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Last active October 4, 2021 23:35
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# NOTE: This is sample code that may not include libraries that are required by this method
# This method is just to demonstrate how to do fast imports from STDIN directly to Postgres
# This method was written a long time ago, so it may no longer function as described
# The following code was ripped from a library and not run, so it may not be fully functional as published
module TableLoader
# return each line with the newline value for the platform in question
# we strip any newlines from the end of each line and replace them with
# Ruby "\n" which should be platform specific
def TableLoader::get_line_from_file(file_handle)
retval = file_handle.gets
if retval
retval += "\n"
# pass in an appropriate AR Model for :reset_id_sequence option if you want to reset the sequence after loading
# Options include:
# :delete_existing_data => truncates all data before loading (default: false)
# :sql_parameters => permits specifying sql parameters for COPY such as DELIMETER and NULL (default: '')
# :skip_header_row => skips the first row of table when true (default: false)
def TableLoader.copy_from_file_to_table(table_name, field_names, import_file_path, options = {})
delete_existing_data = options[:delete_existing_data] || false
sql_parameters = options[:sql_parameters] || ''
skip_header_row = options[:skip_header_row] || false
File::open(import_file_path, "r") do |import_file|
# eat first line if there is a header row
import_file::gets if skip_header_row
# CUSTOMSQL create dynamic import sql code using 'COPY FROM' sql statement
import_sql = ''
import_sql += "TRUNCATE TABLE #{table_name}; " if delete_existing_data
import_sql += "COPY #{table_name} "
import_sql += "(#{field_names}) "
import_sql += "FROM STDIN #{sql_parameters}; "
# exit if there are no data rows to process
if import_file.eof? : return false; end
# CUSTOMSQL we obtain a raw PGconn SQL connection to the database so we can ship data
# directly to STDIN on the Postgres SQL connection
raw_conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection
# execute the import SQL, which will leave the connection open so we can ship
# raw records directly to STDIN on the server, via PGconn.putline command (below)
# write all data rows to sql server - we write one line at a time to make debugging easier
loop = TableLoader::get_line_from_file(import_file)
while !loop.blank?
raw_conn.putline(loop) if !loop.blank?
loop = TableLoader::get_line_from_file(import_file)
# this alternative writes the entire file to disk at once
# raw_conn.putline(import_file::gets(nil))
raw_conn.putline("\\.\n") # send Postgres EOF signal: \.<new_line>
raw_conn.endcopy # tell the driver we are done sending data
if raw_conn.status != 0
raise "SQL Server reports error code of #{conn.status}. Status code should have been 0"
# Nb. consider resetting the sequence ID for tables after import if ActiveRecord is used
end # File::open
end # Module
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