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Created August 13, 2018 18:23
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Peg solitaire solver (using depth-first search)
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
import sys
# Global constants
SIZE = 7
FINAL_BOARD = 1 << 24 # 1 << ((SIZE * SIZE - 1) / 2)
def solve(board):
explored = set()
position_moves = find_all_position_moves()
return _solve(board, position_moves, explored)
def _solve(board, position_moves, explored):
if board == FINAL_BOARD:
return (board,)
if board in explored:
return ()
for position, moves in enumerate(position_moves):
for neighbor, target in moves:
if is_valid_move(board, position, neighbor, target):
next_board = move(board, position, neighbor, target)
solution = _solve(next_board, position_moves, explored)
if solution:
return (board,) + solution
return ()
def has_peg(board, position):
return board & (1 << position) != 0
def is_valid_move(board, position, neighbor, target):
valid_result = (1 << position) | (1 << neighbor)
mask = valid_result | (1 << target)
return (board & mask) == valid_result
def move(board, position, neighbor, target):
return board & ~(1 << position) & ~(1 << neighbor) | (1 << target)
def find_all_position_moves():
directions = ((1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1))
moves = [[] for i in xrange(SIZE * SIZE)]
for i in xrange(SIZE):
for j in xrange(SIZE):
for dx, dy in directions:
position = from_coords(j, i)
if position is None: continue
neighbor = from_coords(j + dx, i + dy)
if neighbor is None: continue
target = from_coords(j + 2 * dx, i + 2 * dy)
if target is None: continue
moves[position].append((neighbor, target))
return tuple(moves)
def from_coords(x, y):
in_range = (x >= 0 and x < SIZE) and (y >= 0 and y < SIZE)
on_board = (x >= 2 and x < 5) or (y >= 2 and y < 5)
return y * SIZE + x if in_range and on_board else None
def get_initial_board():
full_board = 0
for i in xrange(SIZE):
for j in xrange(SIZE):
position = from_coords(j, i)
if position is not None:
full_board = full_board | (1 << position)
return full_board & ~FINAL_BOARD
def to_matrix(board):
matrix = [None] * SIZE
for i in xrange(SIZE):
matrix[i] = [None] * SIZE
for j in xrange(SIZE):
position = from_coords(j, i)
if position is not None:
matrix[i][j] = 1 if has_peg(board, position) else 0
return matrix
def to_string(matrix, peg='1', hole='0', off_board=' ', \
col_delim=' ', row_delim='\n'):
fmt = lambda value: off_board if value is None else [hole, peg][value]
return row_delim.join(col_delim.join(map(fmt, row)) for row in matrix)
def main(program, *args):
""" Main program """
initial_board = get_initial_board()
steps = solve(initial_board)
for i, board in enumerate(steps):
print '#%d' % i
print to_string(to_matrix(board))
print ''
# usage: python
if __name__ == '__main__':
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