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Created April 23, 2011 04:57
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Conduct and compare two methods for transforming branch lengths using node ages.
# Run these functions first (scalePhylo, assign.ages, and assign.brlen)
# scalePhylo, assign.ages, and assign.brlen written by Gene Hunt (
# AdjBrLens written by Scott Chamberlain (
scalePhylo<- function(tr, tip.ages, node.mins=NULL, min.diff=0.1)
## tr is a 'phylo' object
## tip.ages is a vector of the ages of terminal taxa (best if this vector has names that match the taxa labels)
## tip.ages MUST BE A NAMED VECTOR, that is, e.g., names(tipages) <- tree$tip.label [where tipages is a numeric vector of ## the tip ages]
## node.mins is a vector of optional constraints on nodes
## min.diff is the minimum branch length that will be imposed
aa<- assign.ages(tr, tip.ages, node.mins, min.diff)
trs<- assign.brlen(tr, aa)
assign.ages<- function(tr, tip.ages, node.mins, min.diff)
# Function to assign ages to internal nodes, given tree and
# ages of terminal modes
# --tr is phylo (from package ape)
# --tip.ages is strat ages of terminal taxa
# --node.mins are (optional) minimum ages for nodes (or a subset of nodes)
## do some error checking
# makes sure tips have labels
# check node labels?
if(is.null(node.mins)) {node.mins<- rep(NA, times=tr$Nnode)}
node.mins[]<- -Inf # so nodes with no information have no effect
# change order of ages to match tip labels of tr
oo<- charmatch(tr$tip.label, names(tip.ages))
tip.ages<- tip.ages[oo]
tn<- tr$edge
max.term<- length(tr$tip.label)
min.anc<- max.term+1
max.anc<- min.anc + tr$Nnode -1
aa<- array(dim=max(tn))
names(aa)<- as.character(1:max(tn))
aa[1:max.term]<- tip.ages
ii<- min.anc:max.anc
names(node.mins)<- ii # note: this assumes tree nodes not originally labelled!!
# go through internal nodes, assign ages to them
while (sum(>=1) # loop through as long as ages for some inodes not yet known
for (i in ii)
ci<- as.character(i)
yy<- tn[,1]==i
dec<- tn[,2][yy] # direct descendants of i
aad<- aa[as.character(dec)] # ages of these direct descendants
#cat(ci, aad, '\n')
if (sum( # if all ages are known.
aa[ci]<- max(aad) + min.diff # assign age as max() of nodes within
if(aa[ci] < node.mins[ci]) aa[ci]<- node.mins[ci]
return (aa)
assign.brlen<- function (t1, all.ages)
# Function to assign branch lengths to all edges of tree
# --t1 is phylo
# --all.ages is vector of ages of terminal and internal nodes (as given by assign.ages() )
ne<- nrow(t1$edge)
bl<- array(dim=ne)
for (i in 1:ne)
anc<- t1$edge[i,1]
dec<- t1$edge[i,2]
bl[i]<- all.ages[anc] - all.ages[dec]
t2<- t1
t2$edge.length<- bl
AdjBrLens <- function(trees, ages) {
# read, then write files to where phylocom executable is
tree <- read.tree(trees)
age <- read.table(ages)
write.tree(tree, "phylo")
write.table(age, file = "ages", sep = "\t", col.names = F, row.names = F, quote = F)
# bladj method
system("./phylocom bladj > phyloout.txt") # for windows users replace with: shell("phylocom bladj > phyloout.txt")
bladjmethod <- read.tree("phyloout.txt")
# Gene Hunt method
age_ <- age[,2]
names(age_) <- age[,1]
# set node ages
diff_ <- rep(NA, length(setdiff(tree$node.label, names(age_))))
names(diff_) <- setdiff(tree$node.label, names(age_))
nodeages <- c(age_, diff_)
# tipages are set to zero as all species are extant
tipages <- rep(0, length(tree$tip.label))
names(tipages) <- tree$tip.label
# you can set min.diff to get different results
huntmethod <- scalePhylo(tree, tipages, nodeages, min.diff=0)
# plot trees and write to file
phynodes <- data.frame(bladjmethod$node.label, 1:length(bladjmethod$node.label))
names(phynodes) <- c("V1", "order")
newnodes <- merge(phynodes, age, by="V1", all=T)
newnodes_sort <- newnodes[order(newnodes[,2]), ]
bladjmethod$node.label <- newnodes_sort[, 3]
nodelabels(bladjmethod$node.label, cex = 0.6)
# write bladj tree to file
bladjmethod$node.label <- NULL
write.tree(bladjmethod, paste("",trees,"bladjtree",".txt","",sep=""))
# combine trees in list
trees_out <- list(tree, bladjmethod, huntmethod)
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