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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Atomic Demo
1. Cover Agenda - No slides, all demo
1. Demo 1: Setting up RHEL Atomic
a. Getting the qcow2 image from the customer portal
b. Adding more disk space, fdisk / mkfs.xfs, fstab
c. subscribe the host with subscription manager, list subs
d. finish up demo 1 with a "rpm-ostree upgrade" , reboot into a configured environment
2. Demo 2: Cover a basic httpd server Dockerfile - Non-Systemd
a. Build the image
b. run the image
c. Typical Docker commands: Docker {ps, images, log, etc..}
d. Show networking bridge, iptables
e. Enter the namespace of the RHEL platform base image and look around
f. test the image
3. Demo 3: Links
a. Build the image
b. run the image
c. test the image
4. Demo 4: Show how to enter a namespace
Demo 1 Steps:
1. Show the link for the qcow:
Go ahead and download it. Don't have to wait for it to finish. go to ra-vms to finish. in /root/atomic
2. extract the qcow2 image and copy it over to /var/lib/libvirt
xz -d rhel-atomic-host-standard.qcow2.xz
cp rhel-atomic-host-standard.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/new-atomic.qcow2
3. Show the metadata / userdata, create iso. copy iso over.
cat user-data
cat meta-data
genisoimage -output atomic0-cidata.iso -volid cidata -joliet -rock user-data meta-data
cp atomic0-cidata.iso /var/lib/libvirt/images/
4. Create a new logical volume for /var/lib/docker
lvcreate -L 15G -n new-atomic VM_vg
5. Switch over and show how to install the VM
give name: new-atomic-scollier
import existing disk image
browse to new-atomic.qcow2
change memory and CPUs
Finish up and install the VM.
virt-install --import --name new-atomic --ram 4096 --vcpus 2 --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/new-atomic.qcow2,format=qcow2,bus=virtio --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/atomic0-cidata.iso,device=cdrom --disk path=/dev/VM_vg/new-atomic,bus=virtio --network bridge=rabr --graphics vnc --force
virt-viewer new-atomic
Username: cloud-user
Password: atomic
6. Get the IP address and SSH in. When you SSH in, not how it works with pubkey.
7. Configure the storage
sudo su -
fdisk -l
fdisk /dev/vdb
mkfs.xfs /dev/vdb1
blkid /dev/vdb1
edit /etc/fstab
UUID="d3e47b7d-7f8a-4e19-8c53-32c6199858b8" /var/lib/docker xfs defaults 1 1
8. Register with subscription manager
yum repolist
sudo subscription-manager register --username rhn-engineering-scollier
sudo subscription-manager attach --pool 8a85f9823e3d5e43013e3dce8ff306fd
sudo subscription-manager list --available
yum repolist
9. Update the system
sudo rpm-ostree upgrade
10. Reboot. After reboot show the storage on /var/lib/docker. Switch over to an Atomic host that already has images downloaded.
Demo 2 Steps:
1. systemctl status docker -l
rpm -qd docker
docker # to show options
man docker save
docker ps
docker images
2. Explore the httpd Dockerfile
cat Dockerfile
Cover all the lines in it
Cover the script
3. Build run the image
docker build -t test/apachenew .
docker images
docker run -t -d -p 80:80 test/apachenew
docker ps # show ports
docker top <uuid>
curl http://localhost
Demo 3 Steps:
1. Show how to use links
docker run -dt --name websvr apache/demo
docker run -it --link websvr:web --name test fedora:20 /bin/bash
env | grep -i web
ip a
Exit the container
Demo 4 Steps:
1. Launch the fedora/redis image
docker run -dt fedora/redis
2. Show how to enter the namespace
docker inspect --format '{{ .State.Pid }}' 6a6
nsenter -m -u -n -i -p -t 20755 bash
ps aux
ip a
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