both of them to get you to feel like the bridge between you and your old friend is burnt, all as part of the process of isolating your old friend in order to better control her and her life?
I was with a squirter and she squirted a lot. I had her bent over my couch and she skeeted so much I slipped on my wood floors. I got her in the bed once and that was very unpleasant. You want to lie down afterwards and the whole mattress is soaked.
Holy shit....I've been wondering why for a couple years Saran Wrap sucks. Back in the day I could use it on a bowl full of liquid, turn that bowl upside down over my head and with reasonable confidence be sure that I'd remain dry.Now the wrap falls off when I close the refrigerator door and there's a slight wispy breeze. Wish they'd go back to how it was tbh
Mine is from a Frank Sinatra song I came to cherish because it was on one of my favorite games of all time, Fallout: New Vegas. I already appreciate Frank Sinatra, and Fallout made me enjoy it even more.
This reminds me of that movie, Jack Frost, except when the dad dies he becomes a giant bear.
To be fair, this happens in a lot of robberies. Obviously not related, but it can be a show of force.
You'd get 2 cents on the second day.The first day you'd have gotten 1 cent.You'd have 3 cents.
1. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World2. Empire Strikes Back3. Mad Max: Fury Road4. Whiplash5. Children of Men6. Logan7. Hot Fuzz8. 500 Days of Summer9. Akira10. Spider-Man 2
SHOW ME THE RELATION-FAX!>"4/23/98: Totaled in DUI (Dating Under the Influence)">"8/16/06: Totaled in DUI (Dating Under the Influence)">"11/4/12: Totaled in DUI (Dating Under the Influence)""Okay, I get the idea. Fuck this, go to the next one.">"7/24/15: Breakdown due to faulty wiring. Mechanics note: *'Bitch is crazy! Becomes obsessive due paranoia about cheating! Requires Tier 4 maintenance!'* "
I'll just leave this here👸🏻 Karen Handel 53.2% 104,223🐔 Jon-Jon Ossoff 46.8% 91,657
I more or less asked the same question and this was the reply I got from them: [Reply](www.4GP.ME/ba3s/1497989010566.jpg)
Karen Handel (Republican) 51.9% 85,316Jon Ossoff (Democratic) 48.1% 79,121164,437 Total Votes
Absolute zero: 0 K (−273.15 °C; −459.67 °F)  It doesn't get much cooler than that, folks.
dbadefense1990 • 0mSo how do alt-right, Trump-gushing conservatives feel about this? Because on one end, the suspect is an illegal Latino (DESE MEXICANS LOVE TO SNEAK INTO DA CUNTRY ILLEGALLIE AND KILL AMERICANS). On the other, the victim is a Muslim (DESE ISIS MUSLIMS WANNA COME INTO OUR CUNTRY AND DO TERRORIST THINGS AGAINST INNOCANT CHRISTIANS).
GEORGIA 6TH Karen Handel (Republican) 52.1% 132,597 (WON) Jon Ossoff (Democratic) 47.9% 121,747---------------- SOUTH CAROLINA 5TH Ralph Norman (Republican) 51.1% 44,889 (WON) Archie Parnell (Democratic) 47.9% 42,053
Karen Handel (Republican) 53.2% 104,223Jon Ossoff (Democratic) 46.8% 91,657
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