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Created July 4, 2016 19:29
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Fable React Native Bindings
namespace Fable.Import
open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Import.JS
type Globals =
[<Global>] static member ``global`` with get(): ___React.GlobalStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ___React.GlobalStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
module ___React =
type Promise<'T> =
abstract ``then``: ?onfulfilled: Func<'T, U2<'TResult, Promise<'TResult>>> * ?onrejected: Func<obj, U2<'TResult, Promise<'TResult>>> -> Promise<'TResult>
abstract catch: ?onrejected: Func<obj, U2<'T, Promise<'T>>> -> Promise<'T>
abstract ``done``: ?callback: Func<'T, unit> -> unit
and PromiseConstructor =
abstract prototype: Promise<obj> with get, set
[<Emit("new $0($1...)")>] abstract Create: init: Func<Func<U2<'T, Promise<'T>>, unit>, Func<obj, unit>, unit> -> Promise<'T>
[<Emit("$0($1...)")>] abstract Invoke: init: Func<Func<U2<'T, Promise<'T>>, unit>, Func<obj, unit>, unit> -> Promise<'T>
abstract all: values: ResizeArray<U2<'T, Promise<'T>>> -> Promise<ResizeArray<'T>>
abstract all: values: ResizeArray<Promise<unit>> -> Promise<unit>
abstract race: values: ResizeArray<U2<'T, Promise<'T>>> -> Promise<'T>
abstract reject: reason: obj -> Promise<unit>
abstract resolve: value: U2<'T, Promise<'T>> -> Promise<'T>
abstract resolve: unit -> Promise<unit>
and NativeComponent =
abstract refs: obj with get, set
abstract ``measure``: callback: NativeMethodsMixin.MeasureOnSuccessCallback -> unit
abstract measureInWindow: callback: NativeMethodsMixin.MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback -> unit
abstract measureLayout: relativeToNativeNode: float * onSuccess: NativeMethodsMixin.MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback * onFail: Func<unit> -> unit
abstract setNativeProps: nativeProps: obj -> unit
abstract focus: unit -> unit
abstract blur: unit -> unit
and ReactClass<'D, 'P, 'S> =
interface end
and Runnable =
Func<obj, unit>
and NativeSyntheticEvent<'T> =
abstract bubbles: bool with get, set
abstract cancelable: bool with get, set
abstract currentTarget: EventTarget with get, set
abstract defaultPrevented: bool with get, set
abstract eventPhase: float with get, set
abstract isTrusted: bool with get, set
abstract nativeEvent: 'T with get, set
abstract target: EventTarget with get, set
abstract timeStamp: DateTime with get, set
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract preventDefault: unit -> unit
abstract stopPropagation: unit -> unit
and NativeTouchEvent =
abstract changedTouches: ResizeArray<NativeTouchEvent> with get, set
abstract identifier: string with get, set
abstract locationX: float with get, set
abstract locationY: float with get, set
abstract pageX: float with get, set
abstract pageY: float with get, set
abstract target: string with get, set
abstract timestamp: float with get, set
abstract touches: ResizeArray<NativeTouchEvent> with get, set
and GestureResponderEvent =
inherit NativeSyntheticEvent<NativeTouchEvent>
and PointProperties =
abstract x: float with get, set
abstract y: float with get, set
and Insets =
abstract top: float option with get, set
abstract left: float option with get, set
abstract bottom: float option with get, set
abstract right: float option with get, set
and Touchable =
abstract onTouchStart: Func<GestureResponderEvent, unit> option with get, set
abstract onTouchMove: Func<GestureResponderEvent, unit> option with get, set
abstract onTouchEnd: Func<GestureResponderEvent, unit> option with get, set
abstract onTouchCancel: Func<GestureResponderEvent, unit> option with get, set
abstract onTouchEndCapture: Func<GestureResponderEvent, unit> option with get, set
and AppConfig =
and [<Import("AppRegistry","___React")>] AppRegistry() =
static member registerConfig(config: ResizeArray<AppConfig>): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member registerComponent(appKey: string, getComponentFunc: Func<React.ComponentClass<obj>>): string = failwith "JS only"
static member registerRunnable(appKey: string, func: Runnable): string = failwith "JS only"
static member getAppKeys(): ResizeArray<string> = failwith "JS only"
static member unmountApplicationComponentAtRootTag(rootTag: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member runApplication(appKey: string, appParameters: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
and LayoutAnimationTypes =
abstract spring: string with get, set
abstract linear: string with get, set
abstract easeInEaseOut: string with get, set
abstract easeIn: string with get, set
abstract easeOut: string with get, set
and LayoutAnimationProperties =
abstract opacity: string with get, set
abstract scaleXY: string with get, set
and LayoutAnimationAnim =
abstract duration: float option with get, set
abstract delay: float option with get, set
abstract springDamping: float option with get, set
abstract initialVelocity: float option with get, set
abstract ``type``: string option with get, set
abstract property: string option with get, set
and LayoutAnimationConfig =
abstract duration: float with get, set
abstract create: LayoutAnimationAnim option with get, set
abstract update: LayoutAnimationAnim option with get, set
abstract delete: LayoutAnimationAnim option with get, set
and LayoutAnimationStatic =
abstract configureNext: Func<LayoutAnimationConfig, Func<unit>, Func<obj, unit>, unit> with get, set
abstract create: Func<float, string, string, LayoutAnimationConfig> with get, set
abstract Types: LayoutAnimationTypes with get, set
abstract Properties: LayoutAnimationProperties with get, set
abstract configChecker: Func<obj, string, string, unit> with get, set
abstract Presets: obj with get, set
and [<StringEnum>] FlexAlignType =
| ``Flex-start`` | ``Flex-end`` | Center | Stretch
and [<StringEnum>] FlexJustifyType =
| ``Flex-start`` | ``Flex-end`` | Center | ``Space-between`` | ``Space-around``
and FlexStyle =
abstract alignItems: FlexAlignType option with get, set
abstract alignSelf: (* TODO StringEnum auto | *) string option with get, set
abstract borderBottomWidth: float option with get, set
abstract borderLeftWidth: float option with get, set
abstract borderRightWidth: float option with get, set
abstract borderTopWidth: float option with get, set
abstract borderWidth: float option with get, set
abstract bottom: float option with get, set
abstract flex: float option with get, set
abstract flexDirection: (* TODO StringEnum row | column *) string option with get, set
abstract flexWrap: (* TODO StringEnum wrap | nowrap *) string option with get, set
abstract height: float option with get, set
abstract justifyContent: FlexJustifyType option with get, set
abstract left: float option with get, set
abstract margin: float option with get, set
abstract marginBottom: float option with get, set
abstract marginHorizontal: float option with get, set
abstract marginLeft: float option with get, set
abstract marginRight: float option with get, set
abstract marginTop: float option with get, set
abstract marginVertical: float option with get, set
abstract padding: float option with get, set
abstract paddingBottom: float option with get, set
abstract paddingHorizontal: float option with get, set
abstract paddingLeft: float option with get, set
abstract paddingRight: float option with get, set
abstract paddingTop: float option with get, set
abstract paddingVertical: float option with get, set
abstract position: (* TODO StringEnum absolute | relative *) string option with get, set
abstract right: float option with get, set
abstract top: float option with get, set
abstract width: float option with get, set
and ShadowPropTypesIOSStatic =
abstract shadowColor: string with get, set
abstract shadowOffset: obj with get, set
abstract shadowOpacity: float with get, set
abstract shadowRadius: float with get, set
and GetCurrentPositionOptions =
and WatchPositionOptions =
and GeolocationReturnType =
and TransformsStyle =
abstract transform: obj * obj * obj * obj * obj * obj * obj * obj * obj * obj * obj * obj option with get, set
abstract transformMatrix: ResizeArray<float> option with get, set
abstract rotation: float option with get, set
abstract scaleX: float option with get, set
abstract scaleY: float option with get, set
abstract translateX: float option with get, set
abstract translateY: float option with get, set
and StyleSheetProperties =
abstract hairlineWidth: float with get, set
abstract flatten: style: 'T -> 'T
and LayoutRectangle =
abstract x: float with get, set
abstract y: float with get, set
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
and LayoutChangeEvent =
abstract nativeEvent: obj with get, set
and TextStyleIOS =
inherit ViewStyle
abstract letterSpacing: float option with get, set
abstract textDecorationColor: string option with get, set
abstract textDecorationStyle: (* TODO StringEnum solid | double | dotted | dashed *) string option with get, set
abstract writingDirection: (* TODO StringEnum auto | ltr | rtl *) string option with get, set
and TextStyleAndroid =
inherit ViewStyle
abstract textAlignVertical: (* TODO StringEnum auto | top | bottom | center *) string option with get, set
and TextStyle =
inherit TextStyleIOS
inherit TextStyleAndroid
inherit ViewStyle
abstract color: string option with get, set
abstract fontFamily: string option with get, set
abstract fontSize: float option with get, set
abstract fontStyle: (* TODO StringEnum normal | italic *) string option with get, set
abstract fontWeight: (* TODO StringEnum normal | bold | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 *) string option with get, set
abstract letterSpacing: float option with get, set
abstract lineHeight: float option with get, set
abstract textAlign: (* TODO StringEnum auto | left | right | center *) string option with get, set
abstract textDecorationLine: (* TODO StringEnum none | underline | line-through | underline line-through *) string option with get, set
abstract textDecorationStyle: (* TODO StringEnum solid | double | dotted | dashed *) string option with get, set
abstract textDecorationColor: string option with get, set
abstract textShadowColor: string option with get, set
abstract textShadowOffset: obj option with get, set
abstract textShadowRadius: float option with get, set
abstract testID: string option with get, set
and TextPropertiesIOS =
abstract allowFontScaling: bool with get, set
abstract suppressHighlighting: bool option with get, set
and TextProperties =
inherit React.Props<TextProperties>
abstract allowFontScaling: bool option with get, set
abstract numberOfLines: float option with get, set
abstract onLayout: Func<LayoutChangeEvent, unit> option with get, set
abstract onPress: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract style: TextStyle option with get, set
abstract testID: string option with get, set
and TextStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<TextProperties>
and TextInputIOSProperties =
abstract clearButtonMode: string option with get, set
abstract clearTextOnFocus: bool option with get, set
abstract enablesReturnKeyAutomatically: bool option with get, set
abstract onKeyPress: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract selectionState: obj option with get, set
and TextInputAndroidProperties =
abstract numberOfLines: float option with get, set
abstract returnKeyLabel: string option with get, set
abstract textAlign: string option with get, set
abstract textAlignVertical: string option with get, set
abstract underlineColorAndroid: string option with get, set
and TextInputProperties =
inherit TextInputIOSProperties
inherit TextInputAndroidProperties
inherit React.Props<TextInputStatic>
abstract autoCapitalize: (* TODO StringEnum none | sentences | words | characters *) string option with get, set
abstract autoCorrect: bool option with get, set
abstract autoFocus: bool option with get, set
abstract blurOnSubmit: bool option with get, set
abstract defaultValue: string option with get, set
abstract editable: bool option with get, set
abstract keyboardType: (* TODO StringEnum default | email-address | numeric | phone-pad | ascii-capable | numbers-and-punctuation | url | number-pad | name-phone-pad | decimal-pad | twitter | web-search *) string option with get, set
abstract maxLength: float option with get, set
abstract multiline: bool option with get, set
abstract onBlur: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract onChange: Func<obj, unit> option with get, set
abstract onChangeText: Func<string, unit> option with get, set
abstract onEndEditing: Func<obj, unit> option with get, set
abstract onFocus: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract onLayout: Func<obj, unit> option with get, set
abstract onSelectionChange: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract onSubmitEditing: Func<obj, unit> option with get, set
abstract password: bool option with get, set
abstract placeholder: string option with get, set
abstract placeholderTextColor: string option with get, set
abstract returnKeyType: (* TODO StringEnum default | go | google | join | next | route | search | send | yahoo | done | emergency-call *) string option with get, set
abstract secureTextEntry: bool option with get, set
abstract selectTextOnFocus: bool option with get, set
abstract selectionColor: string option with get, set
abstract style: TextStyle option with get, set
abstract testID: string option with get, set
abstract value: string option with get, set
and TextInputStatic =
inherit NativeComponent
inherit React.ComponentClass<TextInputProperties>
abstract isFocused: Func<bool> with get, set
abstract clear: Func<unit> with get, set
abstract blur: Func<unit> with get, set
abstract focus: Func<unit> with get, set
and ToolbarAndroidAction =
and ToolbarAndroidProperties =
inherit React.Props<ToolbarAndroidStatic>
abstract actions: ResizeArray<ToolbarAndroidAction> option with get, set
abstract contentInsetEnd: float option with get, set
abstract contentInsetStart: float option with get, set
abstract logo: obj option with get, set
abstract navIcon: obj option with get, set
abstract onActionSelected: Func<float, unit> option with get, set
abstract onIconClicked: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract overflowIcon: obj option with get, set
abstract rtl: bool option with get, set
abstract subtitle: string option with get, set
abstract subtitleColor: string option with get, set
abstract testID: string option with get, set
abstract title: string option with get, set
abstract titleColor: string option with get, set
and ToolbarAndroidStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<ToolbarAndroidProperties>
and GestureResponderHandlers =
abstract onStartShouldSetResponder: Func<GestureResponderEvent, bool> option with get, set
abstract onMoveShouldSetResponder: Func<GestureResponderEvent, bool> option with get, set
abstract onResponderGrant: Func<GestureResponderEvent, unit> option with get, set
abstract onResponderReject: Func<GestureResponderEvent, unit> option with get, set
abstract onResponderMove: Func<GestureResponderEvent, unit> option with get, set
abstract onResponderRelease: Func<GestureResponderEvent, unit> option with get, set
abstract onResponderTerminationRequest: Func<GestureResponderEvent, bool> option with get, set
abstract onResponderTerminate: Func<GestureResponderEvent, unit> option with get, set
abstract onStartShouldSetResponderCapture: Func<GestureResponderEvent, bool> option with get, set
abstract onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture: Func<unit> option with get, set
and ViewStyle =
inherit FlexStyle
inherit TransformsStyle
abstract backfaceVisibility: (* TODO StringEnum visible | hidden *) string option with get, set
abstract backgroundColor: string option with get, set
abstract borderBottomColor: string option with get, set
abstract borderBottomLeftRadius: float option with get, set
abstract borderBottomRightRadius: float option with get, set
abstract borderBottomWidth: float option with get, set
abstract borderColor: string option with get, set
abstract borderLeftColor: string option with get, set
abstract borderRadius: float option with get, set
abstract borderRightColor: string option with get, set
abstract borderRightWidth: float option with get, set
abstract borderStyle: (* TODO StringEnum solid | dotted | dashed *) string option with get, set
abstract borderTopColor: string option with get, set
abstract borderTopLeftRadius: float option with get, set
abstract borderTopRightRadius: float option with get, set
abstract borderTopWidth: float option with get, set
abstract opacity: float option with get, set
abstract overflow: (* TODO StringEnum visible | hidden *) string option with get, set
abstract shadowColor: string option with get, set
abstract shadowOffset: obj option with get, set
abstract shadowOpacity: float option with get, set
abstract shadowRadius: float option with get, set
abstract elevation: float option with get, set
abstract testID: string option with get, set
and ViewPropertiesIOS =
abstract accessibilityTraits: U2<string, ResizeArray<string>> option with get, set
abstract shouldRasterizeIOS: bool option with get, set
and ViewPropertiesAndroid =
abstract accessibilityComponentType: string option with get, set
abstract accessibilityLiveRegion: string option with get, set
abstract collapsable: bool option with get, set
abstract importantForAccessibility: string option with get, set
abstract needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing: bool option with get, set
abstract renderToHardwareTextureAndroid: bool option with get, set
and ViewProperties =
inherit ViewPropertiesAndroid
inherit ViewPropertiesIOS
inherit GestureResponderHandlers
inherit Touchable
inherit React.Props<ViewStatic>
abstract accessibilityLabel: string option with get, set
abstract accessible: bool option with get, set
abstract hitSlop: obj option with get, set
abstract onAcccessibilityTap: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract onLayout: Func<LayoutChangeEvent, unit> option with get, set
abstract onMagicTap: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract pointerEvents: (* TODO StringEnum box-none | none | box-only | autoViewStyle *) string option with get, set
abstract removeClippedSubviews: bool option with get, set
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
abstract testID: string option with get, set
and ViewStatic =
inherit NativeComponent
inherit React.ComponentClass<ViewProperties>
and ViewPagerAndroidOnPageScrollEventData =
abstract position: float with get, set
abstract offset: float with get, set
and ViewPagerAndroidOnPageSelectedEventData =
abstract position: float with get, set
and ViewPagerAndroidProperties =
inherit ViewProperties
abstract initialPage: float option with get, set
abstract scrollEnabled: bool option with get, set
abstract onPageScroll: Func<NativeSyntheticEvent<ViewPagerAndroidOnPageScrollEventData>, unit> option with get, set
abstract onPageSelected: Func<NativeSyntheticEvent<ViewPagerAndroidOnPageSelectedEventData>, unit> option with get, set
abstract onPageScrollStateChanged: Func<(* TODO StringEnum Idle | Dragging | Settling *) string, unit> option with get, set
abstract keyboardDismissMode: (* TODO StringEnum none | on-drag *) string option with get, set
abstract pageMargin: float option with get, set
and ViewPagerAndroidStatic =
inherit NativeComponent
inherit React.ComponentClass<ViewPagerAndroidProperties>
abstract setPage: Func<float, unit> with get, set
abstract setPageWithoutAnimation: Func<float, unit> with get, set
and NavState =
abstract url: string option with get, set
abstract title: string option with get, set
abstract loading: bool option with get, set
abstract canGoBack: bool option with get, set
abstract canGoForward: bool option with get, set
[<Emit("$0[$1]{{=$2}}")>] abstract Item: key: string -> obj with get, set
and WebViewPropertiesAndroid =
abstract javaScriptEnabled: bool option with get, set
abstract domStorageEnabled: bool option with get, set
and WebViewPropertiesIOS =
abstract allowsInlineMediaPlayback: bool option with get, set
abstract bounces: bool option with get, set
abstract decelerationRate: (* TODO StringEnum normal | fast | *) string option with get, set
abstract onShouldStartLoadWithRequest: Func<bool> option with get, set
abstract scrollEnabled: bool option with get, set
and WebViewUriSource =
abstract uri: string option with get, set
abstract ``method``: string option with get, set
abstract headers: obj option with get, set
abstract body: string option with get, set
and WebViewHtmlSource =
abstract html: string with get, set
abstract baseUrl: string option with get, set
and WebViewProperties =
inherit WebViewPropertiesAndroid
inherit WebViewPropertiesIOS
inherit React.Props<WebViewStatic>
abstract automaticallyAdjustContentInsets: bool option with get, set
abstract bounces: bool option with get, set
abstract contentInset: Insets option with get, set
abstract html: string option with get, set
abstract injectedJavaScript: string option with get, set
abstract onError: Func<NavState, unit> option with get, set
abstract onLoad: Func<NavState, unit> option with get, set
abstract onLoadEnd: Func<NavState, unit> option with get, set
abstract onLoadStart: Func<NavState, unit> option with get, set
abstract onNavigationStateChange: Func<NavState, unit> option with get, set
abstract onShouldStartLoadWithRequest: Func<bool> option with get, set
abstract renderError: Func<ViewStatic> option with get, set
abstract renderLoading: Func<ViewStatic> option with get, set
abstract scrollEnabled: bool option with get, set
abstract startInLoadingState: bool option with get, set
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
abstract url: string option with get, set
abstract source: U3<WebViewUriSource, WebViewHtmlSource, float> option with get, set
abstract mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction: bool option with get, set
abstract scalesPageToFit: bool option with get, set
and WebViewStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<WebViewProperties>
abstract goBack: Func<unit> with get, set
abstract goForward: Func<unit> with get, set
abstract reload: Func<unit> with get, set
abstract getWebViewHandle: Func<obj> with get, set
and NativeSegmentedControlIOSChangeEvent =
abstract value: string with get, set
abstract selectedSegmentIndex: float with get, set
abstract target: float with get, set
and SegmentedControlIOSProperties =
inherit React.Props<SegmentedControlIOSStatic>
abstract enabled: bool option with get, set
abstract momentary: bool option with get, set
abstract onChange: Func<NativeSyntheticEvent<NativeSegmentedControlIOSChangeEvent>, unit> option with get, set
abstract onValueChange: Func<string, unit> option with get, set
abstract selectedIndex: float option with get, set
abstract tintColor: string option with get, set
abstract values: ResizeArray<string> option with get, set
and SegmentedControlIOSStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<SegmentedControlIOSProperties>
and NavigatorIOSProperties =
inherit React.Props<NavigatorIOSStatic>
abstract initialRoute: Route option with get, set
abstract itemWrapperStyle: ViewStyle option with get, set
abstract navigationBarHidden: bool option with get, set
abstract shadowHidden: bool option with get, set
abstract tintColor: string option with get, set
abstract titleTextColor: string option with get, set
abstract translucent: bool option with get, set
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
and NavigationIOS =
abstract push: Func<Route, unit> with get, set
abstract pop: Func<unit> with get, set
abstract popN: Func<float, unit> with get, set
abstract replace: Func<Route, unit> with get, set
abstract replacePrevious: Func<Route, unit> with get, set
abstract replacePreviousAndPop: Func<Route, unit> with get, set
abstract resetTo: Func<Route, unit> with get, set
abstract popToRoute: route: Route -> unit
abstract popToTop: unit -> unit
and NavigatorIOSStatic =
inherit NavigationIOS
inherit React.ComponentClass<NavigatorIOSProperties>
and ActivityIndicatorIOSProperties =
inherit React.Props<ActivityIndicatorIOSStatic>
abstract animating: bool option with get, set
abstract color: string option with get, set
abstract hidesWhenStopped: bool option with get, set
abstract onLayout: Func<obj, unit> option with get, set
abstract size: string option with get, set
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
and ActivityIndicatorIOSStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<ActivityIndicatorIOSProperties>
and DatePickerIOSProperties =
inherit React.Props<DatePickerIOSStatic>
abstract date: DateTime option with get, set
abstract maximumDate: DateTime option with get, set
abstract minimumDate: DateTime option with get, set
abstract minuteInterval: float option with get, set
abstract mode: (* TODO StringEnum date | time | datetime *) string option with get, set
abstract onDateChange: Func<DateTime, unit> option with get, set
abstract timeZoneOffsetInMinutes: float option with get, set
and DatePickerIOSStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<DatePickerIOSProperties>
and DrawerSlideEvent =
inherit NativeSyntheticEvent<NativeTouchEvent>
and DrawerLayoutAndroidProperties =
inherit React.Props<DrawerLayoutAndroidStatic>
abstract drawerBackgroundColor: string option with get, set
abstract drawerLockMode: (* TODO StringEnum unlocked | locked-closed | locked-open *) string option with get, set
abstract drawerPosition: obj option with get, set
abstract drawerWidth: float option with get, set
abstract keyboardDismissMode: (* TODO StringEnum none | on-drag *) string option with get, set
abstract onDrawerClose: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract onDrawerOpen: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract onDrawerSlide: Func<DrawerSlideEvent, unit> option with get, set
abstract onDrawerStateChanged: Func<(* TODO StringEnum Idle | Dragging | Settling *) string, unit> option with get, set
abstract renderNavigationView: Func<View> option with get, set
abstract statusBarBackgroundColor: obj option with get, set
and DrawerLayoutAndroidStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<DrawerLayoutAndroidProperties>
abstract openDrawer: unit -> unit
abstract closeDrawer: unit -> unit
and PickerIOSItemProperties =
inherit React.Props<PickerIOSItemStatic>
abstract value: U2<string, float> option with get, set
abstract label: string option with get, set
and PickerIOSItemStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<PickerIOSItemProperties>
and PickerItemProperties =
inherit React.Props<PickerItemStatic>
abstract label: string with get, set
abstract value: obj option with get, set
abstract color: string option with get, set
abstract testID: string option with get, set
and PickerItemStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<PickerItemProperties>
and PickerPropertiesIOS =
inherit React.Props<PickerStatic>
abstract itemStyle: ViewStyle option with get, set
and PickerPropertiesAndroid =
inherit React.Props<PickerStatic>
abstract enabled: bool option with get, set
abstract mode: (* TODO StringEnum dialog | dropdown *) string option with get, set
abstract prompt: string option with get, set
and PickerProperties =
inherit PickerPropertiesIOS
inherit PickerPropertiesAndroid
inherit React.Props<PickerStatic>
abstract onValueChange: Func<obj, float, unit> option with get, set
abstract selectedValue: obj option with get, set
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
abstract testId: string option with get, set
and PickerStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<PickerProperties>
abstract Item: PickerItemStatic with get, set
and PickerIOSProperties =
inherit React.Props<PickerIOSStatic>
abstract itemStyle: ViewStyle option with get, set
and PickerIOSStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<PickerIOSProperties>
abstract Item: PickerIOSItemStatic with get, set
and ProgressBarAndroidProperties =
inherit React.Props<ProgressBarAndroidStatic>
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
abstract styleAttr: (* TODO StringEnum Horizontal | Normal | Small | Large | Inverse | SmallInverse | LargeInverse *) string option with get, set
abstract indeterminate: bool option with get, set
abstract progress: float option with get, set
abstract color: string option with get, set
abstract testID: string option with get, set
and ProgressBarAndroidStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<ProgressBarAndroidProperties>
and ProgressViewIOSProperties =
inherit React.Props<ProgressViewIOSStatic>
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
abstract progressViewStyle: (* TODO StringEnum default | bar *) string option with get, set
abstract progress: float option with get, set
abstract progressTintColor: string option with get, set
abstract trackTintColor: string option with get, set
abstract progressImage: obj option with get, set
abstract trackImage: obj option with get, set
and ProgressViewIOSStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<ProgressViewIOSProperties>
and RefreshControlPropertiesIOS =
inherit React.Props<RefreshControlStatic>
abstract tintColor: string option with get, set
abstract title: string option with get, set
abstract titleColor: string option with get, set
and RefreshControlPropertiesAndroid =
inherit React.Props<RefreshControlStatic>
abstract colors: ResizeArray<string> option with get, set
abstract enabled: bool option with get, set
abstract progressBackgroundColor: string option with get, set
abstract size: float option with get, set
abstract progressViewOffset: float option with get, set
and RefreshControlProperties =
inherit RefreshControlPropertiesIOS
inherit RefreshControlPropertiesAndroid
inherit React.Props<RefreshControl>
abstract onRefresh: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract refreshing: bool option with get, set
and RefreshControlStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<RefreshControlProperties>
abstract SIZE: obj with get, set
and SliderPropertiesIOS =
inherit React.Props<SliderStatic>
abstract maximumTrackImage: obj option with get, set
abstract maximumTrackTintColor: string option with get, set
abstract minimumTrackImage: string option with get, set
abstract minimumTrackTintColor: string option with get, set
abstract thumbImage: obj option with get, set
abstract trackImage: obj option with get, set
and SliderProperties =
inherit SliderPropertiesIOS
inherit React.Props<SliderStatic>
abstract disabled: bool option with get, set
abstract maximumValue: float option with get, set
abstract minimumValue: float option with get, set
abstract onSlidingComplete: Func<float, unit> option with get, set
abstract onValueChange: Func<float, unit> option with get, set
abstract step: float option with get, set
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
abstract testID: string option with get, set
abstract value: float option with get, set
and SliderStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<SliderProperties>
and SliderIOSProperties =
inherit React.Props<SliderIOSStatic>
abstract disabled: bool option with get, set
abstract maximumValue: float option with get, set
abstract maximumTrackTintColor: string option with get, set
abstract minimumValue: float option with get, set
abstract minimumTrackImage: obj option with get, set
abstract minimumTrackTintColor: string option with get, set
abstract onSlidingComplete: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract onValueChange: Func<float, unit> option with get, set
abstract step: float option with get, set
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
abstract value: float option with get, set
and SliderIOSStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<SliderIOSProperties>
and SwitchIOSStyle =
inherit ViewStyle
abstract height: float option with get, set
abstract width: float option with get, set
and SwitchIOSProperties =
inherit React.Props<SwitchIOSStatic>
abstract disabled: bool option with get, set
abstract onTintColor: string option with get, set
abstract onValueChange: Func<bool, unit> option with get, set
abstract thumbTintColor: string option with get, set
abstract tintColor: string option with get, set
abstract value: bool option with get, set
abstract style: SwitchIOSStyle option with get, set
and SwitchIOSStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<SwitchIOSProperties>
and ImageResizeModeStatic =
abstract contain: string with get, set
abstract cover: string with get, set
abstract stretch: string with get, set
and ImageStyle =
inherit FlexStyle
inherit TransformsStyle
abstract resizeMode: string option with get, set
abstract backfaceVisibility: (* TODO StringEnum visible | hidden *) string option with get, set
abstract borderBottomLeftRadius: float option with get, set
abstract borderBottomRightRadius: float option with get, set
abstract backgroundColor: string option with get, set
abstract borderColor: string option with get, set
abstract borderWidth: float option with get, set
abstract borderRadius: float option with get, set
abstract borderTopLeftRadius: float option with get, set
abstract borderTopRightRadius: float option with get, set
abstract overflow: (* TODO StringEnum visible | hidden *) string option with get, set
abstract overlayColor: string option with get, set
abstract tintColor: string option with get, set
abstract opacity: float option with get, set
and ImagePropertiesIOS =
abstract accessibilityLabel: string option with get, set
abstract accessible: bool option with get, set
abstract capInsets: Insets option with get, set
abstract defaultSource: U2<obj, float> option with get, set
abstract onError: Func<obj, unit> option with get, set
abstract onProgress: Func<unit> option with get, set
and ImageProperties =
inherit ImagePropertiesIOS
inherit React.Props<Image>
abstract onLayout: Func<LayoutChangeEvent, unit> option with get, set
abstract onLoad: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract onLoadEnd: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract onLoadStart: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract resizeMode: (* TODO StringEnum cover | contain | stretch *) string option with get, set
abstract source: U2<obj, string> with get, set
abstract style: ImageStyle option with get, set
abstract testID: string option with get, set
and ImageStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<ImageProperties>
abstract uri: string with get, set
abstract resizeMode: ImageResizeModeStatic with get, set
abstract getSize: uri: string * success: Func<float, float, unit> * failure: Func<obj, unit> -> obj
abstract prefetch: url: string -> obj
and ListViewProperties =
inherit ScrollViewProperties
inherit React.Props<ListViewStatic>
abstract dataSource: ListViewDataSource option with get, set
abstract enableEmptySections: bool option with get, set
abstract initialListSize: float option with get, set
abstract onChangeVisibleRows: Func<ResizeArray<obj>, ResizeArray<obj>, unit> option with get, set
abstract onEndReached: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract onEndReachedThreshold: float option with get, set
abstract pageSize: float option with get, set
abstract removeClippedSubviews: bool option with get, set
abstract renderFooter: Func<React.ReactElement<obj>> option with get, set
abstract renderHeader: Func<React.ReactElement<obj>> option with get, set
abstract renderRow: Func<obj, U2<string, float>, U2<string, float>, bool, React.ReactElement<obj>> option with get, set
abstract renderScrollComponent: Func<ScrollViewProperties, React.ReactElement<ScrollViewProperties>> option with get, set
abstract renderSectionHeader: Func<obj, U2<string, float>, React.ReactElement<obj>> option with get, set
abstract renderSeparator: Func<U2<string, float>, U2<string, float>, bool, React.ReactElement<obj>> option with get, set
abstract scrollRenderAheadDistance: float option with get, set
and ListViewStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<ListViewProperties>
abstract DataSource: ListViewDataSource with get, set
and MapViewAnnotation =
abstract latitude: float option with get, set
abstract longitude: float option with get, set
abstract animateDrop: bool option with get, set
abstract title: string option with get, set
abstract subtitle: string option with get, set
abstract hasLeftCallout: bool option with get, set
abstract hasRightCallout: bool option with get, set
abstract onLeftCalloutPress: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract onRightCalloutPress: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract id: string option with get, set
and MapViewRegion =
abstract latitude: float with get, set
abstract longitude: float with get, set
abstract latitudeDelta: float option with get, set
abstract longitudeDelta: float option with get, set
and MapViewOverlay =
abstract coordinates: ResizeArray<obj> with get, set
abstract lineWidth: float option with get, set
abstract strokeColor: obj option with get, set
abstract fillColor: obj option with get, set
abstract id: string option with get, set
and MapViewPropertiesIOS =
abstract showsPointsOfInterest: bool option with get, set
abstract annotations: ResizeArray<MapViewAnnotation> option with get, set
abstract followUserLocation: bool option with get, set
abstract legalLabelInsets: Insets option with get, set
abstract mapType: string option with get, set
abstract maxDelta: float option with get, set
abstract minDelta: float option with get, set
abstract overlays: ResizeArray<MapViewOverlay> with get, set
abstract showsCompass: bool option with get, set
and MapViewPropertiesAndroid =
abstract active: bool option with get, set
and MapViewProperties =
inherit MapViewPropertiesIOS
inherit MapViewPropertiesAndroid
inherit Touchable
inherit React.Props<MapViewStatic>
abstract onAnnotationPress: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract onRegionChange: Func<MapViewRegion, unit> option with get, set
abstract onRegionChangeComplete: Func<MapViewRegion, unit> option with get, set
abstract pitchEnabled: bool option with get, set
abstract region: MapViewRegion option with get, set
abstract rotateEnabled: bool option with get, set
abstract scrollEnabled: bool option with get, set
abstract showsUserLocation: bool option with get, set
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
abstract zoomEnabled: bool option with get, set
and MapViewStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<MapViewProperties>
and ModalProperties =
inherit React.Props<ModalStatic>
abstract animated: bool option with get, set
abstract animationType: (* TODO StringEnum none | slide | fade *) string option with get, set
abstract transparent: bool option with get, set
abstract visible: bool option with get, set
abstract onRequestClose: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract onShow: Func<NativeSyntheticEvent<obj>, unit> option with get, set
and ModalStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<ModalProperties>
and TouchableWithoutFeedbackAndroidProperties =
abstract accessibilityComponentType: string option with get, set
and TouchableWithoutFeedbackIOSProperties =
abstract accessibilityTraits: U2<string, ResizeArray<string>> option with get, set
and TouchableWithoutFeedbackProperties =
inherit TouchableWithoutFeedbackAndroidProperties
inherit TouchableWithoutFeedbackIOSProperties
abstract accessible: bool option with get, set
abstract delayLongPress: float option with get, set
abstract delayPressIn: float option with get, set
abstract delayPressOut: float option with get, set
abstract disabled: bool option with get, set
abstract hitSlop: obj option with get, set
abstract onLayout: Func<LayoutChangeEvent, unit> option with get, set
abstract onLongPress: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract onPress: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract onPressIn: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract onPressOut: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
abstract pressRetentionOffset: obj option with get, set
and TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps =
inherit TouchableWithoutFeedbackProperties
inherit React.Props<TouchableWithoutFeedbackStatic>
and TouchableWithoutFeedbackStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps>
and TouchableHighlightProperties =
inherit TouchableWithoutFeedbackProperties
inherit React.Props<TouchableHighlightStatic>
abstract activeOpacity: float option with get, set
abstract onHideUnderlay: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract onShowUnderlay: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
abstract underlayColor: string option with get, set
and TouchableHighlightStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<TouchableHighlightProperties>
and TouchableOpacityProperties =
inherit TouchableWithoutFeedbackProperties
inherit React.Props<TouchableOpacityStatic>
abstract activeOpacity: float option with get, set
and TouchableOpacityStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<TouchableOpacityProperties>
abstract setOpacityTo: Func<float, unit> with get, set
and TouchableNativeFeedbackProperties =
inherit TouchableWithoutFeedbackProperties
inherit React.Props<TouchableNativeFeedbackStatic>
abstract background: obj option with get, set
and TouchableNativeFeedbackStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<TouchableNativeFeedbackProperties>
abstract SelectableBackground: Func<TouchableNativeFeedbackStatic> with get, set
abstract SelectableBackgroundBorderless: Func<TouchableNativeFeedbackStatic> with get, set
abstract Ripple: Func<string, bool, TouchableNativeFeedbackStatic> with get, set
and LeftToRightGesture =
interface end
and AnimationInterpolator =
interface end
and SceneConfig =
abstract gestures: obj with get, set
abstract springFriction: float with get, set
abstract springTension: float with get, set
abstract defaultTransitionVelocity: float with get, set
abstract animationInterpolators: obj with get, set
and SceneConfigs =
abstract FloatFromBottom: SceneConfig with get, set
abstract FloatFromRight: SceneConfig with get, set
abstract PushFromRight: SceneConfig with get, set
abstract FloatFromLeft: SceneConfig with get, set
abstract HorizontalSwipeJump: SceneConfig with get, set
and Route =
abstract ``component``: React.ComponentClass<ViewProperties> option with get, set
abstract id: string option with get, set
abstract title: string option with get, set
abstract passProps: obj option with get, set
[<Emit("$0[$1]{{=$2}}")>] abstract Item: key: string -> obj with get, set
abstract backButtonTitle: string option with get, set
abstract content: string option with get, set
abstract message: string option with get, set
abstract index: float option with get, set
abstract onRightButtonPress: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract rightButtonTitle: string option with get, set
abstract sceneConfig: SceneConfig option with get, set
abstract wrapperStyle: obj option with get, set
and NavigatorProperties =
inherit React.Props<Navigator>
abstract configureScene: Func<Route, SceneConfig> option with get, set
abstract initialRoute: Route option with get, set
abstract initialRouteStack: ResizeArray<Route> option with get, set
abstract navigationBar: React.ReactElement<NavigatorStatic.NavigationBarProperties> option with get, set
abstract navigator: Navigator option with get, set
abstract onDidFocus: Function option with get, set
abstract onWillFocus: Function option with get, set
abstract renderScene: Func<Route, Navigator, React.ReactElement<ViewProperties>> option with get, set
abstract sceneStyle: ViewStyle option with get, set
abstract debugOverlay: bool option with get, set
and NavigatorStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<NavigatorProperties>
abstract SceneConfigs: SceneConfigs with get, set
abstract NavigationBar: NavigatorStatic.NavigationBarStatic with get, set
abstract BreadcrumbNavigationBar: NavigatorStatic.BreadcrumbNavigationBarStatic with get, set
abstract getContext: self: obj -> NavigatorStatic
abstract getCurrentRoutes: unit -> ResizeArray<Route>
abstract jumpBack: unit -> unit
abstract jumpForward: unit -> unit
abstract jumpTo: route: Route -> unit
abstract push: route: Route -> unit
abstract pop: unit -> unit
abstract replace: route: Route -> unit
abstract replaceAtIndex: route: Route * index: float -> unit
abstract replacePrevious: route: Route -> unit
abstract immediatelyResetRouteStack: routes: ResizeArray<Route> -> unit
abstract popToRoute: route: Route -> unit
abstract popToTop: unit -> unit
and StyleSheetStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<StyleSheetProperties>
abstract create: styles: 'T -> 'T
and DataSourceAssetCallback =
abstract rowHasChanged: Func<obj, obj, bool> option with get, set
abstract sectionHeaderHasChanged: Func<obj, obj, bool> option with get, set
abstract getRowData: Func<obj, U2<float, string>, U2<float, string>, 'T> option with get, set
abstract getSectionHeaderData: Func<obj, U2<float, string>, 'T> option with get, set
and ListViewDataSource =
[<Emit("new $0($1...)")>] abstract Create: onAsset: DataSourceAssetCallback -> ListViewDataSource
abstract cloneWithRows: dataBlob: U2<ResizeArray<obj>, obj> * ?rowIdentities: ResizeArray<U2<string, float>> -> ListViewDataSource
abstract cloneWithRowsAndSections: dataBlob: U2<ResizeArray<obj>, obj> * ?sectionIdentities: ResizeArray<U2<string, float>> * ?rowIdentities: ResizeArray<ResizeArray<U2<string, float>>> -> ListViewDataSource
abstract getRowCount: unit -> float
abstract getRowData: sectionIndex: float * rowIndex: float -> obj
abstract getRowIDForFlatIndex: index: float -> string
abstract getSectionIDForFlatIndex: index: float -> string
abstract getSectionLengths: unit -> ResizeArray<float>
abstract sectionHeaderShouldUpdate: sectionIndex: float -> bool
abstract getSectionHeaderData: sectionIndex: float -> obj
and TabBarItemProperties =
inherit React.Props<TabBarItemStatic>
abstract badge: U2<string, float> option with get, set
abstract icon: U2<obj, string> option with get, set
abstract onPress: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract selected: bool option with get, set
abstract selectedIcon: U2<obj, string> option with get, set
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
abstract systemIcon: (* TODO StringEnum bookmarks | contacts | downloads | favorites | featured | history | more | most-recent | most-viewed | recents | search | top-rated *) string with get, set
abstract title: string option with get, set
and TabBarItemStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<TabBarItemProperties>
and TabBarIOSProperties =
inherit React.Props<TabBarIOSStatic>
abstract barTintColor: string option with get, set
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
abstract tintColor: string option with get, set
abstract translucent: bool option with get, set
and TabBarIOSStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<TabBarIOSProperties>
abstract Item: TabBarItemStatic with get, set
and PixelRatioStatic =
abstract get: unit -> float
abstract getFontScale: unit -> float
abstract getPixelSizeForLayoutSize: layoutSize: float -> float
abstract roundToNearestPixel: layoutSize: float -> float
abstract startDetecting: unit -> unit
and [<StringEnum>] PlatformOSType =
| Ios | Android
and DeviceEventSubscriptionStatic =
abstract remove: unit -> unit
and DeviceEventEmitterStatic =
abstract addListener: ``type``: string * onReceived: Func<'T, unit> -> DeviceEventSubscription
and ScaledSize =
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
abstract scale: float with get, set
abstract fontScale: float with get, set
and Dimensions =
abstract get: dim: (* TODO StringEnum window | screen *) string -> ScaledSize
abstract set: dims: ResizeArray<obj> -> unit
and PromiseTask =
and Handle =
and InteractionManagerStatic =
abstract runAfterInteractions: fn: Func<U2<unit, PromiseTask>> -> Promise<obj>
abstract createInteractionHandle: unit -> Handle
abstract clearInteractionHandle: handle: Handle -> unit
abstract setDeadline: deadline: float -> unit
and ScrollViewStyle =
inherit FlexStyle
inherit TransformsStyle
abstract backfaceVisibility: (* TODO StringEnum visible | hidden *) string option with get, set
abstract backgroundColor: string option with get, set
abstract borderColor: string option with get, set
abstract borderTopColor: string option with get, set
abstract borderRightColor: string option with get, set
abstract borderBottomColor: string option with get, set
abstract borderLeftColor: string option with get, set
abstract borderRadius: float option with get, set
abstract borderTopLeftRadius: float option with get, set
abstract borderTopRightRadius: float option with get, set
abstract borderBottomLeftRadius: float option with get, set
abstract borderBottomRightRadius: float option with get, set
abstract borderStyle: (* TODO StringEnum solid | dotted | dashed *) string option with get, set
abstract borderWidth: float option with get, set
abstract borderTopWidth: float option with get, set
abstract borderRightWidth: float option with get, set
abstract borderBottomWidth: float option with get, set
abstract borderLeftWidth: float option with get, set
abstract opacity: float option with get, set
abstract overflow: (* TODO StringEnum visible | hidden *) string option with get, set
abstract shadowColor: string option with get, set
abstract shadowOffset: obj option with get, set
abstract shadowOpacity: float option with get, set
abstract shadowRadius: float option with get, set
abstract elevation: float option with get, set
and ScrollViewPropertiesIOS =
abstract alwaysBounceHorizontal: bool option with get, set
abstract alwaysBounceVertical: bool option with get, set
abstract automaticallyAdjustContentInsets: bool option with get, set
abstract bounces: bool option with get, set
abstract bouncesZoom: bool option with get, set
abstract canCancelContentTouches: bool option with get, set
abstract centerContent: bool option with get, set
abstract contentInset: Insets option with get, set
abstract contentOffset: PointProperties option with get, set
abstract decelerationRate: (* TODO StringEnum fast | normal | *) string option with get, set
abstract directionalLockEnabled: bool option with get, set
abstract indicatorStyle: (* TODO StringEnum default | black | white *) string option with get, set
abstract maximumZoomScale: float option with get, set
abstract minimumZoomScale: float option with get, set
abstract onRefreshStart: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract onScrollAnimationEnd: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract scrollEnabled: bool option with get, set
abstract scrollEventThrottle: float option with get, set
abstract scrollIndicatorInsets: Insets option with get, set
abstract scrollsToTop: bool option with get, set
abstract snapToAlignment: string option with get, set
abstract snapToInterval: float option with get, set
abstract stickyHeaderIndices: ResizeArray<float> option with get, set
abstract zoomScale: float option with get, set
and ScrollViewPropertiesAndroid =
abstract endFillColor: string option with get, set
abstract scrollPerfTag: string option with get, set
and ScrollViewProperties =
inherit ScrollViewPropertiesIOS
inherit ScrollViewPropertiesAndroid
inherit Touchable
abstract contentContainerStyle: ViewStyle option with get, set
abstract horizontal: bool option with get, set
abstract keyboardDismissMode: string option with get, set
abstract keyboardShouldPersistTaps: bool option with get, set
abstract onScroll: Func<obj, unit> option with get, set
abstract pagingEnabled: bool option with get, set
abstract removeClippedSubviews: bool option with get, set
abstract showsHorizontalScrollIndicator: bool option with get, set
abstract showsVerticalScrollIndicator: bool option with get, set
abstract style: ScrollViewStyle option with get, set
abstract refreshControl: RefreshControl option with get, set
and ScrollViewProps =
inherit ScrollViewProperties
inherit React.Props<ScrollViewStatic>
and ScrollViewStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<ScrollViewProps>
abstract endRefreshing: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract scrollWithoutAnimationTo: Func<float, float, unit> option with get, set
abstract scrollTo: ?y: U2<float, obj> * ?x: float * ?animated: bool -> unit
abstract getScrollResponder: unit -> JSX.Element
abstract getInnerViewNode: unit -> obj
and NativeScrollRectangle =
abstract left: float with get, set
abstract top: float with get, set
abstract bottom: float with get, set
abstract right: float with get, set
and NativeScrollPoint =
abstract x: float with get, set
abstract y: float with get, set
and NativeScrollSize =
abstract height: float with get, set
abstract width: float with get, set
and NativeScrollEvent =
abstract contentInset: NativeScrollRectangle with get, set
abstract contentOffset: NativeScrollPoint with get, set
abstract contentSize: NativeScrollSize with get, set
abstract layoutMeasurement: NativeScrollSize with get, set
abstract zoomScale: float with get, set
and SwipeableListViewDataSource =
abstract cloneWithRowsAndSections: dataBlob: obj * sectionIdentities: ResizeArray<string> * rowIdentities: ResizeArray<ResizeArray<string>> -> SwipeableListViewDataSource
abstract getDataSource: unit -> ListViewDataSource
abstract getOpenRowID: unit -> string
abstract setOpenRowID: rowID: string -> ListViewDataSource
and SwipeableListViewProps =
inherit React.Props<SwipeableListViewStatic>
abstract dataSource: SwipeableListViewDataSource with get, set
abstract maxSwipeDistance: float option with get, set
abstract renderRow: Func<obj, U2<string, float>, U2<string, float>, bool, React.ReactElement<obj>> with get, set
abstract renderQuickActions: rowData: obj * sectionID: string * rowID: string -> React.ReactElement<obj>
and SwipeableListViewStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<SwipeableListViewProps>
abstract getNewDataSource: unit -> SwipeableListViewDataSource
and ActionSheetIOSOptions =
abstract title: string option with get, set
abstract options: ResizeArray<string> option with get, set
abstract cancelButtonIndex: float option with get, set
abstract destructiveButtonIndex: float option with get, set
abstract message: string option with get, set
and ShareActionSheetIOSOptions =
abstract message: string option with get, set
abstract url: string option with get, set
and ActionSheetIOSStatic =
abstract showActionSheetWithOptions: Func<ActionSheetIOSOptions, Func<float, unit>, unit> with get, set
abstract showShareActionSheetWithOptions: Func<ShareActionSheetIOSOptions, Func<Error, unit>, Func<bool, string, unit>, unit> with get, set
and AlertButton =
abstract text: string option with get, set
abstract onPress: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract style: (* TODO StringEnum default | cancel | destructive *) string option with get, set
and AlertStatic =
abstract alert: Func<string, string, ResizeArray<AlertButton>, string, unit> with get, set
and AdSupportIOSStatic =
abstract getAdvertisingId: Func<Func<string, unit>, Func<Error, unit>, unit> with get, set
abstract getAdvertisingTrackingEnabled: Func<Func<bool, unit>, Func<Error, unit>, unit> with get, set
and AlertIOSButton =
abstract text: string with get, set
abstract onPress: Func<unit> option with get, set
abstract style: (* TODO StringEnum default | cancel | destructive *) string option with get, set
and AlertIOSStatic =
abstract alert: Func<string, string, Func<string, U2<unit, ResizeArray<AlertIOSButton>>>, string, unit> with get, set
abstract prompt: Func<string, string, Func<string, U2<unit, ResizeArray<AlertIOSButton>>>, string, string, unit> with get, set
and [<StringEnum>] AppStateEvent =
| Change | MemoryWarning
and [<StringEnum>] AppStateStatus =
| Active | Background | Inactive
and AppStateStatic =
abstract currentState: string with get, set
abstract addEventListener: ``type``: AppStateEvent * listener: Func<AppStateStatus, unit> -> unit
abstract removeEventListener: ``type``: AppStateEvent * listener: Func<AppStateStatus, unit> -> unit
and AsyncStorageStatic =
abstract getItem: key: string * ?callback: Func<Error, string, unit> -> Promise<string>
abstract setItem: key: string * value: string * ?callback: Func<Error, unit> -> Promise<string>
abstract removeItem: key: string * ?callback: Func<Error, unit> -> Promise<string>
abstract mergeItem: key: string * value: string * ?callback: Func<Error, unit> -> Promise<string>
abstract clear: ?callback: Func<Error, unit> -> Promise<string>
abstract getAllKeys: ?callback: Func<Error, ResizeArray<string>, unit> -> Promise<string>
abstract multiGet: keys: ResizeArray<string> * ?callback: Func<ResizeArray<Error>, ResizeArray<ResizeArray<string>>, unit> -> Promise<string>
abstract multiSet: keyValuePairs: ResizeArray<ResizeArray<string>> * ?callback: Func<ResizeArray<Error>, unit> -> Promise<string>
abstract multiRemove: keys: ResizeArray<string> * ?callback: Func<ResizeArray<Error>, unit> -> Promise<string>
abstract multiMerge: keyValuePairs: ResizeArray<ResizeArray<string>> * ?callback: Func<ResizeArray<Error>, unit> -> Promise<string>
and BackAndroidStatic =
abstract exitApp: unit -> unit
abstract addEventListener: eventName: string * handler: Func<unit> -> unit
abstract removeEventListener: eventName: string * handler: Func<unit> -> unit
and CameraRollFetchParams =
abstract first: float with get, set
abstract after: string option with get, set
abstract groupTypes: string with get, set
abstract groupName: string option with get, set
abstract assetType: string option with get, set
and CameraRollNodeInfo =
abstract image: Image with get, set
abstract group_name: string with get, set
abstract timestamp: float with get, set
abstract location: obj with get, set
and CameraRollEdgeInfo =
abstract node: CameraRollNodeInfo with get, set
and CameraRollAssetInfo =
abstract edges: ResizeArray<CameraRollEdgeInfo> with get, set
abstract page_info: obj with get, set
and GetPhotosParamType =
abstract first: float with get, set
abstract after: string with get, set
abstract groupTypes: (* TODO StringEnum Album | All | Event | Faces | Library | PhotoStream | SavedPhotos *) string with get, set
abstract groupName: string with get, set
abstract assetType: (* TODO StringEnum All | Videos | Photos *) string with get, set
abstract mimeTypes: ResizeArray<string> with get, set
and GetPhotosReturnType =
abstract edges: ResizeArray<obj> with get, set
abstract page_info: obj with get, set
and CameraRollStatic =
abstract GroupTypesOptions: ResizeArray<string> with get, set
abstract saveImageWithTag: tag: string -> Promise<string>
abstract getPhotos: ``params``: GetPhotosParamType -> Promise<GetPhotosReturnType>
and ClipboardStatic =
abstract getString: unit -> Promise<string>
abstract setString: content: string -> unit
and DatePickerAndroidOpenOption =
abstract date: U2<DateTime, float> option with get, set
abstract minDate: U2<DateTime, float> option with get, set
abstract maxDate: U2<DateTime, float> option with get, set
and DatePickerAndroidOpenReturn =
abstract action: string with get, set
abstract year: float option with get, set
abstract month: float option with get, set
abstract day: float option with get, set
and DatePickerAndroidStatic =
abstract dateSetAction: string with get, set
abstract dismissedAction: string with get, set
abstract ``open``: ?options: DatePickerAndroidOpenOption -> Promise<DatePickerAndroidOpenReturn>
and FetchableListenable<'T> =
abstract fetch: Func<Promise<'T>> with get, set
abstract addEventListener: Func<string, Func<'T, unit>, unit> with get, set
abstract removeEventListener: Func<string, Func<'T, unit>, unit> with get, set
and IntentAndroidStatic =
abstract openURL: url: string -> unit
abstract canOpenURL: url: string * callback: Func<bool, unit> -> unit
abstract getInitialURL: callback: Func<string, unit> -> unit
and LinkingStatic =
abstract addEventListener: ``type``: string * handler: Func<obj, unit> -> unit
abstract removeEventListener: ``type``: string * handler: Func<obj, unit> -> unit
abstract openURL: url: string -> Promise<bool>
abstract canOpenURL: url: string -> Promise<bool>
abstract getInitialURL: unit -> Promise<string>
and LinkingIOSStatic =
abstract addEventListener: ``type``: string * handler: Func<obj, unit> -> unit
abstract removeEventListener: ``type``: string * handler: Func<obj, unit> -> unit
abstract openURL: url: string -> unit
abstract canOpenURL: url: string * callback: Func<bool, unit> -> unit
abstract popInitialURL: unit -> string
and [<StringEnum>] NetInfoReturnType =
| None | Wifi | Cell | Unknown | [<CompiledName("NONE")>] NONE | [<CompiledName("MOBILE")>] MOBILE | [<CompiledName("WIFI")>] WIFI | [<CompiledName("MOBILE_MMS")>] MOBILE_MMS | [<CompiledName("MOBILE_SUPL")>] MOBILE_SUPL | [<CompiledName("MOBILE_DUN")>] MOBILE_DUN | [<CompiledName("MOBILE_HIPRI")>] MOBILE_HIPRI | [<CompiledName("WIMAX")>] WIMAX | [<CompiledName("BLUETOOTH")>] BLUETOOTH | [<CompiledName("DUMMY")>] DUMMY | [<CompiledName("ETHERNET")>] ETHERNET | [<CompiledName("MOBILE_FOTA")>] MOBILE_FOTA | [<CompiledName("MOBILE_IMS")>] MOBILE_IMS | [<CompiledName("MOBILE_CBS")>] MOBILE_CBS | [<CompiledName("WIFI_P2P")>] WIFI_P2P | [<CompiledName("MOBILE_IA")>] MOBILE_IA | [<CompiledName("MOBILE_EMERGENCY")>] MOBILE_EMERGENCY | [<CompiledName("PROXY")>] PROXY | [<CompiledName("VPN")>] VPN | [<CompiledName("UNKNOWN")>] UNKNOWN
and NetInfoStatic =
inherit FetchableListenable<NetInfoReturnType>
abstract isConnected: FetchableListenable<bool> with get, set
abstract isConnectionExpensive: FetchableListenable<bool> with get, set
and PanResponderGestureState =
abstract stateID: float with get, set
abstract moveX: float with get, set
abstract moveY: float with get, set
abstract x0: float with get, set
abstract y0: float with get, set
abstract dx: float with get, set
abstract dy: float with get, set
abstract vx: float with get, set
abstract vy: float with get, set
abstract numberActiveTouches: float with get, set
abstract _accountsForMovesUpTo: float with get, set
and PanResponderCallbacks =
abstract onMoveShouldSetPanResponder: Func<GestureResponderEvent, PanResponderGestureState, bool> option with get, set
abstract onStartShouldSetPanResponder: Func<GestureResponderEvent, PanResponderGestureState, unit> option with get, set
abstract onPanResponderGrant: Func<GestureResponderEvent, PanResponderGestureState, unit> option with get, set
abstract onPanResponderMove: Func<GestureResponderEvent, PanResponderGestureState, unit> option with get, set
abstract onPanResponderRelease: Func<GestureResponderEvent, PanResponderGestureState, unit> option with get, set
abstract onPanResponderTerminate: Func<GestureResponderEvent, PanResponderGestureState, unit> option with get, set
abstract onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture: Func<GestureResponderEvent, PanResponderGestureState, bool> option with get, set
abstract onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture: Func<GestureResponderEvent, PanResponderGestureState, bool> option with get, set
abstract onPanResponderReject: Func<GestureResponderEvent, PanResponderGestureState, unit> option with get, set
abstract onPanResponderStart: Func<GestureResponderEvent, PanResponderGestureState, unit> option with get, set
abstract onPanResponderEnd: Func<GestureResponderEvent, PanResponderGestureState, unit> option with get, set
abstract onPanResponderTerminationRequest: Func<GestureResponderEvent, PanResponderGestureState, bool> option with get, set
and PanResponderInstance =
abstract panHandlers: GestureResponderHandlers with get, set
and PanResponderStatic =
abstract create: config: PanResponderCallbacks -> PanResponderInstance
and PushNotificationPermissions =
abstract alert: bool option with get, set
abstract badge: bool option with get, set
abstract sound: bool option with get, set
and PushNotification =
abstract getMessage: unit -> U2<string, obj>
abstract getSound: unit -> string
abstract getAlert: unit -> U2<string, obj>
abstract getBadgeCount: unit -> float
abstract getData: unit -> obj
and PresentLocalNotificationDetails =
and ScheduleLocalNotificationDetails =
and PushNotificationIOSStatic =
abstract presentLocalNotification: details: PresentLocalNotificationDetails -> unit
abstract scheduleLocalNotification: details: ScheduleLocalNotificationDetails -> unit
abstract cancelAllLocalNotifications: unit -> unit
abstract cancelLocalNotifications: userInfo: obj -> unit
abstract setApplicationIconBadgeNumber: number: float -> unit
abstract getApplicationIconBadgeNumber: callback: Func<float, unit> -> unit
abstract addEventListener: ``type``: string * handler: Func<PushNotification, unit> -> unit
abstract requestPermissions: ?permissions: ResizeArray<PushNotificationPermissions> -> unit
abstract abandonPermissions: unit -> unit
abstract checkPermissions: callback: Func<PushNotificationPermissions, unit> -> unit
abstract removeEventListener: ``type``: string * handler: Func<PushNotification, unit> -> unit
abstract popInitialNotification: unit -> PushNotification
and [<StringEnum>] StatusBarStyle =
| Default | ``Light-content``
and [<StringEnum>] StatusBarAnimation =
| None | Fade | Slide
and StatusBarPropertiesIOS =
inherit React.Props<StatusBarStatic>
abstract barStyle: StatusBarStyle option with get, set
abstract networkActivityIndicatorVisible: bool option with get, set
abstract showHideTransition: (* TODO StringEnum fade | slide *) string option with get, set
and StatusBarPropertiesAndroid =
inherit React.Props<StatusBarStatic>
abstract backgroundColor: obj option with get, set
abstract translucent: bool option with get, set
and StatusBarProperties =
inherit StatusBarPropertiesIOS
inherit StatusBarPropertiesAndroid
inherit React.Props<StatusBarStatic>
abstract animated: bool option with get, set
abstract hidden: bool option with get, set
and StatusBarStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<StatusBarProperties>
abstract setHidden: Func<bool, StatusBarAnimation, unit> with get, set
abstract setBarStyle: Func<StatusBarStyle, bool, unit> with get, set
abstract setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible: Func<bool, unit> with get, set
abstract setBackgroundColor: Func<string, bool, unit> with get, set
abstract setTranslucent: Func<bool, unit> with get, set
and StatusBarIOSStatic =
abstract setStyle: style: StatusBarStyle * ?animated: bool -> unit
abstract setHidden: hidden: bool * ?animation: StatusBarAnimation -> unit
abstract setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible: visible: bool -> unit
and TimePickerAndroidOpenOptions =
and TimePickerAndroidStatic =
abstract timeSetAction: string with get, set
abstract dismissedAction: string with get, set
abstract ``open``: options: TimePickerAndroidOpenOptions -> Promise<obj>
and ToastAndroidStatic =
abstract SHORT: float with get, set
abstract LONG: float with get, set
abstract show: message: string * duration: float -> unit
and SwitchPropertiesIOS =
inherit React.Props<SwitchStatic>
abstract onTintColor: string option with get, set
abstract thumbTintColor: string option with get, set
abstract tintColor: string option with get, set
and SwitchProperties =
inherit React.Props<SwitchStatic>
abstract disabled: bool option with get, set
abstract onValueChange: Func<bool, unit> option with get, set
abstract testID: string option with get, set
abstract value: bool option with get, set
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
and SwitchStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<SwitchProperties>
and VibrationIOSStatic =
abstract vibrate: unit -> unit
and VibrationStatic =
abstract vibrate: pattern: U2<float, ResizeArray<float>> * repeat: bool -> unit
abstract cancel: unit -> unit
and EasingFunction =
Func<float, float>
and EasingStatic =
abstract step0: EasingFunction with get, set
abstract step1: EasingFunction with get, set
abstract linear: EasingFunction with get, set
abstract ease: EasingFunction with get, set
abstract quad: EasingFunction with get, set
abstract cubic: EasingFunction with get, set
abstract poly: EasingFunction with get, set
abstract sin: EasingFunction with get, set
abstract circle: EasingFunction with get, set
abstract exp: EasingFunction with get, set
abstract elastic: EasingFunction with get, set
abstract bounce: EasingFunction with get, set
abstract back: s: float -> EasingFunction
abstract bezier: x1: float * y1: float * x2: float * y2: float -> EasingFunction
abstract ``in``: easing: EasingFunction -> EasingFunction
abstract out: easing: EasingFunction -> EasingFunction
abstract inOut: easing: EasingFunction -> EasingFunction
and GeolocationStatic =
abstract getCurrentPosition: geo_success: Func<GeolocationReturnType, unit> * ?geo_error: Func<Error, unit> * ?geo_options: GetCurrentPositionOptions -> unit
abstract watchPosition: success: Func<Geolocation, unit> * ?error: Func<Error, unit> * ?options: WatchPositionOptions -> unit
abstract clearWatch: watchID: float -> unit
abstract stopObserving: unit -> unit
and fetch =
Func<string, obj, Promise<obj>>
and timedScheduler =
Func<U2<string, Function>, float, float>
and untimedScheduler =
Func<U2<string, Function>, float>
and setTimeout =
and setInterval =
and setImmediate =
and requestAnimationFrame =
and schedulerCanceller =
Func<float, unit>
and clearTimeout =
and clearInterval =
and clearImmediate =
and cancelAnimationFrame =
and TabsReducerStatic =
abstract JumpToAction: index: float -> obj
and TabsReducerFunction =
Func<obj, obj>
and NavigationReducerStatic =
abstract TabsReducer: obj with get, set
and NavigationTab =
abstract key: string with get, set
and NavigationAction =
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
and NavigationState =
abstract key: string with get, set
and NavigationParentState =
inherit NavigationState
abstract index: float with get, set
abstract children: ResizeArray<NavigationState> with get, set
and NavigationRenderer =
Func<NavigationParentState, Func<NavigationAction, bool>, JSX.Element>
and NavigationAnimatedViewStaticProps =
abstract navigationState: obj option with get, set
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
abstract onNavigate: action: obj -> bool
abstract renderOverlay: props: obj -> JSX.Element
abstract applyAnimation: pos: obj * navState: obj -> unit
abstract renderScene: props: obj -> JSX.Element
and NavigationAnimatedViewStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<NavigationAnimatedViewStaticProps>
and NavigationHeaderProps =
abstract renderTitleComponent: props: obj -> JSX.Element
and NavigationHeaderStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<NavigationHeaderProps>
abstract Title: JSX.Element with get, set
abstract HEIGHT: float with get, set
and NavigationCardStackProps =
abstract direction: (* TODO StringEnum horizontal | vertical *) string option with get, set
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
abstract navigationState: obj option with get, set
abstract onNavigate: action: obj -> bool
abstract renderScene: props: obj -> JSX.Element
and NavigationCardStackStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<NavigationCardStackProps>
and NavigationExperimentalStatic =
abstract AnimatedView: NavigationAnimatedViewStatic with get, set
abstract CardStack: NavigationCardStackStatic with get, set
abstract Header: NavigationHeaderStatic with get, set
abstract Reducer: NavigationReducerStatic with get, set
and NavigationContainerProps =
abstract tabs: ResizeArray<NavigationTab> with get, set
abstract index: float with get, set
and NavigationContainerStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<NavigationContainerProps>
abstract create: inClass: obj -> obj
and NavigationRootContainerProps =
inherit React.Props<NavigationRootContainerStatic>
abstract renderNavigation: NavigationRenderer with get, set
abstract reducer: NavigationReducerStatic with get, set
abstract persistenceKey: string option with get, set
and NavigationRootContainerStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<NavigationRootContainerProps>
abstract getBackAction: unit -> NavigationAction
abstract handleNavigation: action: NavigationAction -> bool
and ActivityIndicatorIOS =
and DatePickerIOS =
and DrawerLayoutAndroid =
and Image =
and LayoutAnimation =
and ListView =
and MapView =
and Modal =
and Navigator =
and NavigatorIOS =
and Picker =
and PickerIOS =
and ProgressBarAndroid =
and ProgressViewIOS =
and RefreshControl =
and Slider =
and SliderIOS =
and StatusBar =
and ScrollView =
and StyleSheet =
and SwipeableListView =
and Switch =
and SwitchIOS =
and TabBarIOS =
and Text =
and TextInput =
and ToolbarAndroid =
and TouchableHighlight =
and TouchableNativeFeedback =
and TouchableOpacity =
and TouchableWithoutFeedback =
and View =
and ViewPagerAndroid =
and WebView =
and ActionSheetIOS =
and AdSupportIOS =
and Alert =
and AlertIOS =
and AppState =
and AppStateIOS =
and AsyncStorage =
and BackAndroid =
and CameraRoll =
and Clipboard =
and DatePickerAndroid =
and IntentAndroid =
and Linking =
and LinkingIOS =
and NetInfo =
and PanResponder =
and PushNotificationIOS =
and StatusBarIOS =
and TimePickerAndroid =
and ToastAndroid =
and VibrationIOS =
and Vibration =
and NavigationExperimental =
and NavigationContainer =
and NavigationRootContainer =
and NavigationReducer =
and Easing =
and SegmentedControlIOS =
and DeviceEventSubscription =
and Geolocation =
and GlobalStatic =
abstract requestAnimationFrame: fn: Func<unit> -> unit
type [<Import("*","___React")>] Globals =
static member Promise with get(): PromiseConstructor = failwith "JS only" and set(v: PromiseConstructor): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member ActivityIndicatorIOS with get(): ActivityIndicatorIOSStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ActivityIndicatorIOSStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member DatePickerIOS with get(): DatePickerIOSStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: DatePickerIOSStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member DrawerLayoutAndroid with get(): DrawerLayoutAndroidStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: DrawerLayoutAndroidStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member Image with get(): ImageStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ImageStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member LayoutAnimation with get(): LayoutAnimationStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: LayoutAnimationStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member ListView with get(): ListViewStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ListViewStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member MapView with get(): MapViewStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: MapViewStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member Modal with get(): ModalStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ModalStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member Navigator with get(): NavigatorStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: NavigatorStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member NavigatorIOS with get(): NavigatorIOSStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: NavigatorIOSStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member Picker with get(): PickerStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: PickerStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member PickerIOS with get(): PickerIOSStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: PickerIOSStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member ProgressBarAndroid with get(): ProgressBarAndroidStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ProgressBarAndroidStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member ProgressViewIOS with get(): ProgressViewIOSStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ProgressViewIOSStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member RefreshControl with get(): RefreshControlStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: RefreshControlStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member Slider with get(): SliderIOS = failwith "JS only" and set(v: SliderIOS): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member SliderIOS with get(): SliderIOSStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: SliderIOSStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member StatusBar with get(): StatusBarStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: StatusBarStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member ScrollView with get(): ScrollViewStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ScrollViewStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member StyleSheet with get(): StyleSheetStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: StyleSheetStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member SwipeableListView with get(): SwipeableListViewStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: SwipeableListViewStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member Switch with get(): SwitchStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: SwitchStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member SwitchIOS with get(): SwitchIOSStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: SwitchIOSStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member TabBarIOS with get(): TabBarIOSStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: TabBarIOSStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member Text with get(): TextStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: TextStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member TextInput with get(): TextInputStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: TextInputStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member ToolbarAndroid with get(): ToolbarAndroidStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ToolbarAndroidStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member TouchableHighlight with get(): TouchableHighlightStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: TouchableHighlightStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member TouchableNativeFeedback with get(): TouchableNativeFeedbackStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: TouchableNativeFeedbackStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member TouchableOpacity with get(): TouchableOpacityStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: TouchableOpacityStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member TouchableWithoutFeedback with get(): TouchableWithoutFeedbackStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: TouchableWithoutFeedbackStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member View with get(): ViewStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ViewStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member ViewPagerAndroid with get(): ViewPagerAndroidStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ViewPagerAndroidStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member WebView with get(): WebViewStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: WebViewStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member ActionSheetIOS with get(): ActionSheetIOSStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ActionSheetIOSStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member AdSupportIOS with get(): AdSupportIOSStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: AdSupportIOSStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member Alert with get(): AlertStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: AlertStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member AlertIOS with get(): AlertIOSStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: AlertIOSStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member AppState with get(): AppStateStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: AppStateStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member AppStateIOS with get(): AppStateStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: AppStateStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member AsyncStorage with get(): AsyncStorageStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: AsyncStorageStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member BackAndroid with get(): BackAndroidStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: BackAndroidStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member CameraRoll with get(): CameraRollStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: CameraRollStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member Clipboard with get(): ClipboardStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ClipboardStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member DatePickerAndroid with get(): DatePickerAndroidStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: DatePickerAndroidStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member IntentAndroid with get(): IntentAndroidStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: IntentAndroidStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member Linking with get(): LinkingStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: LinkingStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member LinkingIOS with get(): LinkingIOSStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: LinkingIOSStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member NetInfo with get(): NetInfoStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: NetInfoStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member PanResponder with get(): PanResponderStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: PanResponderStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member PushNotificationIOS with get(): PushNotificationIOSStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: PushNotificationIOSStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member StatusBarIOS with get(): StatusBarIOSStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: StatusBarIOSStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member TimePickerAndroid with get(): TimePickerAndroidStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: TimePickerAndroidStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member ToastAndroid with get(): ToastAndroidStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ToastAndroidStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member VibrationIOS with get(): VibrationIOSStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: VibrationIOSStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member Vibration with get(): VibrationStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: VibrationStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member Dimensions with get(): Dimensions = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Dimensions): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member ShadowPropTypesIOS with get(): ShadowPropTypesIOSStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: ShadowPropTypesIOSStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member NavigationExperimental with get(): NavigationExperimentalStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: NavigationExperimentalStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member NavigationContainer with get(): NavigationContainerStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: NavigationContainerStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member NavigationRootContainer with get(): NavigationRootContainerStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: NavigationRootContainerStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member NavigationReducer with get(): NavigationReducerStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: NavigationReducerStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member Easing with get(): EasingStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: EasingStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member SegmentedControlIOS with get(): SegmentedControlIOSStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: SegmentedControlIOSStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member PixelRatio with get(): PixelRatioStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: PixelRatioStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member Platform with get(): PlatformStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: PlatformStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member DeviceEventEmitter with get(): DeviceEventEmitterStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: DeviceEventEmitterStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member DeviceEventSubscription with get(): DeviceEventSubscriptionStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: DeviceEventSubscriptionStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member InteractionManager with get(): InteractionManagerStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: InteractionManagerStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member Geolocation with get(): GeolocationStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: GeolocationStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member createElement(``type``: React.ReactType, ?props: 'P, [<ParamArray>] children: React.ReactNode[]): React.ReactElement<'P> = failwith "JS only"
static member ___spread(target: obj, [<ParamArray>] sources: obj[]): obj = failwith "JS only"
module NativeMethodsMixin =
type MeasureOnSuccessCallback =
Func<float, float, float, float, float, float, unit>
and MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback =
Func<float, float, float, float, unit>
and MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback =
Func<float, float, float, float, unit>
module NavigatorStatic =
type NavState =
abstract routeStack: ResizeArray<Route> with get, set
abstract idStack: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract presentedIndex: float with get, set
and NavigationBarStyle =
interface end
and NavigationBarRouteMapper =
abstract Title: Func<Route, Navigator, float, NavState, React.ReactElement<obj>> with get, set
abstract LeftButton: Func<Route, Navigator, float, NavState, React.ReactElement<obj>> with get, set
abstract RightButton: Func<Route, Navigator, float, NavState, React.ReactElement<obj>> with get, set
and NavigationBarProperties =
inherit React.Props<NavigationBarStatic>
abstract navigator: Navigator option with get, set
abstract routeMapper: NavigationBarRouteMapper option with get, set
abstract navState: NavState option with get, set
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
and NavigationBarStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<NavigationBarProperties>
abstract Styles: NavigationBarStyle with get, set
and NavigationBar =
and BreadcrumbNavigationBarStyle =
interface end
and BreadcrumbNavigationBarRouteMapper =
abstract rightContentForRoute: Func<Route, Navigator, React.ReactElement<obj>> with get, set
abstract titleContentForRoute: Func<Route, Navigator, React.ReactElement<obj>> with get, set
abstract iconForRoute: Func<Route, Navigator, React.ReactElement<obj>> with get, set
abstract separatorForRoute: Func<Route, Navigator, React.ReactElement<obj>> with get, set
and BreadcrumbNavigationBarProperties =
inherit React.Props<BreadcrumbNavigationBarStatic>
abstract navigator: Navigator option with get, set
abstract routeMapper: BreadcrumbNavigationBarRouteMapper option with get, set
abstract navState: NavState option with get, set
abstract style: ViewStyle option with get, set
and BreadcrumbNavigationBarStatic =
inherit React.ComponentClass<BreadcrumbNavigationBarProperties>
abstract Styles: BreadcrumbNavigationBarStyle with get, set
and BreadcrumbNavigationBar =
type [<Import("NavigatorStatic","___React")>] Globals =
static member NavigationBar with get(): NavigationBarStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: NavigationBarStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member BreadcrumbNavigationBar with get(): BreadcrumbNavigationBarStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: BreadcrumbNavigationBarStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
module Animated =
type AnimatedValue =
and AnimatedValueXY =
and Base =
and [<Import("Animated.Animated","___React")>] Animated() =
class end
and [<Import("Animated.AnimatedWithChildren","___React")>] AnimatedWithChildren() =
inherit Animated()
and [<Import("Animated.AnimatedInterpolation","___React")>] AnimatedInterpolation() =
inherit AnimatedWithChildren()
member __.interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation = failwith "JS only"
and [<StringEnum>] ExtrapolateType =
| Extend | Identity | Clamp
and InterpolationConfigType =
and ValueListenerCallback =
Func<obj, unit>
and [<Import("Animated.Value","___React")>] Value(value: float) =
inherit AnimatedWithChildren()
member __.setValue(value: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.setOffset(offset: float): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.flattenOffset(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.addListener(callback: ValueListenerCallback): string = failwith "JS only"
member __.removeListener(id: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.removeAllListeners(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.stopAnimation(?callback: Func<float, unit>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation = failwith "JS only"
and ValueXYListenerCallback =
Func<obj, unit>
and [<Import("Animated.ValueXY","___React")>] ValueXY(?valueIn: obj) =
inherit AnimatedWithChildren()
member __.x with get(): AnimatedValue = failwith "JS only" and set(v: AnimatedValue): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.y with get(): AnimatedValue = failwith "JS only" and set(v: AnimatedValue): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.setValue(value: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.setOffset(offset: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.flattenOffset(): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.stopAnimation(?callback: Func<float>): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.addListener(callback: ValueXYListenerCallback): string = failwith "JS only"
member __.removeListener(id: string): unit = failwith "JS only"
member __.getLayout(): obj = failwith "JS only"
member __.getTranslateTransform(): ResizeArray<obj> = failwith "JS only"
and EndResult =
and EndCallback =
Func<EndResult, unit>
and CompositeAnimation =
abstract start: Func<EndCallback, unit> with get, set
abstract stop: Func<unit> with get, set
and AnimationConfig =
abstract isInteraction: bool option with get, set
abstract useNativeDriver: bool option with get, set
and DecayAnimationConfig =
inherit AnimationConfig
abstract velocity: U2<float, obj> with get, set
abstract deceleration: float option with get, set
and TimingAnimationConfig =
inherit AnimationConfig
abstract toValue: U4<float, AnimatedValue, obj, AnimatedValueXY> with get, set
abstract easing: Func<float, float> option with get, set
abstract duration: float option with get, set
abstract delay: float option with get, set
and SpringAnimationConfig =
inherit AnimationConfig
abstract toValue: U4<float, AnimatedValue, obj, AnimatedValueXY> with get, set
abstract overshootClamping: bool option with get, set
abstract restDisplacementThreshold: float option with get, set
abstract restSpeedThreshold: float option with get, set
abstract velocity: U2<float, obj> option with get, set
abstract bounciness: float option with get, set
abstract speed: float option with get, set
abstract tension: float option with get, set
abstract friction: float option with get, set
and [<Import("Animated.AnimatedAddition","___React")>] AnimatedAddition() =
inherit AnimatedInterpolation()
and [<Import("Animated.AnimatedMultiplication","___React")>] AnimatedMultiplication() =
inherit AnimatedInterpolation()
and [<Import("Animated.AnimatedModulo","___React")>] AnimatedModulo() =
inherit AnimatedInterpolation()
and ParallelConfig =
and Mapping =
U2<obj, AnimatedValue>
and EventConfig =
abstract listener: Function option with get, set
type [<Import("Animated","___React")>] Globals =
static member timing with get(): Func<U2<AnimatedValue, AnimatedValueXY>, TimingAnimationConfig, CompositeAnimation> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<U2<AnimatedValue, AnimatedValueXY>, TimingAnimationConfig, CompositeAnimation>): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member spring with get(): Func<U2<AnimatedValue, AnimatedValueXY>, SpringAnimationConfig, CompositeAnimation> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<U2<AnimatedValue, AnimatedValueXY>, SpringAnimationConfig, CompositeAnimation>): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member ``parallel`` with get(): Func<ResizeArray<CompositeAnimation>, ParallelConfig, CompositeAnimation> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<ResizeArray<CompositeAnimation>, ParallelConfig, CompositeAnimation>): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member ``event`` with get(): Func<ResizeArray<Mapping>, EventConfig, Func<obj, unit>> = failwith "JS only" and set(v: Func<ResizeArray<Mapping>, EventConfig, Func<obj, unit>>): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member View with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member Image with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member Text with get(): obj = failwith "JS only" and set(v: obj): unit = failwith "JS only"
static member decay(value: U2<AnimatedValue, AnimatedValueXY>, config: DecayAnimationConfig): CompositeAnimation = failwith "JS only"
static member add(a: Animated, b: Animated): AnimatedAddition = failwith "JS only"
static member multiply(a: Animated, b: Animated): AnimatedMultiplication = failwith "JS only"
static member modulo(a: Animated, modulus: float): AnimatedModulo = failwith "JS only"
static member delay(time: float): CompositeAnimation = failwith "JS only"
static member sequence(animations: ResizeArray<CompositeAnimation>): CompositeAnimation = failwith "JS only"
static member stagger(time: float, animations: ResizeArray<CompositeAnimation>): CompositeAnimation = failwith "JS only"
module addons =
type TestModuleStatic =
abstract verifySnapshot: Func<Func<obj, unit>, unit> with get, set
abstract markTestPassed: Func<obj, unit> with get, set
abstract markTestCompleted: Func<unit> with get, set
and TestModule =
type [<Import("addons","___React")>] Globals =
static member TestModule with get(): TestModuleStatic = failwith "JS only" and set(v: TestModuleStatic): unit = failwith "JS only"
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