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Created February 20, 2011 01:19
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// (c) Steve Midgley 2011
// Released under Apache 2.0 license
// (
// Use: This file validates an incoming CouchDB JSON document for compatibility
// with Learning Registry specification (currently 0.15.0)
// Install: For use with CouchDB/CouchApp. This file goes in the root
// of a CouchApp, and should be pushed along with the rest of the app:
// E.g., "couchapp push"
function (newDoc, oldDoc, userCtx, secObj) {
// require statement isn't working here - don't know why. Copying validate code here for now. Ergh.
// var v = require("lib/validate").init(newDoc, oldDoc, userCtx, secObj);
// Throws error with message, failing validation
var forbidden = function(message) {
throw({forbidden : message});
// returns true of keyExists in newDoc
// keyExists("varKeyWhichExists") // => true
var keyExists = function(key) {
return !(typeof newDoc[key] === "undefined");
// returns true if newDoc[key] is UTC parseable
// OR returns true if newDoc[key] does not exist
// isDateFormatted("varDateKey"); // => true
isDateFormatted = function(key) {
if (!keyExists(key)) {return true;}
else if (newDoc[key].match(/\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(\.\d*)?Z/)) {
return true;
else { return false; };
// requires passed strings to exist as keys in newDoc
// require("key1","key2");
var mustExist = function() {
for (var i=0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var key = arguments[i];
var message = "The '"+key+"' key is required.";
if (typeof newDoc[key] == "undefined") forbidden(message);
// returns true if newDoc[key] matches value
// keyMatches("key1", "test_value");
var keyMatches = function(key, value) {
return (newDoc[key] == value)
// requires key to match one of array of values or fails with error
// mustMatch("key1",["value1","value2"]);
var mustMatch = function(key,values) {
var matchesAValue = false;
for (var i=0; i < values.length; i++) {
if (newDoc[key] == values[i]) {
matchesAValue = true;
if (!matchesAValue) {
var message = "The '"+key+"' key must match the fixed vocabulary: ["+values.join(", ")+"]";
// requires key to match "typeof" function for string specifiedType
// OR must be undefined (this function does not require a key to exist
// but if a key does it exist, it must match specified type
// isSpecifiedType(varBool, "boolean");
var mustBeSpecifiedType = function(key, specifiedType) {
// key must exist and match specified type or we permit it
// use mustMatch function to ensure that key exists
var isWrongType=false;
var message = "";
if (specifiedType == "array") {
if (!([key]) === "[object Array]")) {
message = "The '"+key+"' key must be of type '"+specifiedType+"'";
else if (keyExists(key) && (typeof newDoc[key] === specifiedType) == false) {
var message = "The '"+key+"' key must be of type '"+specifiedType+"'";
isWrongType = true;
// throw validation error w/message if key is wrong type
if (isWrongType) { forbidden(message); };
// requires key to be boolean type
// isBoolean("varBooleanKey");
var mustBeBoolean = function(key) {
// requires single passed key to be array type
var mustBeArray = function(key) {
mustBeSpecifiedType(key, "array");
// requires arbitrary passed elements to be array type
var mustBeArrays = function() {
for (var i=0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
// requires key to be string type
// isString("varStringKey");
var mustBeString = function(key) {
mustBeSpecifiedType(key, "string");
// requires arbitrary number of string parameters are all string variable types
// areStrings("varStringKey1", "varStringKey2");
var mustBeStrings = function() {
for (var i=0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var mustBeDateTime = function(key) {
if (!isDateFormatted(key)) {
var message = "The '"+key+"' key must be in valid date format. Try: 2010-02-24T17:00:03.432Z";
// requires arbitrary number of string parameters are all string variable types
// areStrings("varStringKey1", "varStringKey2");
var mustBeDateTimes = function() {
for (var i=0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
// Validation for deletion
// no validation required for deleting documents
if (newDoc._deleted) {return};
// Validation for submission
// LR Envelope required keys
mustExist("doc_type", "doc_ID", "doc_version", "active", "resource_data_type", "submitter_type","submitter", "submission_TOS", "resource_locator", "publishing_node");
// conditional required keys (key is required based on some set of conditions)
if (keyMatches("payload_placement", "linked")) {
// controlled vocabularies
mustMatch("resource_data_type", ["metadata", "paradata", "resource"]);
mustMatch("doc_type", ["resource_data"]);
mustMatch("doc_version", ["0.10.0"]);
mustMatch("payload_placement", ["inline", "linked", "attached"]);
// datatype requirements
// these functions do not mandate existence, but if present must be of specified datatype
mustBeStrings("doc_version", "doc_ID", "submitter_type", "submitter", "submitter_TTL", "submission_TOS", "resource_TTL", "payload_schema_locator", "payload_schema_format");
mustBeDateTimes("submitter_timestamp", "update_timestamp", "node_timestamp", "create_timestamp");
mustBeArrays("filtering_keys", "payload_schema");
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