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Last active April 9, 2024 07:20
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Weasel 自动发送成对符号并居中光标 | Autopair symbols and move the cursor to the middle in Windows Rime / Weasel

Kw to help searching: 成对符号 成对 居中光标 居中 符号

Since I didn't use Windows and then AHK much, here I keep comments and reference links to help those similar to me.

Originally, I followed this issue link which is referred to in rime-fast-xhup.

Firstly, I use pure lua to implement this, but the Left key seems to be not manipulated in librime.

Secondly I tried use os.execute, but it will always pop one cmd window. Although we can avoid by using

Notice in lua needs luacom which is not maintained for a long time. See this and this luarocks for x86 for how to install it.

  • Here I use weasel 0.15.0 which is x86 and compatible with my installed win11. Weasel lastest x64 will crash on my computer. I didn't digest to find the reasons. So I installed x86 luacom and also obviously x86 lua54. (You can use namke or msys2 related packages which is used by librime workflow to compile.)

Then I use one powershell script to send keys. But actually they are much slower than AHK. I didn't recommend using lua to create such one sequence of calls just for sending one key sequence. This is same as the recommendation by shewer who is one really helpful man (Thanks for your very enthusiastic help in librime-lua).

The similar AHK script can be also seen in this issue comment. This issue is not searched until I finished the above AHK script, tried sharing my method to help others and searched the reference issue link. Whoo, time wasted unnecessarily ...

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force ;
; InstallKeybdHook ;
^!r::Reload ; Ctrl+Alt+R
MsgBox "reload"
^!a::Run "D:\AutoHotkey\UX\AutoHotkeyUX.exe `"D:\AutoHotkey\UX\ui-dash.ahk`"" ; Ctrl+Alt+R
FileAppend A_NowUTC ": " text "`n", A_ScriptDir "\logfile.txt" ; can provide a full path to write to another directory
HasVal(haystack, needle) {
if !(IsObject(haystack)) || (haystack.Length() = 0)
return 0
for index, value in haystack
if (value = needle)
return index
return 0
PairArr := ["(","`"","'","[","{","``"]
PairArrTarget := ["()","`"`"","''","[]","{}","````"]
; here { will be used in `info` to search.
; " and ' are because I often input one of them instead of 2.
SkipList := ["`"","{","'"]
for value in SkipList
for index, src_value in PairArr
if (value = src_value){
PairMapTarget := Map()
GroupAdd "Use_self_punct", "ahk_exe Code.exe"
GroupAdd "Use_self_punct", "ahk_exe WindowsTerminal.exe"
GroupActivate "MyGroup"
Loop PairArr.Length{
; Notice hook key is not same as keyboard hook where the latter is one monitor while the former is one key type.
PairArr[A_Index] := "$" . PairArr[A_Index]
WriteLog(PairArr[A_Index] . ";" . PairArrTarget[A_Index])
PairMapTarget[PairArr[A_Index]] := PairArrTarget[A_Index]
HotIfWinNotActive "ahk_group Use_self_punct"
; HotIfWinNotActive "ahk_exe Code.exe"
; HotIfWinNotActive "ahk_exe WindowsTerminal.exe"
Hotkey PairArr[A_Index], PairOutput
if (Use_UIA==true){
#Include UIA.ahk
; vscode fails only with (
if (Use_UIA==true) {
clipboard := ""
; MsgBox "try UIA"
try if (el := UIA.GetFocusedElement()) && el.IsTextPatternAvailable {
selectionRange := el.GetSelection()[1]
clipboard := selectionRange.GetText()
MsgBox clipboard
clipback := ClipboardAll()
A_Clipboard := "" ; Empty the clipboard
Send "^c"
if !ClipWait(0.1) ; 0.05 will fail.
; MsgBox "The attempt to copy text onto the clipboard failed."
WriteLog("To send" . ThisHotkey . ";" . PairMapTarget[ThisHotkey])
SendText PairMapTarget[ThisHotkey]
Send "{Left}"
if (Use_UIA==true) {
if clipboard != "" {
SendText clipboard
} else{
if A_Clipboard != ""
SendText A_Clipboard
;restore clipboard
A_Clipboard := clipback
Send "-"
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