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Created December 17, 2014 20:59
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The Natural History Museum just came out with a new data portal, including API access via CKAN! Turns out we already have a CKAN R client in development. Examples? I thought you'd never ask:


Install latest dev version of taxize



Set the base URL

nhmbase <- ""

List datasets

package_list(as = "table", url = nhmbase)
#> [1] "bioacoustica"                               
#> [2] "collection-artefacts"                       
#> [3] "collection-indexlots"                       
#> [4] "collection-specimens"                       
#> [5] "crowdsourcing-the-collection"               
#> [6] "natural-history-museum-library-and-archives"
#> [7] "natural-history-museum-picture-library"     
#> [8] "notes-from-nature"

List tags

tag_list(as="table", url = nhmbase)
#>   vocabulary_id      display_name                                   id
#> 1            NA        arthropods f9245868-f4cb-4c85-a59d-11692db19e86
#> 2            NA      bioacoustics 11faa593-7ccb-4a6f-8a97-c88ca8939624
#> 3            NA      biodiversity bd09adfa-22d6-4318-9883-dde4595bcd10
#> 4            NA Science uncovered 39440d40-f005-47c0-a8ae-2ac52a720236
#> 5            NA             sound 4ae4457a-0f0e-4e0d-a168-cc27969ecd20
#> 6            NA            su2014 0283e601-ae8a-4772-8031-4c76688bd4d3
#> 7            NA          taxonomy c091064c-81c2-4cc8-a54e-2ff8ca8e28b0
#>                name
#> 1        arthropods
#> 2      bioacoustics
#> 3      biodiversity
#> 4 Science uncovered
#> 5             sound
#> 6            su2014
#> 7          taxonomy
tag_show('arthropods', as='table', url = nhmbase)
#> $vocabulary_id
#> $packages
#> list()
#> $display_name
#> [1] "arthropods"
#> $id
#> [1] "f9245868-f4cb-4c85-a59d-11692db19e86"
#> $name
#> [1] "arthropods"


package_search(q = '*:*', rows = 2, as='table', url = nhmbase)
#> $count
#> [1] 8
#> $sort
#> [1] "promoted asc, metadata_modified desc"
#> $facets
#> named list()
#> $results
#>             license_title maintainer relationships_as_object private
#> 1 Creative Commons CCZero         NA                    NULL   FALSE
#> 2 Creative Commons CCZero         NA                    NULL   FALSE
#>   maintainer_email num_tags update_frequency
#> 1               NA        1           weekly
#> 2               NA        1           weekly
#>                                     id           metadata_created
#> 1 56e711e6-c847-4f99-915a-6894bb5c5dea 2014-12-08T16:39:22.346941
#> 2 9dfb777e-2296-4800-a053-b1c80fd30bac 2014-12-15T13:20:25.858259
#>            metadata_modified                 author author_email
#> 1 2014-12-17T10:25:53.899364 Natural History Museum             
#> 2 2014-12-17T10:27:59.426858 Natural History Museum         <NA>
#>   temporal_extent  state version
#> 1                 active      NA
#> 2                 active      NA
#>                                                                                  spatial
#> 1 {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-180,82],[180,82],[180,-82],[-180,-82],[-180,82]]]}
#> 2                                                                                       
#>   license_id    type
#> 1    cc-zero dataset
#> 2    cc-zero dataset
#>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              resources
#> 1                                                             fefa4aca-61e0-4978-9507-040db59c1641, datastore, NA, 2014-12-15T15:01:51.030533, NA, associatedMedia, 05ff2255-c38a-40c9-b657-4ccb55ab2feb, NA, cc-by, active, , Specimen records, dwc, 0, 0, NA, None, NA, NA, Specimens, 2014-12-08T16:43:25.016679, /datastore/dump/05ff2255-c38a-40c9-b657-4ccb55ab2feb, NA, 2014-12-15T15:01:50.892842, 0, 057be190-dc60-48ae-810a-e853af85b850, NA
#> 2 c0775a70-a11b-4fb0-8c70-bf7830cd5bc3, datastore, NA, 2014-12-16T13:40:32.438294, NA, None, bb909597-dedf-427d-8c04-4c02b3a24db3, NA, , active, , Species level record denoting the presence of a taxon in the Museum collection., CSV, 0, 0, NA, Catalogue number, NA, NA, Index Lots, 2014-12-15T13:20:27.010266, /datastore/dump/bb909597-dedf-427d-8c04-4c02b3a24db3, NA, 2014-12-15T18:36:56.213560, 0, 9d0ee18c-1153-430e-8d55-d2273d7c5fa0, NA
#>   num_resources tracking_summary.recent
#> 1             1                      8                       8
#> 2             1                     10                      10
#>   dataset_type groups                      creator_user_id
#> 1  Collections   NULL adf402e6-f82f-4545-8bbe-68634a349107
#> 2  Collections   NULL adf402e6-f82f-4545-8bbe-68634a349107
#>   relationships_as_subject         revision_timestamp
#> 1                     NULL 2014-12-16T10:56:07.533454
#> 2                     NULL 2014-12-15T13:20:25.858259
#>   organization.description       organization.created
#> 1                          2014-12-08T16:35:24.247079
#> 2                          2014-12-08T16:35:24.247079
#>       organization.title organization.revision_timestamp
#> 1 Natural History Museum               nhm      2014-12-08T16:35:24.188888
#> 2 Natural History Museum               nhm      2014-12-08T16:35:24.188888
#>   organization.is_organization organization.state organization.image_url
#> 1                         TRUE             active                       
#> 2                         TRUE             active                       
#>               organization.revision_id organization.type
#> 1 a11d1487-e85b-453a-9ea7-d5ed17f875ed      organization
#> 2 a11d1487-e85b-453a-9ea7-d5ed17f875ed      organization
#>               organization.approval_status
#> 1 7854c918-d7eb-4341-96e9-3adfb8d636a0                     approved
#> 2 7854c918-d7eb-4341-96e9-3adfb8d636a0                     approved
#>                   name isopen url
#> 1 collection-specimens   TRUE  NA
#> 2 collection-indexlots   TRUE  NA
#>                                                            notes
#> 1  Specimen records from the Natural History Museum's collection
#> 2 Index Lot records from the Natural History Museum's collection
#>                              owner_org
#> 1 7854c918-d7eb-4341-96e9-3adfb8d636a0
#> 2 7854c918-d7eb-4341-96e9-3adfb8d636a0
#>                                      license_url promoted
#> 1     True
#> 2     <NA>
#>                  title                          revision_id
#> 1 Collection specimens 406f4a2c-1bd7-4474-bb9c-68b71d60925e
#> 2 Index Lot collection 85a92d0f-4081-4c58-a4be-2f27a7aced41
#> $search_facets
#> named list()
package_show(id = "56e711e6-c847-4f99-915a-6894bb5c5dea", as="table", url = nhmbase)
#> $domain
#> [1] ""
#> $owner_org
#> [1] "7854c918-d7eb-4341-96e9-3adfb8d636a0"
#> $maintainer
#> $relationships_as_object
#> list()
#> $private
#> [1] FALSE
#> $maintainer_email
#> $revision_timestamp
#> [1] "2014-12-16T10:56:07.533454"
#> $id
#> [1] "56e711e6-c847-4f99-915a-6894bb5c5dea"
#> $metadata_created
#> [1] "2014-12-08T16:39:22.346941"
#> $metadata_modified
#> [1] "2014-12-17T10:25:53.899364"
#> $author
#> [1] "Natural History Museum"
#> $author_email
#> [1] ""
#> $state
#> [1] "active"
#> $version
#> $creator_user_id
#> [1] "adf402e6-f82f-4545-8bbe-68634a349107"
#> $type
#> [1] "dataset"
#> $resources
#>                      resource_group_id _title_field cache_last_updated
#> 1 fefa4aca-61e0-4978-9507-040db59c1641         None                 NA
#>           revision_timestamp webstore_last_updated webstore_url
#> 1 2014-12-15T15:01:51.030533                    NA           NA
#>   datastore_active                                   id size
#> 1             TRUE 05ff2255-c38a-40c9-b657-4ccb55ab2feb   NA
#>   _image_licence  state hash      description format
#> 1          cc-by active      Specimen records    dwc
#> tracking_summary.recent mimetype_inner  url_type
#> 1                      0                       0             NA datastore
#>   mimetype cache_url      name                    created
#> 1       NA        NA Specimens 2014-12-08T16:43:25.016679
#>                                                    url    _image_field
#> 1 /datastore/dump/05ff2255-c38a-40c9-b657-4ccb55ab2feb associatedMedia
#>                last_modified position                          revision_id
#> 1 2014-12-15T15:01:50.892842        0 057be190-dc60-48ae-810a-e853af85b850
#>   resource_type
#> 1            NA
#> $num_resources
#> [1] 1
#> $tags
#>                          vocabulary_id display_name        name
#> 1 7e4e2739-1697-4c99-82ee-e3c9fdebc468  Collections Collections
#>           revision_timestamp  state                                   id
#> 1 2014-12-08T16:39:22.346941 active d0ce043d-f8b5-4c57-9fad-58640b764f63
#> $title
#> [1] "Collection specimens"
#> $tracking_summary
#> $tracking_summary$total
#> [1] 10
#> $tracking_summary$recent
#> [1] 10
#> $groups
#> list()
#> $license_id
#> [1] "cc-zero"
#> $relationships_as_subject
#> list()
#> $validated_data_dict
#> [1] "{\"owner_org\": \"7854c918-d7eb-4341-96e9-3adfb8d636a0\", \"maintainer\": null, \"relationships_as_object\": [], \"private\": false, \"maintainer_email\": null, \"num_tags\": 1, \"update_frequency\": \"weekly\", \"id\": \"56e711e6-c847-4f99-915a-6894bb5c5dea\", \"metadata_created\": \"2014-12-08T16:39:22.346941\", \"metadata_modified\": \"2014-12-17T10:25:53.899364\", \"author\": \"Natural History Museum\", \"author_email\": \"\", \"temporal_extent\": \"\", \"state\": \"active\", \"version\": null, \"spatial\": \"{\\\"type\\\":\\\"Polygon\\\",\\\"coordinates\\\":[[[-180,82],[180,82],[180,-82],[-180,-82],[-180,82]]]}\", \"license_id\": \"cc-zero\", \"type\": \"dataset\", \"resources\": [{\"resource_group_id\": \"fefa4aca-61e0-4978-9507-040db59c1641\", \"url_type\": \"datastore\", \"cache_last_updated\": null, \"revision_timestamp\": \"2014-12-15T15:01:51.030533\", \"webstore_last_updated\": null, \"webstore_url\": null, \"id\": \"05ff2255-c38a-40c9-b657-4ccb55ab2feb\", \"size\": null, \"_image_licence\": \"cc-by\", \"state\": \"active\", \"hash\": \"\", \"description\": \"Specimen records\", \"format\": \"dwc\", \"tracking_summary\": {\"total\": 0, \"recent\": 0}, \"mimetype_inner\": null, \"_title_field\": \"None\", \"mimetype\": null, \"cache_url\": null, \"name\": \"Specimens\", \"created\": \"2014-12-08T16:43:25.016679\", \"url\": \"/datastore/dump/05ff2255-c38a-40c9-b657-4ccb55ab2feb\", \"_image_field\": \"associatedMedia\", \"last_modified\": \"2014-12-15T15:01:50.892842\", \"position\": 0, \"revision_id\": \"057be190-dc60-48ae-810a-e853af85b850\", \"resource_type\": null}], \"num_resources\": 1, \"title\": \"Collection specimens\", \"tracking_summary\": {\"total\": 8, \"recent\": 8}, \"dataset_type\": [\"Collections\"], \"groups\": [], \"creator_user_id\": \"adf402e6-f82f-4545-8bbe-68634a349107\", \"relationships_as_subject\": [], \"revision_timestamp\": \"2014-12-16T10:56:07.533454\", \"name\": \"collection-specimens\", \"isopen\": true, \"url\": null, \"notes\": \"Specimen records from the Natural History Museum's collection\", \"license_title\": \"Creative Commons CCZero\", \"license_url\": \"\", \"promoted\": \"True\", \"organization\": {\"description\": \"\", \"title\": \"Natural History Museum\", \"created\": \"2014-12-08T16:35:24.247079\", \"approval_status\": \"approved\", \"revision_timestamp\": \"2014-12-08T16:35:24.188888\", \"is_organization\": true, \"state\": \"active\", \"image_url\": \"\", \"revision_id\": \"a11d1487-e85b-453a-9ea7-d5ed17f875ed\", \"type\": \"organization\", \"id\": \"7854c918-d7eb-4341-96e9-3adfb8d636a0\", \"name\": \"nhm\"}, \"revision_id\": \"406f4a2c-1bd7-4474-bb9c-68b71d60925e\"}"
#> $num_tags
#> [1] 1
#> $doi
#> [1] "10.5519/0002965"
#> $name
#> [1] "collection-specimens"
#> $isopen
#> [1] TRUE
#> $url
#> $notes
#> [1] "Specimen records from the Natural History Museum's collection"
#> $license_title
#> [1] "Creative Commons CCZero"
#> $extras
#>                             package_id
#> 1 56e711e6-c847-4f99-915a-6894bb5c5dea
#> 2 56e711e6-c847-4f99-915a-6894bb5c5dea
#> 3 56e711e6-c847-4f99-915a-6894bb5c5dea
#> 4 56e711e6-c847-4f99-915a-6894bb5c5dea
#>                                                                                    value
#> 1                                                                                   True
#> 2 {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-180,82],[180,82],[180,-82],[-180,-82],[-180,82]]]}
#> 3                                                                                       
#> 4                                                                                 weekly
#>           revision_timestamp  state              key
#> 1 2014-12-17T10:25:53.896847 active         promoted
#> 2 2014-12-15T13:00:35.296296 active          spatial
#> 3 2014-12-08T16:39:22.346941 active  temporal_extent
#> 4 2014-12-08T16:39:22.346941 active update_frequency
#>                            revision_id
#> 1 3c599446-214f-462f-be0e-0f7abc2f2d8b
#> 2 04dc3a9b-d2e8-4d29-95ca-3877b59f8ecb
#> 3 74152f29-bd09-4633-8d23-e773e727dfdf
#> 4 74152f29-bd09-4633-8d23-e773e727dfdf
#>                                     id
#> 1 f9441b1b-2bf0-4e85-943b-718c8ced51b9
#> 2 7c3fb58e-bb2d-4335-bc7c-ec9f8627a188
#> 3 fc8ac857-8784-4daa-983c-23152f822615
#> 4 be39fa30-3dd4-4558-bbc7-edea6b3cd41c
#> $license_url
#> [1] ""
#> $organization
#> $organization$description
#> [1] ""
#> $organization$created
#> [1] "2014-12-08T16:35:24.247079"
#> $organization$title
#> [1] "Natural History Museum"
#> $organization$name
#> [1] "nhm"
#> $organization$revision_timestamp
#> [1] "2014-12-08T16:35:24.188888"
#> $organization$is_organization
#> [1] TRUE
#> $organization$state
#> [1] "active"
#> $organization$image_url
#> [1] ""
#> $organization$revision_id
#> [1] "a11d1487-e85b-453a-9ea7-d5ed17f875ed"
#> $organization$type
#> [1] "organization"
#> $organization$id
#> [1] "7854c918-d7eb-4341-96e9-3adfb8d636a0"
#> $organization$approval_status
#> [1] "approved"
#> $revision_id
#> [1] "406f4a2c-1bd7-4474-bb9c-68b71d60925e"

more to come

I'm working on the ckanr package right now, adding more functionality...

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