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Forked from ibartomeus/clean_species
Last active October 5, 2021 14:19
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Cleaning species taxonomy using taxize. I want to correct synonyms and typo's and drop incomplete cases.
# I have >1000 bees to check its name, so I want to automatize taxize for
# fixing misspellings when possible
# updating synonims to accepted names
# keeping ONLY accepted species (full resolved)
# As taxize has many functions I may be not being ptimal, commenets wellcomed.
# If you only want to use the function skip to the end,
# where I placed a wrap up function.
#example: good, synomin, typo, unexisting, genus only.
species <- c("Osmia rufa", "Osmia bicornis", "Osmia ruffa",
"Osmia wikifluqie", "Osmia sp.")
#I want to correct synonim and typo's and drop incomplete cases.
# First - fix synonims
temp <- synonyms(species, db="itis")
synonym_ids <- grep(pattern = "acc_name", temp) #is this the optimal solution?
accepted_names <- unlist(lapply(temp[synonym_ids], '[', "acc_name"), use.names = FALSE)
species[synonym_ids] <- accepted_names
#honestly, taxize is great, but doing things like update synonims needs
# quite a lot of thougth to get coded (grep's and lapplies!). Or I am missing something?
#> Scott: I agree that this could be easier
#> Opened a new issue ( to make it
#> easier to go from synonyms() output to extract names into a vector (or possibly
#> optionally add to a data.frame). Also, different synonyms() sources have different
#> output data, which adds complexity
# Second - fix misspellings
species2 <- unique(species)
temp <- gnr_resolve(species2, best_match_only = TRUE, canonical = TRUE)
# quite good, but matched name can be a genus only...
#> Scott: what do you mean here?
#> I see that your non-existant taxon "Osmia wikifluqie" returns
#> just "Osmia". Did you expect something else?
species2 <- temp$matched_name2
# here We will need to recover repeated species in an eficient way, as the are dropped.
# Third - keep only accepted names.
vapply(x, itis_acceptname, "")
#error due to "not found" species having non compatible outputs
#> Scott: the species2 vector has all accepted names when I run through this.
#> Also, itis_acceptname is not vectorized, so I showed a vapply example above
#> Ahhhh, I see that you used a loop below, but lapply/vapply is probably easier
#> perhaps we should make itis_acceptname
#> vectorized (
out <- list()
for(i in 1:length(species2)){
out[[i]] <- itis_acceptname(get_tsn(species2[i]))
#All accepted, wich is not what I want.
#this provides nicer output and can be used to drop unknown species, AND keep synonims.
taxas <- tax_name(query = species2, get = "species", verbose = TRUE)
#fails because not all has species. in a for loop will work.
out <- list()
for(i in 1:length(species2)){
out[[i]] <- tax_name(species2[i], get = "species")
out2 <- plyr::ldply(out, data.frame)
#note, using genus do not work, because all has genus now.
taxas <- tax_name(query = species2, get = "genus", verbose = TRUE)
#> Scott: What taxonomic names did you want to end up with?
#> That will help me find the best solution
# session info
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withr 1.0.1 2016-02-04 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
XML 3.98-1.4 2016-03-01 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
xml2 * 0.1.2 2015-09-01 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
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Hi Scott, Hi Ignasi,
Thanks for sharing this. I wrote a function that aims at doing pretty much the same making use of taxize. The input is a vector of species names and the output is a table of accepted species names according to GBIF backbone taxonomy. It is not working for higher taxa, I think, because I filter by the 'rank' field to 'species', but this could be fixed.

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