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Last active April 26, 2018 21:06
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Possible Spike on PLT-409

Bugfix PLT-409

Problem: When a user goes to save a new episode, there is a potential to double submit an episode/show/ancillary if the user double clicks fast enough

Notes :

  • Functionally Complex The current update function for writeEpisode (found in gulp/assets/javascripts/stores/actions/updateActions.js) is hopelessly too complex and not very legiable, and handles both contexts for updating and saving new episodes.

export const writeEpisode = () => {
  return(dispatch, getState) => {
    let { deliveryLineItemState, showState, presentationalState } = getState();
    let { full_episode, episode_copy } = showState;
    let { id, attributes } = full_episode;
    const { deliveryLineItems, deliveryLineItemIds } = deliveryLineItemState;
    const lineItemsAreDirty = deliveryLineItemState.dirty;
    const showId = attributes.show_id;
    const url = id ? `/shows/${showId}/episodes/${id}` : `/shows/${showId}/episodes`;
    const requestAction = id ? 'PATCH' : 'POST';
    const platform = attributes.platform.toLowerCase();
    const requiredFields = (platform === 'youtube') ? ['title', 'producers'] : ['title']

    const validForm = checkRequiredFields(requiredFields, attributes, dispatch);
    const strippedLineItems = => removeIdsFromIdObject('fieldValidation', deliveryLineItems[id]));

    if (validForm) {
      let epData = (requestAction === 'POST') ? attributes : getChangedAttributes(episode_copy.attributes, attributes);

      if (Object.keys(epData).length > 0 || lineItemsAreDirty) {
        // Only send delivery line items if something has changed
        const lineItemParams = lineItemsAreDirty ? strippedLineItems : {}

        return request(requestAction, url)
          .set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            episode: {
              delivery_line_items: lineItemParams
          .query({ type: full_episode.type })
            success => {
              if (epData.project_code) {
                mixpanelInstance.track(`Edited A Project Code On Episode`, { episode_id: })
              return dispatch(episodeSuccess(success, requestAction, presentationalState.cancelModalIsOpen))
            error => {
              const { errors, errored_object, record_id, text } = error.response.body;

              if (errored_object === "DeliveryLineItem") {
                if (presentationalState.cancelModalIsOpen) {
                  dispatch({ type: 'TOGGLE_CANCEL_MODAL' });

                  type: 'ADD_FIELD_ERROR',
                  value: {
                    fieldName: `deliveryLineItem-${record_id}`,
                    fieldMessage: 'Invalid Delivery Line Item.'

                return dispatch({
                      type: 'deliveryLineItem/SET_INVALID_FIELD',
                      value: {
                        fieldName: 'delivery_destination_id',
                        deliveryLineItemId: record_id,
                        fieldMessage: errors.destination[0]
              } else {
                return dispatch({ type: 'POST_ERROR', value: error.response.text })
      } else {
        if (presentationalState.cancelModalIsOpen) {
          dispatch({ type: 'TOGGLE_CANCEL_MODAL' });
        return dispatch({ type: 'TOGGLE_EDIT' })

const checkRequiredFields = (fields, attributes, dispatch) => {
  let validForm = true; => {
    let dispatcherStatus = dispatch(checkValidity(field, attributes[field]));

    if (dispatcherStatus.type === 'ADD_FIELD_ERROR') {
      validForm = false;

  return validForm;

I've written an attempt to break up some of the logic in this into smaller sub functions for easier readability

export const selectDeliveryLineItemEpisode = ({ deliveryLineItems, deliveryLineItemIds }) => {
                          id => removeIdsFromIdObject('fieldValidation', deliveryLineItems[id])

export const checkEpisodeValidity = () => (dispatch, getState) => {
  let { attributes } = getState().showState.full_episode;
  let mustValidateFields = ['title'];
  if (attributes.platform.toLowerCase() == 'youtube') {
    (field) => dispatch(
      checkValidity(field, attributes[field])

const changedEpisodeAttributes = () => ({ full_episode, episode_copy }) => {
  if (! {
    return full_episode.attributes;
  } else {
    let nextAttr = Object.keys(full_episode.attributes).reduce((key, reducedAttributes) => {
      let newerEditedAttributeValue = full_episode.attributes[key]
      let valueExisting = episode_copy.attributes[key]
      if (valueExisting !== newerEditedAttributeValue) {
        reducedAttributes[key] = newerEditedAttributeValue
    }, {})
    return (Object.keys(nextAttr).length > 0) ? nextAttr : false

export const writeEpisode = () => (dispatch, getState) => {
  let {deliveryLineItemState, showState} = getState();
  let cleanedDeliveryLineItemObjs = selectDeliveryLineItemEpisode(deliveryLineItemState)

  const makeEpisodeRequest = epData => {
    if (epData) {
      const epId =;
      const showId = showState.full_episode.attributes.show_id
      const url = epId ? `/shows/${showId}/episodes/${epId}` : `/shows/${showId}/episodes`;
      const requestAction = epId ? 'PATCH' : 'POST';

      return request(requestAction, url)
      .set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        episode: Object.assign(epData, {
          delivery_line_items: cleanedDeliveryLineItemObjs  
      .query({type: showState.full_episode.type})
    } else {
      return Promise.reject({noChange: true})

    () => (
      !getState().deliveryLineItemState.dirty &&
    ableToSave => (ableToSave ? changedEpisodeAttributes(showState) : false)
    success => {
      if (epData.project_code) {
        mixpanelInstance.track(`Edited A Project Code On Episode`, { episode_id: })
      return dispatch(episodeSuccess(success, requestAction, presentationalState.cancelModalIsOpen))
    error => {
      if (error.noChange) {
        if (presentationalState.cancelModalIsOpen) {
          dispatch({ type: 'TOGGLE_CANCEL_MODAL' });
        return dispatch({ type: 'TOGGLE_EDIT' })
      const { errors, errored_object, record_id, text } = error.response.body;
  • Tightly Woven Conditional Gating but more looming of a concern is how we currently determine whether or not a save button should be enabled or not.

The conditional that is evaluated for saving (seen in DetailsNavigationHeader in gulp/assets/javascripts/components/navigation)

const disableSave = (!enableEditing || !isFormValid || this._titleMatchFound() || createContext === 'film')

involves checking across a very vague set of rules that is brittle and inconsistent, we could simplify this by making only a single disableSave property passed into the DetailsNavigationHeader. that we could administer validation to externally.

// in presentationalState
  return { 
    ableToSave: value

//in some hypothetical actions file
const validateSave = () => (dispatch, getState) => {
  let { isCreating, isEditing } = getState().showState;
  //validate title and/or producers on save of 
  let { attributes } = getState().showState.full_episode;
  let mustValidateFields = ['title'];
  if (attributes.platform.toLowerCase() == 'youtube') {
    (field) => dispatch(
      checkValidity(field, attributes[field])
  let { dirty, fieldValidation } = getState().formValidationState;
  // check to see if there are any errors from the validations
  if (dirty) {
    //update the button to be disabled
    return dispatch({type: "TOGGLE_ABLE_TO_SAVE", value: false})
  if ( getState().userState.userPrivileges.includes('write_metadata') ) {
    return dispatch({type: "TOGGLE_ABLE_TO_SAVE", value: false})

  //other validations to follow   

// Futhermore within the DetailsNavigationHeader the disable button becomes a single prop passed in, agnostic to the other properties around it.

(ableToSave && createContext !== 'film') ? (
 <a className="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-sq hidden-xs hidden-sm"
    disabled={ableToSave} onClick={this._handleActionBtn}>
) : null}

We would need to apply this across Films, Shows and Misc Detail pages

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