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Last active November 21, 2023 15:09
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Generate QR code macOS quick action open in #qrencode #automator

Generate QR code macOS quick action open in

#qrencode #automator

A little automator script for adding a right click menu Services -> "Generate QR Code and open in Preview"

brew install qrencode cli for creating QR code. (brew info qrencode)

Open -> Add a new Quick Action (service) -> Add "Run Shell Script"

dir="$(mktemp -d)"                        # create a temporary directory
file="$dir/QR-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S).png" # filename with timestamp in it
/opt/homebrew/bin/qrencode -o "$file"     # generate QR code and save to the file
open "$file"                              # open the PNG file (with by default)

Chrome has this feature for URLs, but only for https. Which is problematic when you want to view a page on a mobile phone while using a server without https.

It could be taken a step further to also find the local network ip address.
🤔 that could be a different quick action that replaces the selected text.
I have an alias ip="ifconfig | grep -E '192' | cut -c7- | cut -d ' ' -f1" for finding my local network ip address.
You can also hold Option will clicking on Wifi symbol to see your local network ip address.

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