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Created April 18, 2011 13:33
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Conduct tip shuffle randomization of phylogenetic meta-analysis
# Created by Scott Chamberlain
# Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Dept., Rice University
# Houston, TX 77005, USA
##### Directions
#Put your phylogeny, in format required by phylometa (see Phylometa manual), in your working directory
#Put your meta-analysis dataset, in format required by phylometa (see Phylometa manual), in your working directory
#Set working directory
#Use below functions
#Beware: only use a moderator variable with up to 4 groups
# Install packages
install.packages(c("plyr","ggplot2","ape","stringr")) # if not already installed
# Load packages
require(ggplot2); require(ape); require(stringr)
# Call and run functions (used below) in the working directory [NOTE:CHANGE TO YOUR WORKING DIRECTORY]
####### Fxn to do randomization equivalent of Phylometa analysis
# phy = name of phylogeny file
# dat = name of data file in Phylometa format
# reps = number of randomized trees per real tree
# groups = number of levels in grouping/moderator variable
# Note that trees are written to directory so that Phylometa can call them
# Output is a jpeg of the histograms of randomized results, and vertical line for observed value
# Also, p-values for fixed and random-effects are output in the console
PhylogMetaRand <- function(phy, dat, reps, groups) {
# Observed data
obsout <- phylometa.process(system(paste("\"new_phyloMeta_1.2b.exe\"", phy, dat), intern=T), groups)
subobsout <- subset(obsout[4][[1]], Group == "All studies")
obsfixedeffect <- subobsout[1,3]
obsrandeffect <- subobsout[2,3]
# Randomization of data by shuffling tips on tree
phylo <- read.tree(phy)
rtree_list <- list()
for(i in 1:reps) {
temp <- phylo
randtips <- sample(temp$tip.label, length(temp$tip.label))
temp$tip.label <- randtips
rtree_list[[i]] <- temp
treenames <- list()
for(i in 1:reps){
treenames[[i]] <- paste("tree",i,".txt","",sep="")
fixedrandeffects <- data.frame(matrix(NA, reps, 2))
for(i in 1:length(treenames)) {
cat(i, "\n")
out <- system(paste("\"new_phyloMeta_1.2b.exe\"", treenames[[i]], dat), intern=T)
fixrandout <- subset(phylometa.process(out, groups)[4][[1]], Group == "All studies")
fixedrandeffects[i,] <- c(fixrandout[1,3], fixrandout[2,3])
names(fixedrandeffects) <- c("fixed", "random")
# Plot results
fixed_ <- ggplot(fixedrandeffects, aes(x = fixed)) +
geom_histogram() +
geom_vline(xintercept = obsfixedeffect, colour="red", size=1)
random_ <- ggplot(fixedrandeffects, aes(x = random)) +
geom_histogram() +
geom_vline(xintercept = obsrandeffect, colour="red", size=1)
jpeg(paste(dat, ".jpeg", sep=""))
arrange_(fixed_, random_)
# Calculate randomization P-value
num_greater_than_fixed <- length(which(fixedrandeffects$fixed >= obsfixedeffect))
pval_fixed <- num_greater_than_fixed / reps
num_greater_than_random <- length(which(fixedrandeffects$random >= obsrandeffect))
pval_random <- num_greater_than_random / reps
pvals <- c(pval_fixed, pval_random)
names(pvals) <- c("pval_fixed","pval_random")
# E.g.
PhylogMetaRand(phy = "phylogeny.txt", dat = "metadata_2g.txt", reps = 100, groups = 2)
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