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Created May 31, 2018 18:09
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ids <- c("ASN00095063", "ASN00024025", "ASN00040112", "ASN00041023",
         "ASN00009998", "ASN00066078", "ASN00003069", "ASN00090162",
         "ASN00040126", "ASN00058161")
meteo_pull_monitors(monitors, var = c('prcp', 'tmax', 'tmin'))
# A tibble: 194,537 x 5
   id          date        prcp  tmax  tmin
   <chr>       <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 ASN00095063 1992-10-01     4   134    56
 2 ASN00095063 1992-10-02     0   159   -12
 3 ASN00095063 1992-10-03     0   172    10
 4 ASN00095063 1992-10-04     0   165    35
 5 ASN00095063 1992-10-05    10   156    60
 6 ASN00095063 1992-10-06    22   128    NA
 7 ASN00095063 1992-10-07    40   134    20
 8 ASN00095063 1992-10-08     6   108    42
 9 ASN00095063 1992-10-09   164   128    40
10 ASN00095063 1992-10-10    76    92    40
# ... with 194,527 more rows
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