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Created September 2, 2017 14:41
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  • Save sclewis23/c2924fa1a56e9d2f714a66334cd0d6b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sclewis23/c2924fa1a56e9d2f714a66334cd0d6b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
2017-08-31 07:39:42,958 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Program [0] - Program started: v2.6.1.0
2017-08-31 07:39:43,067 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Program [0] - Started interactively.
2017-08-31 07:39:43,067 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Program [0] - Storing user files in roaming directory: C:\Users\lewiss3\AppData\Roaming\Outlook Google Calendar Sync
2017-08-31 07:39:43,067 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Program [0] - Running from C:\Users\lewiss3\AppData\Local\OutlookGoogleCalendarSync\app-2.6.1-alpha\OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.exe
2017-08-31 07:39:43,114 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.XMLManager [0] - Retrieved setting 'Portable' with value 'false'
2017-08-31 07:39:43,114 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.XMLManager [0] - Retrieved setting 'LoggingLevel' with value 'DEBUG'
2017-08-31 07:39:43,114 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Logging level configured to 'DEBUG'
2017-08-31 07:39:43,114 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Program [0] - Purging log files older than 30 days...
2017-08-31 07:39:43,114 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Program [0] - Purge complete.
2017-08-31 07:39:43,160 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Updater [0] - Setting up Squirrel handlers.
2017-08-31 07:39:43,441 DEBUG 3 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.XMLManager [0] - Retrieved setting 'CompletedSyncs' with value '1268'
2017-08-31 07:39:43,441 DEBUG 3 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.XMLManager [0] - Retrieved setting 'Donor' with value 'false'
2017-08-31 07:39:43,441 DEBUG 3 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.XMLManager [0] - Retrieved setting 'Subscribed' with value '2000-01-01T00:00:00'
2017-08-31 07:39:43,457 DEBUG 3 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.XMLManager [0] - Retrieved setting 'HideSplashScreen' with value 'false'
2017-08-31 07:39:43,457 DEBUG 3 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Splash [0] - Showing splash screen.
2017-08-31 07:39:43,519 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Program [0] - Loading settings from file.
2017-08-31 07:39:43,831 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Updater [0] - This is a Squirrel install.
2017-08-31 07:39:43,846 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Updater [0] - Automatic update check requested.
2017-08-31 07:39:43,846 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.SettingsProxy [0] - Using default proxy (app.config / IE).
2017-08-31 07:39:43,846 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.SettingsProxy [0] - Setting system-wide proxy.
2017-08-31 07:39:43,909 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.SettingsProxy [0] - Testing the system proxy.
2017-08-31 07:39:43,909 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.SettingsProxy [0] - Confirmation of configured proxy: http://rtpfpgw001.americas.ppdi.local:8080
2017-08-31 07:39:43,909 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Updater [0] - This is a Squirrel install.
2017-08-31 07:39:44,002 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Updater [0] - Checking for Squirrel update...
2017-08-31 07:39:44,127 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.NotificationTray [0] - Using NodaTime TZDB: 2017b (mapping: 13050)
2017-08-31 07:39:44,127 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.NotificationTray [0] - Checking for new timezone database...
2017-08-31 07:39:44,158 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Initialiasing MainForm.
2017-08-31 07:39:44,439 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.OutlookCalendar [0] - Attaching to the already running Outlook process.
2017-08-31 07:39:44,501 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.OutlookFactory [0] - Outlook Version:
2017-08-31 07:39:44,501 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Social [0] - Retrieving URL:
2017-08-31 07:39:44,517 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Find Folders
2017-08-31 07:39:44,532 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.OutlookCalendar [0] - Attaching to the already running Outlook process.
2017-08-31 07:39:44,532 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.OutlookNew [0] - Setting up Outlook connection.
2017-08-31 07:39:44,548 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.OutlookNew [0] - Exchange server version:
2017-08-31 07:39:44,548 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.OutlookNew [0] - Exchange connection mode: olCachedConnectedFull
2017-08-31 07:39:44,548 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.OutlookNew [0] - Get the folders configured in Outlook
2017-08-31 07:39:44,563 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.OutlookNew [0] - Finding default Mailbox calendar folders
2017-08-31 07:39:46,371 INFO 6 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Updater [0] - Already running the latest version of OGCS.
2017-08-31 07:39:46,855 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.OutlookNew [0] - Default Calendar folder: Calendar
2017-08-31 07:39:50,394 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Failed to get EntryID for folder: Enterprise Connect
2017-08-31 07:39:50,394 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Unknown error
2017-08-31 07:39:50,394 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - List Calendar folders
2017-08-31 07:39:50,503 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Program [0] - CheckShortcut: directory=Startup; subdir=
2017-08-31 07:39:50,503 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Logging level configured to 'Debug'
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - C:\Users\lewiss3\AppData\Roaming\Outlook Google Calendar Sync\settings.xml
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - OUTLOOK SETTINGS:-
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Service: DefaultMailbox
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Mailbox/FolderStore Name:
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Calendar: Default Calendar
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Category Filter: Exclude
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Categories:
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Filter String: g
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - GAL Blocked: False
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - GOOGLE SETTINGS:-
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Calendar: WORK
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Personal API Keys: False
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Client Identifier:
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Client Secret:
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - API attendee limit in effect: False
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - API attendee limit last reached: 1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Assigned API key:
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - SYNC OPTIONS:-
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Main
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - SyncDirection: Outlook → Google
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - DaysInThePast: 1
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - DaysInTheFuture:30
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - SyncInterval: 6
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - SyncIntervalUnit: Hours
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Push Changes: False
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - AddDescription: True; OnlyToGoogle: True
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - AddReminders: False
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - UseGoogleDefaultReminder: False
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - ReminderDND: False (22:00-06:00)
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - AddAttendees: False
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - MergeItems: True
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - DisableDelete: False
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - ConfirmOnDelete: False
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - SetEntriesPrivate: False
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Obfuscate Words: False
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - PROXY:-
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Type: IE
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - APPLICATION BEHAVIOUR:-
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - ShowBubbleTooltipWhenSyncing: False
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - StartOnStartup: True; DelayedStartup: 0
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - HideSplashScreen: N/A
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - StartInTray: True
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - MinimiseToTray: True
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - MinimiseNotClose: True
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - ShowBubbleWhenMinimising: True
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Portable: False
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - CreateCSVFiles: False
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - VerboseOutput: False
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Logging Level: DEBUG
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - ABOUT:-
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Alpha Releases: False
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Subscribed: 01-Jan-2000
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Timezone Database: 2017b
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - ENVIRONMENT:-
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Current Locale: en-US
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Short Date Format: M/d/yyyy
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Short Time Format: h:mm tt
2017-08-31 07:39:50,519 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Completed Syncs: 1268
2017-08-31 07:39:50,550 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Create the timer for the auto synchronisation
2017-08-31 07:39:50,550 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.SyncTimer [0] - Next sync scheduled for Thursday, August 31, 2017 - 7:40:50 AM
2017-08-31 07:39:51,594 DEBUG 3 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Splash [0] - Disposed of splash screen.
2017-08-31 07:40:16,694 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.NotificationTray [0] - Already have latest TZDB version.
2017-08-31 07:40:50,542 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.SyncTimer [0] - Scheduled sync triggered.
2017-08-31 07:40:50,542 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Scheduled sync started.
2017-08-31 07:40:50,604 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Sync version:
2017-08-31 07:40:50,619 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Sync started at 8/31/2017 7:40:50 AM
2017-08-31 07:40:50,619 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Syncing from 8/30/2017 to 10/1/2017
2017-08-31 07:40:50,619 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Outlook → Google
2017-08-31 07:40:50,619 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 07:40:50,666 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.ApiKeyring [0] - Getting keyring.
2017-08-31 07:40:50,978 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.ApiKey [0] - OGCS Default = ACTIVE
2017-08-31 07:40:50,978 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.ApiKey [0] - OGCS PW 001 = DISABLED
2017-08-31 07:40:50,978 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.ApiKey [0] - OGCS KW 001 = DISABLED
2017-08-31 07:40:50,978 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.ApiKeyring [0] - There are 3 keys.
2017-08-31 07:40:50,978 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.ApiKeyring [0] - 1 keys are active.
2017-08-31 07:40:50,994 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.ApiKeyring [0] - Picking a Standard key.
2017-08-31 07:40:51,259 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.Authenticator [0] - Authenticating with Google calendar service...
2017-08-31 07:40:51,259 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.Authenticator [0] - Google credential file location: C:\Users\lewiss3\AppData\Roaming\Outlook Google Calendar Sync\Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.Responses.TokenResponse-user
2017-08-31 07:40:51,711 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.Authenticator [0] - Refresh and Access token successfully retrieved.
2017-08-31 07:40:51,711 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.Authenticator [0] - Access token expires 8/28/2017 11:45:22 AM
2017-08-31 07:40:51,711 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.Authenticator [0] - Access token needs refreshing.
2017-08-31 07:40:52,382 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.Authenticator [0] - Access token refreshed.
2017-08-31 07:40:53,037 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.Authenticator [0] - Retrieving all subscribers from past year.
2017-08-31 07:40:53,551 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.Authenticator [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:40:53,551 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.Authenticator [0] - Searching for subscription for: sh**************
2017-08-31 07:40:53,551 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.Authenticator [0] - Retrieving all donors.
2017-08-31 07:40:54,083 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.Authenticator [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:40:54,441 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.Authenticator [0] - Page 2 received.
2017-08-31 07:40:54,441 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleOgcs.Authenticator [0] - Searching for donation from: sh**************
2017-08-31 07:40:54,441 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.XMLManager [0] - Setting 'Donor' updated to 'False'
2017-08-31 07:40:54,677 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Reading Outlook Calendar Entries...
2017-08-31 07:40:55,241 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 31 Outlook calendar entries found.
2017-08-31 07:40:55,350 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 07:40:55,459 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Reading Google Calendar Entries...
2017-08-31 07:40:55,459 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 8/30/2017 -> 10/1/2017
2017-08-31 07:40:55,880 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:40:55,896 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 23 Google calendar entries found.
2017-08-31 07:40:55,896 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Identifying exceptions in recurring Google events.
2017-08-31 07:40:55,896 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Found 0 exceptions.
2017-08-31 07:40:56,114 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 07:40:56,223 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Total inc. recurring items spanning sync date range...
2017-08-31 07:40:56,941 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 11/3/2015 -> 11/4/2015
2017-08-31 07:40:57,128 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:40:57,128 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 1 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:40:57,128 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:40:57,221 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving specific Event with ID sio6eh8n8gfaui6gmj0c0st95o
2017-08-31 07:40:57,346 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 07:40:57,346 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:40:57,346 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:40:58,485 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 07:40:58,485 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:40:58,485 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:41:00,668 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 07:41:00,668 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:41:00,668 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:41:03,837 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 07:41:03,837 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:41:03,837 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:41:08,034 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 07:41:08,034 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:41:08,034 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Retrieve failed.
2017-08-31 07:41:08,239 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - ERROR: Failed to retrieve Google event
2017-08-31 07:41:08,239 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 11/12/2015 -> 11/13/2015
2017-08-31 07:41:08,457 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:41:08,457 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 1 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:41:08,457 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:41:08,504 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 1/10/2017 -> 1/11/2017
2017-08-31 07:41:08,707 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:41:08,707 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:41:08,707 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:41:08,785 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 3/6/2017 -> 3/7/2017
2017-08-31 07:41:08,956 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:41:08,956 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:41:08,956 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:41:09,034 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 3/6/2017 -> 3/7/2017
2017-08-31 07:41:09,284 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:41:09,284 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:41:09,284 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:41:09,785 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 4/10/2017 -> 4/11/2017
2017-08-31 07:41:10,034 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:41:10,034 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:41:10,034 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:41:11,580 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 1/19/2017 -> 1/20/2017
2017-08-31 07:41:11,814 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:41:11,814 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:41:11,814 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:41:11,876 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 7/7/2017 -> 7/8/2017
2017-08-31 07:41:12,095 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:41:12,095 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 1 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:41:12,095 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:41:12,157 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 8/2/2017 -> 8/3/2017
2017-08-31 07:41:12,375 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:41:12,375 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 1 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:41:12,375 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:41:12,500 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Outlook 31, Google 24
2017-08-31 07:41:12,500 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 07:41:12,516 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Synchronising from Outlook to Google.
2017-08-31 07:41:12,516 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 24 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:41:12,516 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:41:12,516 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Comparing Outlook items to Google events...
2017-08-31 07:41:13,063 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 1 Google calendar entries to be deleted.
2017-08-31 07:41:13,172 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 8 Google calendar entries to be created.
2017-08-31 07:41:13,390 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 07:41:13,609 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Deleting 1 Google calendar entries...
2017-08-31 07:41:13,609 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/26/2017 8:00 AM => "Drop off Paris"
2017-08-31 07:41:14,154 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Done.
2017-08-31 07:41:14,264 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 07:41:14,482 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Creating 8 Google calendar entries...
2017-08-31 07:41:14,482 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/28/2017 1:00 PM => "Weekly MDM Framework Project Team Meeting"
2017-08-31 07:41:14,482 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/28/2017 1:00 PM => "Weekly MDM Framework Project Team Meeting"
2017-08-31 07:41:14,591 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/28/2017 1:00 PM => "Weekly MDM Framework Project Team Meeting"
2017-08-31 07:41:14,700 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:41:14,700 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 07:41:22,689 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 8/30/2017 4:00 PM => "Pickup Paris"
2017-08-31 07:41:22,689 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 8/30/2017 4:00 PM => "Pickup Paris"
2017-08-31 07:41:23,001 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 8/30/2017 4:00 PM => "Pickup Paris"
2017-08-31 07:41:23,219 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:41:23,219 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 07:41:24,794 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/29/2017 12:00 PM => "Work From Home"
2017-08-31 07:41:24,794 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/29/2017 12:00 PM => "Work From Home"
2017-08-31 07:41:24,966 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/29/2017 12:00 PM => "Work From Home"
2017-08-31 07:41:25,184 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:41:25,184 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 07:41:25,630 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/29/2017 12:00 PM => "Pickup Paris from School Early Release"
2017-08-31 07:41:25,630 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/29/2017 12:00 PM => "Pickup Paris from School Early Release"
2017-08-31 07:41:25,848 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/29/2017 12:00 PM => "Pickup Paris from School Early Release"
2017-08-31 07:41:26,067 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:41:26,067 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 07:41:26,503 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/15/2017 1:00 PM => "TRAINING: WPD-IT-41 Dashboard Lifecycle Management"
2017-08-31 07:41:26,503 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/15/2017 1:00 PM => "TRAINING: WPD-IT-41 Dashboard Lifecycle Management"
2017-08-31 07:41:26,722 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/15/2017 1:00 PM => "TRAINING: WPD-IT-41 Dashboard Lifecycle Management"
2017-08-31 07:41:26,940 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:41:26,940 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 07:41:27,533 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/22/2017 8:30 AM => "TRAINING: WPD-IT-41 Dashboard Lifecycle Management"
2017-08-31 07:41:27,533 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/22/2017 8:30 AM => "TRAINING: WPD-IT-41 Dashboard Lifecycle Management"
2017-08-31 07:41:27,704 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/22/2017 8:30 AM => "TRAINING: WPD-IT-41 Dashboard Lifecycle Management"
2017-08-31 07:41:27,922 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:41:27,922 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 07:41:28,359 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/11/2017 3:00 PM => "FW: PPDi MDM Use case discussion prior to a future demonstration"
2017-08-31 07:41:28,359 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/11/2017 3:00 PM => "FW: PPDi MDM Use case discussion prior to a future demonstration"
2017-08-31 07:41:28,577 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/11/2017 3:00 PM => "FW: PPDi MDM Use case discussion prior to a future demonstration"
2017-08-31 07:41:28,796 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:41:28,796 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 07:41:29,498 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/15/2017 3:00 PM => "NA Global Time Timesheet Deadline: Friday, September 15th at 3pm ET"
2017-08-31 07:41:29,498 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/15/2017 3:00 PM => "NA Global Time Timesheet Deadline: Friday, September 15th at 3pm ET"
2017-08-31 07:41:29,669 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/15/2017 3:00 PM => "NA Global Time Timesheet Deadline: Friday, September 15th at 3pm ET"
2017-08-31 07:41:29,888 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:41:29,888 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 07:41:31,634 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Done.
2017-08-31 07:41:31,853 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 07:41:32,071 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Comparing 23 existing Google calendar entries...
2017-08-31 07:41:32,071 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 3/6/2017 2:00 PM (R) => "INFA Upgrade - Weekly Meeting"
2017-08-31 07:41:32,086 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 07:41:32,102 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20170831T140000Z
2017-08-31 07:41:32,289 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 3/6/2017 2:00 PM (R) => "INFA Upgrade - Weekly Meeting"
2017-08-31 07:41:32,508 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:41:32,508 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:41:33,131 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:41:33,755 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:41:33,755 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:41:33,755 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:41:34,956 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:41:34,956 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:41:34,956 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:41:37,217 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:41:37,217 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:41:37,217 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:41:40,718 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 07:41:40,718 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:41:46,270 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:41:46,831 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:41:46,831 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:41:46,831 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:41:48,016 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:41:48,016 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:41:48,016 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:41:50,234 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:41:50,234 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:41:50,234 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:41:50,546 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.SyncTimer [0] - Scheduled sync triggered.
2017-08-31 07:41:50,546 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.SyncTimer [0] - Busy syncing already. Rescheduled for 5 mins time.
2017-08-31 07:41:50,546 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.SyncTimer [0] - Next sync scheduled for Thursday, August 31, 2017 - 7:46:50 AM
2017-08-31 07:41:53,729 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 07:41:53,729 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:41:55,445 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:41:55,866 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:41:55,866 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:41:55,881 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:41:57,228 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 07:41:57,228 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:41:58,475 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:41:59,006 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:41:59,006 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:41:59,006 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:42:00,211 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:42:00,211 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:42:00,211 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:42:02,426 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:42:02,426 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:42:02,426 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:42:05,661 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 07:42:05,661 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:42:06,644 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:42:07,127 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 07:42:07,127 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:42:08,047 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:42:09,544 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 07:42:09,544 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:42:11,182 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:42:11,759 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 07:42:11,759 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:42:12,258 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:42:12,741 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 07:42:12,757 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:42:13,443 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:42:14,083 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 07:42:14,083 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:42:20,149 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:42:20,998 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:42:20,998 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:42:20,998 WARN 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:42:22,404 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 07:42:22,404 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:42:25,353 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 8/30/2017 1:30 PM => "F2F RConnect & Data Model Save Brainstorm"
2017-08-31 07:42:25,571 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 8/30/2017 1:30 PM => "F2F RConnect & Data Model Save Brainstorm"
2017-08-31 07:42:25,790 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:42:25,790 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:42:26,335 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 8/31/2017 9:00 AM => "Spotfire Developer Rally"
2017-08-31 07:42:26,460 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 8/31/2017 9:00 AM => "Spotfire Developer Rally"
2017-08-31 07:42:26,476 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:42:26,476 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:42:26,953 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 8/2/2017 10:00 AM (R) => "SF Power users"
2017-08-31 07:42:26,969 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 07:42:26,984 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171004T100000Z
2017-08-31 07:42:27,031 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 8/2/2017 10:00 AM (R) => "SF Power users"
2017-08-31 07:42:27,031 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:42:27,031 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:42:27,951 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 11/3/2015 11:30 AM (R) => "Group Run (approx 4.7-5.1 miles)"
2017-08-31 07:42:27,967 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 07:42:27,982 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY
2017-08-31 07:42:28,014 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 11/3/2015 11:30 AM (R) => "Group Run (approx 4.7-5.1 miles)"
2017-08-31 07:42:28,138 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:42:28,138 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:42:28,637 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 11/12/2015 11:30 AM (R) => "Group Run 2 (approx 4.7-5.1 miles)"
2017-08-31 07:42:28,653 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 07:42:28,669 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY
2017-08-31 07:42:28,902 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 11/12/2015 11:30 AM (R) => "Group Run 2 (approx 4.7-5.1 miles)"
2017-08-31 07:42:29,136 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:42:29,136 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:42:29,604 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - 1/10/2017 3:00 PM (R) => "DIS All Hands Meeting - VN 1582777"
2017-08-31 07:42:29,604 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - This is a recurring appointment with 8 exceptions that will now be iteratively compared.
2017-08-31 07:42:30,790 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - 3/6/2017 9:30 AM (R) => "Shannon 1:1"
2017-08-31 07:42:30,790 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - This is a recurring appointment with 6 exceptions that will now be iteratively compared.
2017-08-31 07:42:31,023 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 4/10/2017 10:00 AM (R) => "Reminder to process 10g requests"
2017-08-31 07:42:31,023 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 07:42:31,023 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO,TH;UNTIL=20190104T100000Z
2017-08-31 07:42:31,117 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 4/10/2017 10:00 AM (R) => "Reminder to process 10g requests"
2017-08-31 07:42:31,242 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:42:31,242 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:42:31,772 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 1/19/2017 2:00 PM (R) => "FW: PPD Case status touchbase"
2017-08-31 07:42:31,772 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 07:42:31,788 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20170928T140000Z
2017-08-31 07:42:31,912 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 1/19/2017 2:00 PM (R) => "FW: PPD Case status touchbase"
2017-08-31 07:42:32,131 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:42:32,131 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:42:32,645 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 7/7/2017 8:00 AM (R) => "BIP Training"
2017-08-31 07:42:32,645 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 07:42:32,661 DEBUG 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY
2017-08-31 07:42:32,801 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 7/7/2017 8:00 AM (R) => "BIP Training"
2017-08-31 07:42:32,926 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:42:32,926 ERROR 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:42:33,488 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 0 entries updated.
2017-08-31 07:42:33,503 INFO 15 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 07:42:33,940 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.XMLManager [0] - Setting 'CompletedSyncs' updated to '1269'
2017-08-31 07:42:33,971 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Sync finished with success!
2017-08-31 07:42:34,049 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.XMLManager [0] - Setting 'LastSyncDate' updated to '8/31/2017 7:40:50 AM'
2017-08-31 07:42:34,049 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.SyncTimer [0] - Next sync scheduled for Thursday, August 31, 2017 - 1:40:50 PM
2017-08-31 07:43:51,471 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.SettingsProxy [0] - Using default proxy (app.config / IE).
2017-08-31 07:43:51,471 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.SettingsProxy [0] - Setting system-wide proxy.
2017-08-31 07:43:51,486 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.SettingsProxy [0] - Testing the system proxy.
2017-08-31 07:43:51,502 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.SettingsProxy [0] - Confirmation of configured proxy: http://rtpfpgw001.americas.ppdi.local:8080
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - C:\Users\lewiss3\AppData\Roaming\Outlook Google Calendar Sync\settings.xml
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - OUTLOOK SETTINGS:-
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Service: DefaultMailbox
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Mailbox/FolderStore Name:
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Calendar: Default Calendar
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Category Filter: Exclude
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Categories:
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Filter String: g
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - GAL Blocked: False
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - GOOGLE SETTINGS:-
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Calendar: WORK
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Personal API Keys: False
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Client Identifier:
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Client Secret:
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - API attendee limit in effect: False
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - API attendee limit last reached: 1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Assigned API key:
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - SYNC OPTIONS:-
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Main
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - SyncDirection: Outlook → Google
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - DaysInThePast: 1
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - DaysInTheFuture:30
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - SyncInterval: 6
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - SyncIntervalUnit: Hours
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Push Changes: False
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - AddDescription: True; OnlyToGoogle: True
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - AddReminders: False
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - UseGoogleDefaultReminder: False
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - ReminderDND: False (22:00-06:00)
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - AddAttendees: False
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - MergeItems: True
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - DisableDelete: False
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - ConfirmOnDelete: False
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - SetEntriesPrivate: False
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Obfuscate Words: False
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - PROXY:-
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Type: IE
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - APPLICATION BEHAVIOUR:-
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - ShowBubbleTooltipWhenSyncing: False
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - StartOnStartup: True; DelayedStartup: 0
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - HideSplashScreen: N/A
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - StartInTray: True
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - MinimiseToTray: True
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - MinimiseNotClose: True
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - ShowBubbleWhenMinimising: True
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Portable: False
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - CreateCSVFiles: False
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - VerboseOutput: True
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Logging Level: DEBUG
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - ABOUT:-
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Alpha Releases: False
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Subscribed: 01-Jan-2000
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Timezone Database: 2017b
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - ENVIRONMENT:-
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Current Locale: en-US
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Short Date Format: M/d/yyyy
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Short Time Format: h:mm tt
2017-08-31 07:43:51,564 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Settings [0] - Completed Syncs: 1269
2017-08-31 07:43:55,011 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Manual sync started.
2017-08-31 07:43:55,042 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Sync version:
2017-08-31 07:43:55,042 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Sync started at 8/31/2017 7:43:55 AM
2017-08-31 07:43:55,042 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Syncing from 8/30/2017 to 10/1/2017
2017-08-31 07:43:55,042 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Outlook → Google
2017-08-31 07:43:55,042 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 07:43:55,167 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Reading Outlook Calendar Entries...
2017-08-31 07:43:55,494 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 31 Outlook calendar entries found.
2017-08-31 07:43:55,494 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 07:43:55,494 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Reading Google Calendar Entries...
2017-08-31 07:43:55,494 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 8/30/2017 -> 10/1/2017
2017-08-31 07:43:55,775 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:43:55,822 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 22 Google calendar entries found.
2017-08-31 07:43:55,822 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Identifying exceptions in recurring Google events.
2017-08-31 07:43:55,822 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Found 0 exceptions.
2017-08-31 07:43:55,822 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 07:43:55,931 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Total inc. recurring items spanning sync date range...
2017-08-31 07:43:56,336 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 11/3/2015 -> 11/4/2015
2017-08-31 07:43:56,539 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:43:56,539 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 1 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:43:56,539 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:43:56,601 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving specific Event with ID sio6eh8n8gfaui6gmj0c0st95o
2017-08-31 07:43:56,726 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 07:43:56,726 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:43:56,726 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:43:57,898 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 07:43:57,898 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:43:57,898 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:44:00,066 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 07:44:00,066 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:44:00,066 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:44:03,249 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 07:44:03,249 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:44:03,249 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:44:07,478 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 07:44:07,478 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:44:07,478 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Retrieve failed.
2017-08-31 07:44:07,525 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - ERROR: Failed to retrieve Google event
2017-08-31 07:44:07,525 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 11/12/2015 -> 11/13/2015
2017-08-31 07:44:07,727 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:44:07,727 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 1 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:44:07,727 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:44:07,805 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 1/10/2017 -> 1/11/2017
2017-08-31 07:44:07,979 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:44:07,979 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:44:07,979 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:44:08,072 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 3/6/2017 -> 3/7/2017
2017-08-31 07:44:08,228 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:44:08,228 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:44:08,228 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:44:08,306 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 3/6/2017 -> 3/7/2017
2017-08-31 07:44:08,478 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:44:08,478 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:44:08,478 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:44:08,509 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 4/10/2017 -> 4/11/2017
2017-08-31 07:44:08,696 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:44:08,696 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:44:08,696 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:44:08,727 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 1/19/2017 -> 1/20/2017
2017-08-31 07:44:08,899 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:44:08,899 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:44:08,899 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:44:08,961 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 7/7/2017 -> 7/8/2017
2017-08-31 07:44:09,149 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:44:09,149 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 1 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:44:09,149 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:44:09,242 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 8/2/2017 -> 8/3/2017
2017-08-31 07:44:09,478 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 07:44:09,478 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 1 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:44:09,478 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:44:09,619 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Outlook 31, Google 23
2017-08-31 07:44:09,838 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 07:44:09,838 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Synchronising from Outlook to Google.
2017-08-31 07:44:09,838 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 23 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 07:44:09,838 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 07:44:09,838 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Comparing Outlook items to Google events...
2017-08-31 07:44:10,290 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 0 Google calendar entries to be deleted.
2017-08-31 07:44:10,399 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 8 Google calendar entries to be created.
2017-08-31 07:44:10,399 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 07:44:10,399 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Creating 8 Google calendar entries...
2017-08-31 07:44:10,415 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/28/2017 1:00 PM => "Weekly MDM Framework Project Team Meeting"
2017-08-31 07:44:10,524 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/28/2017 1:00 PM => "Weekly MDM Framework Project Team Meeting"
2017-08-31 07:44:10,633 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:44:10,633 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 07:44:11,662 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 8/30/2017 4:00 PM => "Pickup Paris"
2017-08-31 07:44:11,740 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 8/30/2017 4:00 PM => "Pickup Paris"
2017-08-31 07:44:11,850 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:44:11,850 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 07:44:12,411 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/29/2017 12:00 PM => "Work From Home"
2017-08-31 07:44:12,520 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/29/2017 12:00 PM => "Work From Home"
2017-08-31 07:44:12,629 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:44:12,629 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 07:44:13,128 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/29/2017 12:00 PM => "Pickup Paris from School Early Release"
2017-08-31 07:44:13,191 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/29/2017 12:00 PM => "Pickup Paris from School Early Release"
2017-08-31 07:44:13,300 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:44:13,300 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 07:44:13,737 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/15/2017 1:00 PM => "TRAINING: WPD-IT-41 Dashboard Lifecycle Management"
2017-08-31 07:44:13,846 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/15/2017 1:00 PM => "TRAINING: WPD-IT-41 Dashboard Lifecycle Management"
2017-08-31 07:44:13,955 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:44:13,955 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 07:44:14,251 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/22/2017 8:30 AM => "TRAINING: WPD-IT-41 Dashboard Lifecycle Management"
2017-08-31 07:44:14,282 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/22/2017 8:30 AM => "TRAINING: WPD-IT-41 Dashboard Lifecycle Management"
2017-08-31 07:44:14,392 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:44:14,392 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 07:44:14,797 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/11/2017 3:00 PM => "FW: PPDi MDM Use case discussion prior to a future demonstration"
2017-08-31 07:44:14,844 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/11/2017 3:00 PM => "FW: PPDi MDM Use case discussion prior to a future demonstration"
2017-08-31 07:44:14,953 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:44:14,953 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 07:44:15,281 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/15/2017 3:00 PM => "NA Global Time Timesheet Deadline: Friday, September 15th at 3pm ET"
2017-08-31 07:44:15,312 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/15/2017 3:00 PM => "NA Global Time Timesheet Deadline: Friday, September 15th at 3pm ET"
2017-08-31 07:44:15,421 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:44:15,421 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 07:44:15,873 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Done.
2017-08-31 07:44:15,889 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 07:44:16,014 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Comparing 23 existing Google calendar entries...
2017-08-31 07:44:16,014 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 3/6/2017 2:00 PM (R) => "INFA Upgrade - Weekly Meeting"
2017-08-31 07:44:16,014 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 07:44:16,045 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20170831T140000Z
2017-08-31 07:44:16,123 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:44:16,138 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:44:16,622 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:44:17,214 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 07:44:17,230 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:44:17,745 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:44:18,415 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 07:44:18,415 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:44:18,852 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:44:19,429 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:44:19,429 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:44:19,429 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:44:20,661 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:44:20,661 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:44:20,661 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:44:22,907 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:44:22,907 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:44:22,907 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:44:26,197 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:44:26,197 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:44:26,197 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:44:30,448 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:44:30,448 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:44:30,448 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Save failed.
2017-08-31 07:44:30,541 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:44:30,541 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:44:31,477 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:44:31,976 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 07:44:31,992 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:44:32,539 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:44:33,073 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:44:33,073 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:44:33,073 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:44:34,305 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:44:34,305 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:44:34,305 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:44:36,617 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 07:44:36,617 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:44:37,069 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:44:37,553 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:44:37,553 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:44:37,553 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:44:38,894 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:44:38,894 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:44:38,894 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:44:41,116 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 07:44:41,132 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:44:41,834 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:44:42,317 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:44:42,317 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:44:42,317 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:44:43,627 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 07:44:43,627 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:44:44,142 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:44:44,563 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:44:44,563 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:44:44,563 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:44:45,764 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:44:45,764 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:44:45,764 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:44:47,963 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:44:47,963 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:44:47,963 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:44:51,238 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:44:51,238 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:44:51,238 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 07:44:55,526 WARN 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:44:55,526 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 07:44:55,526 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Save failed.
2017-08-31 07:44:55,558 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 07:44:55,558 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:44:56,571 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 07:44:57,195 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 07:44:57,195 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:44:57,741 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 8/30/2017 1:30 PM => "F2F RConnect & Data Model Save Brainstorm"
2017-08-31 07:44:57,975 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:44:57,975 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:44:58,521 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 8/31/2017 9:00 AM => "Spotfire Developer Rally"
2017-08-31 07:44:58,770 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:44:58,770 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:44:59,176 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 8/2/2017 10:00 AM (R) => "SF Power users"
2017-08-31 07:44:59,176 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 07:44:59,191 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171004T100000Z
2017-08-31 07:44:59,441 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:44:59,441 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:44:59,815 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 11/3/2015 11:30 AM (R) => "Group Run (approx 4.7-5.1 miles)"
2017-08-31 07:44:59,831 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 07:44:59,846 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY
2017-08-31 07:44:59,893 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:44:59,893 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:45:00,361 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 11/12/2015 11:30 AM (R) => "Group Run 2 (approx 4.7-5.1 miles)"
2017-08-31 07:45:00,377 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 07:45:00,378 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY
2017-08-31 07:45:00,440 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:45:00,440 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:45:00,863 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - 1/10/2017 3:00 PM (R) => "DIS All Hands Meeting - VN 1582777"
2017-08-31 07:45:00,863 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - This is a recurring appointment with 8 exceptions that will now be iteratively compared.
2017-08-31 07:45:02,189 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - 3/6/2017 9:30 AM (R) => "Shannon 1:1"
2017-08-31 07:45:02,189 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - This is a recurring appointment with 6 exceptions that will now be iteratively compared.
2017-08-31 07:45:02,376 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 4/10/2017 10:00 AM (R) => "Reminder to process 10g requests"
2017-08-31 07:45:02,392 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 07:45:02,392 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO,TH;UNTIL=20190104T100000Z
2017-08-31 07:45:02,538 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:45:02,538 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:45:03,006 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 1/19/2017 2:00 PM (R) => "FW: PPD Case status touchbase"
2017-08-31 07:45:03,022 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 07:45:03,037 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20170928T140000Z
2017-08-31 07:45:03,084 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:45:03,084 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:45:03,536 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 7/7/2017 8:00 AM (R) => "BIP Training"
2017-08-31 07:45:03,536 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 07:45:03,552 DEBUG 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY
2017-08-31 07:45:03,645 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 07:45:03,661 ERROR 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 07:45:04,098 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 0 entries updated.
2017-08-31 07:45:04,223 INFO 12 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 07:45:04,550 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.XMLManager [0] - Setting 'CompletedSyncs' updated to '1270'
2017-08-31 07:45:04,567 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Sync finished with success!
2017-08-31 07:45:04,677 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.XMLManager [0] - Setting 'LastSyncDate' updated to '8/31/2017 7:43:55 AM'
2017-08-31 07:53:50,247 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.XMLManager [0] - Setting 'AlphaReleases' updated to 'True'
2017-08-31 07:53:50,777 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.XMLManager [0] - Setting 'AlphaReleases' updated to 'False'
2017-08-31 13:40:50,496 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.SyncTimer [0] - Scheduled sync triggered.
2017-08-31 13:40:50,496 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Scheduled sync started.
2017-08-31 13:40:50,879 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Sync version:
2017-08-31 13:40:50,889 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Sync started at 8/31/2017 1:40:50 PM
2017-08-31 13:40:50,889 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Syncing from 8/30/2017 to 10/1/2017
2017-08-31 13:40:50,889 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Outlook → Google
2017-08-31 13:40:50,889 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 13:40:51,130 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Reading Outlook Calendar Entries...
2017-08-31 13:40:51,543 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 31 Outlook calendar entries found.
2017-08-31 13:40:51,745 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 13:40:51,947 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Reading Google Calendar Entries...
2017-08-31 13:40:51,947 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 8/30/2017 -> 10/1/2017
2017-08-31 13:40:52,373 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 13:40:52,435 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 22 Google calendar entries found.
2017-08-31 13:40:52,436 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Identifying exceptions in recurring Google events.
2017-08-31 13:40:52,436 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Found 0 exceptions.
2017-08-31 13:40:52,436 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 13:40:52,437 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Total inc. recurring items spanning sync date range...
2017-08-31 13:40:52,998 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 11/3/2015 -> 11/4/2015
2017-08-31 13:40:53,316 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 13:40:53,316 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 1 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 13:40:53,316 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 13:40:53,349 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving specific Event with ID sio6eh8n8gfaui6gmj0c0st95o
2017-08-31 13:40:53,487 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 13:40:53,487 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:40:53,487 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:40:54,676 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 13:40:54,676 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:40:54,676 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:40:56,863 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 13:40:56,863 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:40:56,873 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:41:00,065 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 13:41:00,065 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:41:00,065 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:41:04,245 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 13:41:04,245 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:41:04,245 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Retrieve failed.
2017-08-31 13:41:04,385 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - ERROR: Failed to retrieve Google event
2017-08-31 13:41:04,385 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 11/12/2015 -> 11/13/2015
2017-08-31 13:41:04,583 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 13:41:04,583 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 1 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 13:41:04,583 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 13:41:04,715 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 1/10/2017 -> 1/11/2017
2017-08-31 13:41:04,964 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 13:41:04,964 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 13:41:04,964 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 13:41:05,161 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 3/6/2017 -> 3/7/2017
2017-08-31 13:41:05,354 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 13:41:05,354 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 13:41:05,354 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 13:41:05,414 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 3/6/2017 -> 3/7/2017
2017-08-31 13:41:05,584 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 13:41:05,584 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 13:41:05,584 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 13:41:05,624 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 4/10/2017 -> 4/11/2017
2017-08-31 13:41:05,817 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 13:41:05,817 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 13:41:05,817 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 13:41:06,173 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 1/19/2017 -> 1/20/2017
2017-08-31 13:41:06,345 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 13:41:06,345 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 13:41:06,345 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 13:41:06,386 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 7/7/2017 -> 7/8/2017
2017-08-31 13:41:06,568 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 13:41:06,568 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 1 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 13:41:06,568 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 13:41:06,608 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 8/2/2017 -> 8/3/2017
2017-08-31 13:41:06,830 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 13:41:06,830 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 1 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 13:41:06,830 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 13:41:07,034 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Outlook 31, Google 23
2017-08-31 13:41:07,246 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 13:41:07,246 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Synchronising from Outlook to Google.
2017-08-31 13:41:07,246 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 23 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 13:41:07,246 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 13:41:07,246 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Comparing Outlook items to Google events...
2017-08-31 13:41:07,761 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 0 Google calendar entries to be deleted.
2017-08-31 13:41:07,761 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 8 Google calendar entries to be created.
2017-08-31 13:41:07,761 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 13:41:07,761 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Creating 8 Google calendar entries...
2017-08-31 13:41:07,761 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/28/2017 1:00 PM => "Weekly MDM Framework Project Team Meeting"
2017-08-31 13:41:07,964 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/28/2017 1:00 PM => "Weekly MDM Framework Project Team Meeting"
2017-08-31 13:41:08,165 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 13:41:08,165 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 13:42:36,266 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 8/30/2017 4:00 PM => "Pickup Paris"
2017-08-31 13:42:36,407 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 8/30/2017 4:00 PM => "Pickup Paris"
2017-08-31 13:42:37,025 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 13:42:37,025 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 13:42:37,806 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/29/2017 12:00 PM => "Work From Home"
2017-08-31 13:42:37,927 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/29/2017 12:00 PM => "Work From Home"
2017-08-31 13:42:38,437 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 13:42:38,437 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 13:42:38,877 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/29/2017 12:00 PM => "Pickup Paris from School Early Release"
2017-08-31 13:42:39,058 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/29/2017 12:00 PM => "Pickup Paris from School Early Release"
2017-08-31 13:42:39,259 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 13:42:39,259 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 13:42:39,906 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/15/2017 1:00 PM => "TRAINING: WPD-IT-41 Dashboard Lifecycle Management"
2017-08-31 13:42:40,069 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/15/2017 1:00 PM => "TRAINING: WPD-IT-41 Dashboard Lifecycle Management"
2017-08-31 13:42:40,277 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 13:42:40,277 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 13:42:40,718 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/22/2017 8:30 AM => "TRAINING: WPD-IT-41 Dashboard Lifecycle Management"
2017-08-31 13:42:40,879 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/22/2017 8:30 AM => "TRAINING: WPD-IT-41 Dashboard Lifecycle Management"
2017-08-31 13:42:41,080 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 13:42:41,080 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 13:42:41,504 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/11/2017 3:00 PM => "FW: PPDi MDM Use case discussion prior to a future demonstration"
2017-08-31 13:42:41,689 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/11/2017 3:00 PM => "FW: PPDi MDM Use case discussion prior to a future demonstration"
2017-08-31 13:42:41,889 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 13:42:41,889 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 13:42:42,264 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/15/2017 3:00 PM => "NA Global Time Timesheet Deadline: Friday, September 15th at 3pm ET"
2017-08-31 13:42:42,391 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/15/2017 3:00 PM => "NA Global Time Timesheet Deadline: Friday, September 15th at 3pm ET"
2017-08-31 13:42:42,595 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 13:42:42,595 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 13:42:43,105 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Done.
2017-08-31 13:42:43,305 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 13:42:43,507 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Comparing 23 existing Google calendar entries...
2017-08-31 13:42:43,507 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 3/6/2017 2:00 PM (R) => "INFA Upgrade - Weekly Meeting"
2017-08-31 13:42:43,508 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 13:42:43,528 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20170831T140000Z
2017-08-31 13:42:43,701 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 13:42:43,701 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:42:44,199 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 13:42:45,168 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:42:45,168 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:42:45,168 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:42:46,438 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:42:46,438 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:42:46,438 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:42:48,653 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:42:48,653 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:42:48,653 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:42:51,934 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:42:51,934 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:42:51,934 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:42:56,217 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:42:56,217 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:42:56,217 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Save failed.
2017-08-31 13:42:56,372 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:42:56,372 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:43:02,632 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 13:43:03,403 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:03,403 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:03,403 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:43:04,733 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:04,733 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:04,733 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:43:06,986 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:06,986 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:06,986 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:43:10,254 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:10,255 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:10,255 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:43:14,538 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:14,538 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:14,538 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Save failed.
2017-08-31 13:43:14,639 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:14,639 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:43:16,395 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 13:43:16,982 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:16,982 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:16,982 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:43:18,276 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:18,276 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:18,276 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:43:20,696 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:20,696 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:20,696 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:43:24,023 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:24,023 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:24,023 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:43:28,512 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 13:43:28,513 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:43:29,658 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 13:43:30,095 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:30,095 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:30,095 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:43:31,337 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:31,337 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:31,337 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:43:33,563 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:33,563 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:33,563 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:43:36,784 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:36,784 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:36,784 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:43:41,041 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:41,041 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:41,041 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Save failed.
2017-08-31 13:43:41,241 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:41,241 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:43:46,556 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 13:43:47,186 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:47,186 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:47,186 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:43:48,429 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:48,430 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:48,430 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:43:50,877 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:50,878 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:50,878 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:43:54,176 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:54,176 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:54,176 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:43:58,513 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:58,513 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:58,513 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Save failed.
2017-08-31 13:43:58,665 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:58,665 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:43:58,837 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 13:43:59,429 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:43:59,429 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:43:59,429 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:44:00,637 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:00,637 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:44:00,637 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:44:02,925 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:02,925 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:44:02,926 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:44:06,226 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:06,226 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:44:06,226 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:44:10,627 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:10,628 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:44:10,628 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Save failed.
2017-08-31 13:44:10,808 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:10,809 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:44:13,128 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 13:44:13,938 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:13,938 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:44:13,938 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:44:15,143 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:15,143 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:44:15,143 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:44:17,403 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:17,403 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:44:17,403 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:44:20,693 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:20,693 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:44:20,693 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:44:25,197 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 13:44:25,197 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:44:26,672 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 13:44:27,102 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:27,102 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:44:27,102 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:44:28,349 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:28,349 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:44:28,349 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:44:30,748 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 13:44:30,748 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:44:32,103 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 13:44:32,650 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:32,650 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:44:32,650 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:44:33,940 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:33,940 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:44:33,940 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:44:36,166 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:36,166 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:44:36,166 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:44:39,667 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 13:44:39,667 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:44:47,781 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 13:44:48,353 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:48,353 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:44:48,353 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:44:49,559 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:49,559 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:44:49,559 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:44:51,783 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:51,783 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:44:51,783 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:44:55,113 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:55,113 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:44:55,113 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:44:59,529 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:59,529 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:44:59,529 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Save failed.
2017-08-31 13:44:59,599 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:44:59,599 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:45:00,779 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 13:45:01,173 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:45:01,173 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:45:01,173 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:45:02,353 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 13:45:02,353 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 13:45:02,353 WARN 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 13:45:04,753 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
Error while copying content to a stream.
2017-08-31 13:45:04,753 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:45:06,285 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 8/30/2017 1:30 PM => "F2F RConnect & Data Model Save Brainstorm"
2017-08-31 13:45:06,515 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 13:45:06,515 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:45:07,215 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 8/31/2017 9:00 AM => "Spotfire Developer Rally"
2017-08-31 13:45:07,345 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 13:45:07,345 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:45:07,845 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 8/2/2017 10:00 AM (R) => "SF Power users"
2017-08-31 13:45:07,855 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 13:45:07,865 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171004T100000Z
2017-08-31 13:45:08,105 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 13:45:08,105 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:45:08,465 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 11/3/2015 11:30 AM (R) => "Group Run (approx 4.7-5.1 miles)"
2017-08-31 13:45:08,475 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 13:45:08,495 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY
2017-08-31 13:45:08,715 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 13:45:08,715 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:45:09,125 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 11/12/2015 11:30 AM (R) => "Group Run 2 (approx 4.7-5.1 miles)"
2017-08-31 13:45:09,135 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 13:45:09,155 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY
2017-08-31 13:45:09,245 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 13:45:09,245 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:45:09,695 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - 1/10/2017 3:00 PM (R) => "DIS All Hands Meeting - VN 1582777"
2017-08-31 13:45:09,695 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - This is a recurring appointment with 8 exceptions that will now be iteratively compared.
2017-08-31 13:45:10,937 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - 3/6/2017 9:30 AM (R) => "Shannon 1:1"
2017-08-31 13:45:10,937 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - This is a recurring appointment with 6 exceptions that will now be iteratively compared.
2017-08-31 13:45:11,197 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 4/10/2017 10:00 AM (R) => "Reminder to process 10g requests"
2017-08-31 13:45:11,207 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 13:45:11,217 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO,TH;UNTIL=20190104T100000Z
2017-08-31 13:45:11,257 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 13:45:11,267 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:45:12,157 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 1/19/2017 2:00 PM (R) => "FW: PPD Case status touchbase"
2017-08-31 13:45:12,167 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 13:45:12,177 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20170928T140000Z
2017-08-31 13:45:12,377 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 13:45:12,377 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:45:12,957 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 7/7/2017 8:00 AM (R) => "BIP Training"
2017-08-31 13:45:12,957 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 13:45:12,977 DEBUG 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY
2017-08-31 13:45:13,027 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 13:45:13,027 ERROR 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 13:45:13,563 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 0 entries updated.
2017-08-31 13:45:13,683 INFO 7 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 13:45:14,193 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.XMLManager [0] - Setting 'CompletedSyncs' updated to '1271'
2017-08-31 13:45:14,203 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Sync finished with success!
2017-08-31 13:45:14,273 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.XMLManager [0] - Setting 'LastSyncDate' updated to '8/31/2017 1:40:50 PM'
2017-08-31 13:45:14,273 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.SyncTimer [0] - Next sync scheduled for Thursday, August 31, 2017 - 7:40:50 PM
2017-08-31 19:40:51,158 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.SyncTimer [0] - Scheduled sync triggered.
2017-08-31 19:40:51,163 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Scheduled sync started.
2017-08-31 19:40:51,335 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Sync version:
2017-08-31 19:40:51,336 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Sync started at 8/31/2017 7:40:51 PM
2017-08-31 19:40:51,336 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Syncing from 8/30/2017 to 10/1/2017
2017-08-31 19:40:51,337 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Outlook → Google
2017-08-31 19:40:51,337 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 19:40:51,591 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Reading Outlook Calendar Entries...
2017-08-31 19:40:51,994 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 31 Outlook calendar entries found.
2017-08-31 19:40:52,098 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 19:40:52,099 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Reading Google Calendar Entries...
2017-08-31 19:40:52,099 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 8/30/2017 -> 10/1/2017
2017-08-31 19:40:53,338 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 19:40:53,509 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 22 Google calendar entries found.
2017-08-31 19:40:53,510 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Identifying exceptions in recurring Google events.
2017-08-31 19:40:53,510 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Found 0 exceptions.
2017-08-31 19:40:53,712 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 19:40:53,916 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Total inc. recurring items spanning sync date range...
2017-08-31 19:40:54,416 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 11/3/2015 -> 11/4/2015
2017-08-31 19:40:54,664 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 19:40:54,665 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 1 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 19:40:54,665 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 19:40:54,712 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving specific Event with ID sio6eh8n8gfaui6gmj0c0st95o
2017-08-31 19:40:54,967 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 19:40:54,967 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:40:54,967 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:40:56,161 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 19:40:56,162 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:40:56,162 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:40:58,372 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 19:40:58,372 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:40:58,372 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:41:01,575 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 19:41:01,576 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:41:01,576 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:41:05,823 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2017-08-31 19:41:05,823 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:41:05,825 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Retrieve failed.
2017-08-31 19:41:06,020 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - ERROR: Failed to retrieve Google event
2017-08-31 19:41:06,021 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 11/12/2015 -> 11/13/2015
2017-08-31 19:41:06,308 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 19:41:06,309 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 1 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 19:41:06,309 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 19:41:06,406 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 1/10/2017 -> 1/11/2017
2017-08-31 19:41:06,851 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 19:41:06,852 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 19:41:06,852 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 19:41:06,946 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 3/6/2017 -> 3/7/2017
2017-08-31 19:41:07,234 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 19:41:07,234 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 19:41:07,234 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 19:41:07,295 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 3/6/2017 -> 3/7/2017
2017-08-31 19:41:07,794 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 19:41:07,795 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 19:41:07,795 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 19:41:07,862 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 4/10/2017 -> 4/11/2017
2017-08-31 19:41:08,185 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 19:41:08,185 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 19:41:08,185 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 19:41:08,466 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 1/19/2017 -> 1/20/2017
2017-08-31 19:41:08,672 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 19:41:08,672 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 2 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 19:41:08,673 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 19:41:08,722 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 7/7/2017 -> 7/8/2017
2017-08-31 19:41:08,983 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 19:41:08,983 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 1 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 19:41:08,983 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 19:41:09,063 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Retrieving all events from Google: 8/2/2017 -> 8/3/2017
2017-08-31 19:41:09,389 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Page 1 received.
2017-08-31 19:41:09,389 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 1 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 19:41:09,390 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 19:41:09,623 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Outlook 31, Google 23
2017-08-31 19:41:09,626 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 19:41:09,626 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Synchronising from Outlook to Google.
2017-08-31 19:41:09,626 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Scanning 23 Google events for orphans to reclaim...
2017-08-31 19:41:09,627 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - 0 unclaimed.
2017-08-31 19:41:09,627 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Comparing Outlook items to Google events...
2017-08-31 19:41:10,230 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 0 Google calendar entries to be deleted.
2017-08-31 19:41:10,431 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 8 Google calendar entries to be created.
2017-08-31 19:41:10,637 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 19:41:10,840 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Creating 8 Google calendar entries...
2017-08-31 19:41:10,842 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/28/2017 1:00 PM => "Weekly MDM Framework Project Team Meeting"
2017-08-31 19:41:11,046 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/28/2017 1:00 PM => "Weekly MDM Framework Project Team Meeting"
2017-08-31 19:41:11,248 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 19:41:11,249 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 19:58:01,672 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 8/30/2017 4:00 PM => "Pickup Paris"
2017-08-31 19:58:01,868 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 8/30/2017 4:00 PM => "Pickup Paris"
2017-08-31 19:58:02,275 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 19:58:02,276 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 19:58:02,770 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/29/2017 12:00 PM => "Work From Home"
2017-08-31 19:58:02,778 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/29/2017 12:00 PM => "Work From Home"
2017-08-31 19:58:02,986 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 19:58:02,986 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 19:58:03,846 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/29/2017 12:00 PM => "Pickup Paris from School Early Release"
2017-08-31 19:58:03,995 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/29/2017 12:00 PM => "Pickup Paris from School Early Release"
2017-08-31 19:58:04,207 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 19:58:04,207 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 19:58:04,774 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/15/2017 1:00 PM => "TRAINING: WPD-IT-41 Dashboard Lifecycle Management"
2017-08-31 19:58:04,917 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/15/2017 1:00 PM => "TRAINING: WPD-IT-41 Dashboard Lifecycle Management"
2017-08-31 19:58:05,127 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 19:58:05,128 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 19:58:05,621 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/22/2017 8:30 AM => "TRAINING: WPD-IT-41 Dashboard Lifecycle Management"
2017-08-31 19:58:05,742 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/22/2017 8:30 AM => "TRAINING: WPD-IT-41 Dashboard Lifecycle Management"
2017-08-31 19:58:05,955 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 19:58:05,956 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 19:58:06,494 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/11/2017 3:00 PM => "FW: PPDi MDM Use case discussion prior to a future demonstration"
2017-08-31 19:58:06,668 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/11/2017 3:00 PM => "FW: PPDi MDM Use case discussion prior to a future demonstration"
2017-08-31 19:58:06,892 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 19:58:06,892 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 19:58:07,290 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 9/15/2017 3:00 PM => "NA Global Time Timesheet Deadline: Friday, September 15th at 3pm ET"
2017-08-31 19:58:07,505 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 9/15/2017 3:00 PM => "NA Global Time Timesheet Deadline: Friday, September 15th at 3pm ET"
2017-08-31 19:58:07,719 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event creation failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 19:58:07,720 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.createCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.CreateCalendarEntries(List`1 appointments)
2017-08-31 19:58:08,123 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Done.
2017-08-31 19:58:08,328 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 19:58:08,544 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Comparing 23 existing Google calendar entries...
2017-08-31 19:58:08,547 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 3/6/2017 2:00 PM (R) => "INFA Upgrade - Weekly Meeting"
2017-08-31 19:58:08,552 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 19:58:08,572 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20170831T140000Z
2017-08-31 19:58:08,761 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 19:58:08,761 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 19:58:15,084 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 19:58:16,095 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:58:16,095 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:58:16,095 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:58:17,503 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:58:17,503 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:58:17,503 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:58:19,912 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:58:19,913 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:58:19,913 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:58:23,209 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:58:23,210 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:58:23,210 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:58:27,591 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:58:27,591 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:58:27,592 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Save failed.
2017-08-31 19:58:27,717 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:58:27,718 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 19:58:30,038 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 19:58:30,535 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:58:30,535 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:58:30,535 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:58:31,913 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:58:31,913 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:58:31,913 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:58:34,311 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:58:34,311 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:58:34,312 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:58:37,739 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:58:37,740 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:58:37,740 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:58:42,137 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:58:42,137 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:58:42,137 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Save failed.
2017-08-31 19:58:42,265 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:58:42,266 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 19:59:05,896 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 19:59:06,672 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:59:06,675 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:59:06,676 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:59:08,051 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:59:08,052 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:59:08,052 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:59:10,432 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:59:10,432 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:59:10,432 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:59:13,826 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:59:13,827 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:59:13,827 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:59:18,317 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:59:18,317 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:59:18,317 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Save failed.
2017-08-31 19:59:18,469 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:59:18,469 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 19:59:36,790 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 19:59:37,732 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:59:37,732 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:59:37,732 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:59:39,068 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:59:39,068 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:59:39,068 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:59:41,433 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:59:41,433 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:59:41,433 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:59:44,841 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:59:44,841 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:59:44,842 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:59:49,232 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:59:49,232 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:59:49,232 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Save failed.
2017-08-31 19:59:49,294 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:59:49,294 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 19:59:50,358 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 19:59:50,944 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:59:50,945 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:59:50,945 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:59:52,294 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:59:52,295 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:59:52,295 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:59:54,713 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:59:54,714 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:59:54,714 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 19:59:58,156 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 19:59:58,156 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 19:59:58,156 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:00:02,450 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:02,450 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:00:02,450 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Save failed.
2017-08-31 20:00:02,541 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:02,541 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 20:00:03,640 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 20:00:04,211 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:04,211 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:00:04,212 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:00:05,573 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:05,573 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:00:05,573 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:00:08,143 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:08,143 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:00:08,144 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:00:11,570 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:11,570 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:00:11,570 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:00:15,926 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:15,926 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:00:15,926 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Save failed.
2017-08-31 20:00:16,080 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:16,081 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 20:00:17,662 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 20:00:18,274 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:18,275 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:00:18,275 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:00:19,644 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:19,645 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:00:19,645 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:00:22,038 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:22,038 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:00:22,038 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:00:25,421 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:25,421 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:00:25,421 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:00:29,796 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:29,797 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:00:29,797 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Save failed.
2017-08-31 20:00:29,951 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:29,952 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 20:00:31,336 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 20:00:47,271 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:47,271 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:00:47,272 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:00:48,656 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:48,657 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:00:48,657 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:00:51,041 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:51,041 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:00:51,041 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:00:54,465 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:54,465 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:00:54,465 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:00:58,830 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:58,831 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:00:58,831 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Save failed.
2017-08-31 20:00:59,015 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:00:59,015 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 20:01:00,304 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 20:01:00,811 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:01:00,811 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:01:00,811 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:01:02,181 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:01:02,181 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:01:02,182 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:01:04,567 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:01:04,567 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:01:04,567 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:01:08,067 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:01:08,067 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:01:08,067 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:01:12,457 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:01:12,458 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:01:12,458 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Save failed.
2017-08-31 20:01:12,615 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:01:12,615 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 20:01:13,696 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Doing a dummy update in order to update the last modified date of single instance
2017-08-31 20:01:14,251 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:01:14,251 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:01:14,251 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 1sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:01:15,595 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:01:15,596 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:01:15,596 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 2sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:01:17,992 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:01:17,992 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:01:17,992 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 3sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:01:21,425 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:01:21,426 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:01:21,426 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API rate limit reached. Backing off 4sec before retry.
2017-08-31 20:01:25,804 WARN 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:01:25,804 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - This error seems to be a new transient issue, so treating it with exponential backoff...
2017-08-31 20:01:25,804 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - API limit backoff was not successful. Save failed.
2017-08-31 20:01:25,869 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Updated event failed to save.
An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized
2017-08-31 20:01:25,869 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry_save(Event& ev)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 20:01:27,399 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 8/30/2017 1:30 PM => "F2F RConnect & Data Model Save Brainstorm"
2017-08-31 20:01:27,504 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 20:01:27,504 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 20:01:28,052 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 8/31/2017 9:00 AM => "Spotfire Developer Rally"
2017-08-31 20:01:28,121 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 20:01:28,121 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 20:01:28,615 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 8/2/2017 10:00 AM (R) => "SF Power users"
2017-08-31 20:01:28,623 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 20:01:28,638 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171004T100000Z
2017-08-31 20:01:28,677 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 20:01:28,677 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 20:01:29,134 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 11/3/2015 11:30 AM (R) => "Group Run (approx 4.7-5.1 miles)"
2017-08-31 20:01:29,141 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 20:01:29,152 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY
2017-08-31 20:01:29,202 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 20:01:29,202 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 20:01:29,772 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 11/12/2015 11:30 AM (R) => "Group Run 2 (approx 4.7-5.1 miles)"
2017-08-31 20:01:29,778 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 20:01:29,802 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY
2017-08-31 20:01:30,040 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 20:01:30,041 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 20:01:30,748 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - 1/10/2017 3:00 PM (R) => "DIS All Hands Meeting - VN 1582777"
2017-08-31 20:01:30,749 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - This is a recurring appointment with 8 exceptions that will now be iteratively compared.
2017-08-31 20:01:32,050 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - 3/6/2017 9:30 AM (R) => "Shannon 1:1"
2017-08-31 20:01:32,050 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - This is a recurring appointment with 6 exceptions that will now be iteratively compared.
2017-08-31 20:01:32,344 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 4/10/2017 10:00 AM (R) => "Reminder to process 10g requests"
2017-08-31 20:01:32,347 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 20:01:32,357 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO,TH;UNTIL=20190104T100000Z
2017-08-31 20:01:32,403 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 20:01:32,403 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 20:01:33,231 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 1/19/2017 2:00 PM (R) => "FW: PPD Case status touchbase"
2017-08-31 20:01:33,237 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 20:01:33,252 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20170928T140000Z
2017-08-31 20:01:33,329 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 20:01:33,329 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 20:01:33,966 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - Processing >> 7/7/2017 8:00 AM (R) => "BIP Training"
2017-08-31 20:01:33,969 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - Creating Google iCalendar definition for recurring event.
2017-08-31 20:01:33,979 DEBUG 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.Recurrence [0] - RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY
2017-08-31 20:01:34,185 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - WARNING: Event update failed.
Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))
2017-08-31 20:01:34,185 ERROR 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar [0] - at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._AppointmentItem.get_Body()
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntry(AppointmentItem ai, Event ev, Int32& itemModified, Boolean forceCompare)
at OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.GoogleCalendar.UpdateCalendarEntries(Dictionary`2 entriesToBeCompared, Int32& entriesUpdated)
2017-08-31 20:01:34,919 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - 0 entries updated.
2017-08-31 20:01:34,931 INFO 8 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - --------------------------------------------------
2017-08-31 20:01:35,338 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.XMLManager [0] - Setting 'CompletedSyncs' updated to '1272'
2017-08-31 20:01:35,345 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.MainForm [0] - Sync finished with success!
2017-08-31 20:01:35,350 DEBUG 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.XMLManager [0] - Setting 'LastSyncDate' updated to '8/31/2017 7:40:51 PM'
2017-08-31 20:01:35,351 INFO 1 OutlookGoogleCalendarSync.SyncTimer [0] - Next sync scheduled for Friday, September 01, 2017 - 1:40:51 AM
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