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Last active May 11, 2021 14:08
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Quickly rename all assets and files in GenericGraph plugin and ready it for inclusion in another plugin
'use strict';
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline').createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
function listFiles(dir, filelist)
filelist = filelist || []
let files = fs.readdirSync(dir);
for ( let file of files )
let src = path.join(dir, file)
if (fs.statSync(src).isDirectory())
listFiles(src, filelist )
filelist.push( src )
return filelist
function removeEmptyDir(dir)
fs.rmdirSync( dir )
let parentdir = dir.substring(0,dir.lastIndexOf("\\", dir.length - 2)+1)
if ( parentdir !== "" )
catch (err)
function renameFiles(dir, map )
let files = listFiles(dir)
for ( let m of map )
m.r = new RegExp(m.old, 'g')
let filelist = []
for ( let file of files )
if (/(\.cpp|\.h|\.cs)$/.test(file))
let txt = fs.readFileSync( file, 'utf8' )
for ( let m of map )
if ( m.edit )
txt = txt.replaceAll(m.r,
fs.writeFileSync( file, txt )
let newfile = file
for ( let m of map )
if ( m.rename && m.r.test(newfile) )
newfile = newfile.replaceAll(m.r,
if ( file !== newfile )
let olddir = file.substring(0,file.lastIndexOf("\\")+1)
let newdir = newfile.substring(0,newfile.lastIndexOf("\\")+1)
mkdirp.sync( newdir )
fs.renameSync( file, newfile )
readline.question('What prefix should be applied?', NewPrefix =>
let map = [
{ old : 'GenericGraph', new : `${NewPrefix}GenericGraph`, rename : true, edit : true },
{ old : 'GENERICGRAPH', new : `${NewPrefix.toUpperCase()}GENERICGRAPH`, rename : false, edit : true},
{ old : 'AutoLayoutStrategy', new : `${NewPrefix}AutoLayoutStrategy`, rename : true, edit : true },
{ old : 'TreeLayoutStrategy', new : `${NewPrefix}TreeLayoutStrategy`, rename : true, edit : true },
{ old : 'ForceDirectedLayoutStrategy', new : `${NewPrefix}ForceDirectedLayoutStrategy`, rename : true, edit : true },
{ old : 'Blueprintable', new : ``, edit : true },
renameFiles( 'Source', map )
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