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Created January 31, 2020 14:42
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A program searching for solutions of a board puzzle
given by a friend.
The aim is to fill in a 8 by 8 square using the
given 8 pieces. Each piece has a particular shape and
can be rotated and flipped.
I am not satisfied with this program yet. The program
generates too many superficially different solutions:
pieces placed in different orders are considered different
solutions. I have yet to find a way to supress some of them.
Run by
solveBoard (initSt, allReps) !! N
to get the Nth solution.
Shin-Cheng Mu, Jan 2020.
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
-- Start with something general, not problem-specific.
-- A genearl function searching for solutions,
-- from a given state |st|, until a state that satisfies
-- |goal| is found.
-- It returns the history of states.
-- Function |nextSt| is used to generate next states.
solve :: MonadPlus m =>
(st -> Bool) -> (st -> m st) -> st -> m [st]
solve goal nextSt st | goal st = return [st]
solve goal nextSt st = do
st' <- nextSt st
sts <- solve goal nextSt st'
return (st:sts)
-- States of many problems can be modelled using a
-- (Status, Items) pair, where each item can be used
-- only once.
-- The following function selects one item from a
-- list of items, using a function |match|.
selectItem :: MonadPlus m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m (b, [a])
selectItem match [] = mzero
selectItem match (x:xs) =
(match x >>= \y -> return (y, xs)) `mplus`
(selectItem match xs >>= \(y, xs') -> return (y,(x:xs')))
-- |selectUpdate match upd safe st xs| selects an item from
-- |xs|, uses that item to update the state |st| (using |upd|),
-- and keeps only |safe| states.
selectUpdate :: MonadPlus m =>
(a -> m b) ->
(st -> b -> m st) ->
(st -> Bool) ->
st -> [a] -> m (st, [a])
selectUpdate match upd safe st xs = do
(y,xs') <- selectItem match xs
st' <- upd st y
guard (safe st')
return (st', xs')
-- Pieces
-- Now we start describing the problem.
-- We fill in the square from bottom to top.
-- Therefore, status of the square can be represented by
-- the number of blocks filled in each row.
-- The initial status is 8 zeros.
type Status = [Int]
initSt :: Status
initSt = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
-- The following board with piece X and Y (not Z yet) is
-- represented by [3,3,2,2,2,2,2,0]
-- Z Z Z
-- X X Z Z Z
-- X X X X Y Y Y Z
-- X X Y Y Y Y Y Z
-- with Z added it is [3,3,2,2,2,4,4,4].
-- The aim is to try going from [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] to
-- [8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8].
-- A piece looking like
-- X
-- X X X
-- X X X
-- X
-- can be represented by ([1,1,0],[2,2,4]), where [2,2,4]
-- denotes the number of Xs in each column, while [1,1,0]
-- denotes the space below those Xs.
-- Note, however, that each piece can be flipped and rotated.
-- Therefore we start with a "textual" representation of pieces.
type Piece = [[Char]]
allPieces = [p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7]
p0 = ["XX ",
"XX ",
p1 = ["XX ",
"XX "]
p2 = ["XXX ",
p3 = ["XX ",
" XX"]
p4 = ["XXX",
" XX"]
p5 = [" XX ",
" XX ",
p6 = ["XXXX",
p7 = ["X X",
"X X",
-- It is transformed to our internal representation.
-- For convenience, the representation is turned 90 degree
-- counterclockwise.
-- For example, rep p5 = [([1,1,0],[2,2,4])]
-- There is a slight problem -- p7 cannot be represnted this way.
-- But it doesn't matter.
rep :: [[Char]] -> [([Int],[Int])]
rep p | and (map (all (' '==)) rests) = [(bases, heights)]
| otherwise = []
where bases = map (length . takeWhile (' '==)) p
heights = map (length . takeWhile ('X'==) . dropWhile (' '==)) p
rests = map (dropWhile ('X'==) . dropWhile (' '==)) p
-- rotating and flipping the textual representation.
rotate :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
rotate = transpose . map reverse
flipP :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
flipP = map reverse
-- a pieces is actually represented by *all* its rotations and
-- flipped rotations, sorted by width (for faster processing).
type Rep = [[([Int], [Int])]]
widths :: [Int]
widths = [2..5]
rotReps :: [[Char]] -> Rep
rotReps = groupW . nub . concat . map rep . allrots
where allrots p = take 4 (iterate rotate p) ++
take 4 (iterate rotate (flipP p))
groupW xs = map (\n -> filter ((n==) . length . fst) xs) widths
-- allReps contains all the pieces.
allReps :: [Rep]
allReps = map rotReps allPieces
-- State
-- The state of the search is represented by
-- (Status, [Rep])
-- where Status is the current status of the board,
-- [Rep] is the list of pieces that can still be used.
type State = (Status, [Rep])
-- The function that generates the next states from
-- the current state.
nextSt :: MonadPlus m => State -> m State
nextSt (st, reps) = do
w <- mfromList widths
matchW w st reps
-- place a piece on the board, at position i.
place :: Status -> (Int, [Int]) -> Status
place st (i,xs) = take i st ++ lzipWith (+) xs (drop i st)
-- This is some trick for faster processing.
-- Well, I hope it is faster.
type Windows = [[Int]]
windows :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
windows w xs = take (n-w+1) . map (take w) . iterate tail $ xs
where n = length xs
norm :: [Int] -> [Int]
norm xs = map (\x -> x - m) xs
where m = minimum xs
matchW :: MonadPlus m =>
Int -> Status -> [Rep] -> m (Status, [Rep])
matchW w st reps =
selectUpdate (matchRep ws . (!!i))
(\st -> return . place st)
(all (<= 8)) st reps
where ws = map norm (windows w st)
i = w - 2
matchRep :: MonadPlus m =>
Windows -> [([Int], [Int])] -> m (Int, [Int])
matchRep ws rs = do
(base, heights) <- mfromList rs
j <- matchBase base ws
return (j, heights)
matchBase :: MonadPlus m => [Int] -> [[Int]] -> m Int
matchBase base =
mfromList . map fst . filter ((base ==) . snd) . zip [0..]
solveBoard :: MonadPlus m => State -> m [[Int]]
solveBoard st =
(traceToBoard . map fst) <$>
solve goal nextSt st
where goal (st, reps) = null reps && all (8==) st
traceToBoard :: [Status] -> [[Int]]
traceToBoard = tb 0 [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]
where tb i bs [] = bs
tb i bs [_] = bs
tb i bs (s0:s1:st) =
let dif = zipWith (-) s1 s0
in tb (1+i) (add i dif bs) (s1:st)
add i dif bs = zipWith (addL i) dif bs
addL i n xs = xs ++ take n (repeat i)
-- Utilitiies
mfromList :: MonadPlus m => [a] -> m a
mfromList [] = mzero
mfromList [x] = return x
mfromList (x:xs) = return x `mplus` mfromList xs
lzipWith :: (t -> t -> t) -> [t] -> [t] -> [t]
lzipWith op [] ys = ys
lzipWith op xs [] = xs
lzipWith op (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x `op` y) : lzipWith op xs ys
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