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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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first stab at transducers —map, filter and flatmap— in idiomatic (‽) C++, now with FizzBuzz !
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>
#include <tuple>
#include <sstream>
/* const correctness and pass by value vs const ref, move semantics
left as an exercise to the reader.
iterator range API prevents a flatmap as the flatmapped function
could not either return a value or a range.
(would return the paste-the-end iterator of an output range)*/
template<typename Op, template<typename, typename> class Transducer >
struct transducer_helper {
Op op;
transducer_helper(Op o):op(o){}
template <typename Reducer>
Transducer<Op, Reducer> operator()(Reducer r)
{return Transducer<Op, Reducer>(op, r);}
template <typename Op, typename Reducer>
struct transducer_base {
Op op;
Reducer reducer;
transducer_base(Op o, Reducer r): op(o), reducer(r){}
template <typename Op, typename Reducer>
struct map_transducer : transducer_base<Op, Reducer> {
using transducer_base<Op, Reducer>::transducer_base;
template<typename Result, typename Input>
Result operator()(Result r, Input data)
{ return this->reducer(r, this->op(data));}
template <typename Op>
transducer_helper<Op, map_transducer> map(Op const& op)
{ return transducer_helper<Op, map_transducer>(op); }
template <typename Op, typename Reducer>
struct filter_transducer : transducer_base<Op, Reducer>{
using transducer_base<Op, Reducer>::transducer_base;
template<typename Result, typename Input>
Result operator()(Result r, Input data)
{ return this->op(data) ? this->reducer(r, data) : r ;}
template <typename Op>
transducer_helper<Op, filter_transducer> filter(Op const& op)
{ return transducer_helper<Op, filter_transducer>(op); }
// We will want to compose the transducers
template<typename... Fn> struct composer;
template<> struct composer<> {
template<typename Data> Data operator()(Data d){ return d; }
template<typename F0, typename... Fn>
struct composer<F0, Fn...> : private composer<Fn...> {
F0 f;
composer(F0 f0, Fn const&... fn): composer<Fn...>(fn...), f(f0){}
template<typename Data> auto operator()(Data d)->decltype(f(composer<Fn...>::operator()(d)))
{ return f(composer<Fn...>::operator()(d)); }
template <typename... Fn>
composer<Fn...> comp(Fn const&... fn)
{ return composer<Fn...>(fn...); }
template < typename Transducer, typename Reducer, typename Init, typename In>
Init transduce (Transducer xform, Reducer f, Init res, In b, In e)
{ return std::accumulate(b, e, res, xform(f)); }
// for flatmap, the idiomatic c++ way of "returning"
// multiple values is to take an output iterator
template <typename Data, typename Size, typename Out>
Out expand_rle(std::pair<Data, Size> p, Out out)
{ return std::generate_n(out, p.second, [p]{ return p.first;}); }
// the problem is that we have to defer because we don't know the output iterator type
// so maybe we should
// use another object indirection
struct run_length_decoder {
template<typename Data, typename Size, typename Out>
Out operator()(std::pair<Data, Size> p, Out out)
{ return std::generate_n(out, p.second, [p]{ return p.first;}); }
// instead, we want to reduce the values, so we use a
// generalization of back_insert_iterator
template <typename Reducer, typename Init>
struct reducing_output_iterator
: public std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> {
Reducer reducer;
Init res;
reducing_output_iterator(Reducer r, Init init): reducer(r), res(init){}
reducing_output_iterator& operator*(){ return *this;}
template <typename Data>
reducing_output_iterator& operator=(Data data){ res= reducer(res, data); return *this;}
reducing_output_iterator& operator=(reducing_output_iterator<Reducer, Init> const& other)
{ reducer= other.reducer; res= other.res; return *this;}
reducing_output_iterator& operator++() { return *this; }
reducing_output_iterator& operator++(int) { return *this; }
template <typename Reducer, typename Init>
reducing_output_iterator<Reducer, Init> make_reducing_output_iterator (Reducer r, Init i)
{return reducing_output_iterator<Reducer, Init>(r, i) ;}
// the flatmap Op takes two args, the data and an output iter
// (and returns the past-the-end output iter)
template <typename Op, typename Reducer>
struct flatmap_transducer : transducer_base<Op, Reducer>{
using transducer_base<Op, Reducer>::transducer_base;
template<typename Result, typename Input>
Result operator()(Result r, Input data){
return (this->op(data, make_reducing_output_iterator(this->reducer, r))).res;
template <typename Op>
transducer_helper<Op, flatmap_transducer> flatmap(Op const& op)
{ return transducer_helper<Op, flatmap_transducer>(op); }
template<typename T> std::string to_str(T const& d)
{ std::ostringstream os; os << d; return os.str(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
typedef int data_t;
std::array<data_t, 3> data={1, 3, -10};
std::plus<data_t> plus;
std::cout<<std::accumulate(data.begin(), data.end(), 0., plus) << std::endl;
auto times_2= map([](data_t d){return 2 * d;});
std::cout<< transduce(times_2, plus, 0, data.begin(), data.end()) << std::endl;
auto strictly_positive= filter([](data_t d){ return d > 0 ;});
std::cout<< transduce(strictly_positive, plus, 0, data.begin(), data.end())
<< std::endl;
std::cout<< transduce(comp(strictly_positive, times_2)
, plus, 0, data.begin(), data.end()) << std::endl;
auto only_even= filter([](data_t d){ return d % 2 == 0 ;});
std::cout<< transduce(comp(only_even, times_2)
, plus, 0, data.begin(), data.end()) << std::endl;
std::cout<< transduce(comp(times_2, only_even)
, plus, 0, data.begin(), data.end()) << std::endl;
std::cout<< std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), make_reducing_output_iterator(plus, 0)).res <<std::endl;
std::array<std::pair<int, int>, 3> pairs={{{2,3},{1,2},{-3,4}}};
auto rld= flatmap(run_length_decoder());
std::cout<< transduce(rld, plus, 0, pairs.begin(), pairs.end()) << std::endl;
std::cout<< transduce(comp(rld, times_2), plus, 0, pairs.begin(), pairs.end()) << std::endl;
std::cout<< transduce(comp(rld, only_even, times_2), plus, 0, pairs.begin(), pairs.end()) << std::endl;
auto with_empty_str= map([](data_t d){return std::make_pair(d, std::string());});
auto fizzbuzzer= [](data_t factor, std::string const& name){
return map([factor, name](std::pair<data_t, std::string> const& dn)
{ return (dn.first % factor) ? dn : std::make_pair(dn.first, dn.second + name);});};
auto writer= map([](std::pair<data_t, std::string> const& dn)
{ return dn.second.empty() ? to_str(dn.first) : dn.second;});
std::vector<data_t> seq;
data_t d(0);
std::generate_n(std::back_inserter(seq), 20, [d]() mutable{return ++d;});
std::cout << transduce(comp(with_empty_str, fizzbuzzer(3, "Fizz"), fizzbuzzer(5, "Buzz"), writer)
, [](std::string const& res, std::string const& s){return res+' '+s;}
, std::string(), seq.begin(), seq.end());
return 0;
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