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Forked from jcpowermac/
Last active August 16, 2018 01:52
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Using OpenShift Release with alternative GCP account

There are a few preq to be done before running make:

  • Clone openshift/release and openshift/shared-secrets
  • Create a new service account
  • Create a new subdomain that GCE will manage
  • Modify gcp-dev/vars.yml

Install the following software onto your system:

  • docker
  • podman
  • Google Cloud SDK (For those deploying to GCP)
  • openshift-ansible

Git Clone

git clone
git clone

Create a new service account

  • Navigate to IAM & admin
  • Create Service Account
    • Provide service account name
    • Check furnish a new private key
    • Role: Project - Editor

Download and save service-account json file. This will be used later.

Cloud DNS

To create a CloudDNS:

  • Navigate to CloudDNS: Network services -> CloudDNS
  • Click "Create Zone"
  • Provide appropriate values

The next screen will provide the name servers that should be used in your existing DNS configuration for the subdomain.

Results using the gcloud cli

jcallen@cnvlab-209908:~$ gcloud dns managed-zones list
NAME                      DNS_NAME                   DESCRIPTION

Create a subdomain

Create a subdomain for GCE in your DNS. For this example I used a domain that I own.

$ host -t NS name server name server name server name server

Changes to configurations

Change directory to release.

cd ./release/cluster/test-deploy/gcp-dev

Modify vars.yaml and the following variables should be changed based on your configuration.

openshift_gcp_project: cnvlab-209908 
# The subdomain that we just created
# The name GCE name of the CloudDNS
dns_managed_zone: virtomation-com 
# This option is only available in openshift-ansible master

Copy required files to gcp-dev

# Certificate to provide access to mirror
cp ./shared-secrets/mirror/ops-mirror.pem ./release/cluster/test-deploy/gcp-dev/

# Copy service account json to gce.json
cp ~/Downloads/<sa>.json ./release/cluster/test-deploy/gcp-dev/gce.json

Cluster managment

See test-deploy README for additional information

  • WHAT: Base name of the cluster
  • PROFILE: Which deployment profile that will be run. Currently only use gcp-dev.
  • REF: branch or commit of the cluster that should be deployed.

Example deployment of 3.10:

sudo make WHAT=jcallen PROFILE=gcp-dev REF=release-3.10 up

Alternative OpenShift Ansible image

Use the OPENSHIFT_ANSIBLE_IMAGE environmental variable

sudo OPENSHIFT_ANSIBLE_IMAGE=openshift-ansible:3.10 make WHAT=jcallen PROFILE=gcp-dev REF=release-3.10 up

Use a container image cli

Instead of installing the openshift client let's use a existing container with the client already installed. NOTE: docker can be replaced with podman if not available on your operating system.


sudo podman run -it --rm \
    -v ${PWD}/gcp-dev/:/gcp-dev:Z \
    -e KUBECONFIG=/gcp-dev/admin.kubeconfig oc version

Build KubeVirt

Create kubevirt project

sudo podman run -it --rm \
	-v ${PWD}/gcp-dev/:/gcp-dev:Z \
	-e KUBECONFIG=/gcp-dev/admin.kubeconfig \ \
	oc new-project kubevirt

Get the builder token

TOKEN=`sudo podman run -it --rm -v ${PWD}/gcp-dev/:/gcp-dev:Z -e KUBECONFIG=/gcp-dev/admin.kubeconfig oc sa get-token -n kubevirt builder | tr -d '\r'`

Get the registry URL

REGISTRY=`sudo podman run -it --rm -v ${PWD}/gcp-dev/:/gcp-dev:Z -e KUBECONFIG=/gcp-dev/admin.kubeconfig oc get route docker-registry -n default --template '{{ }}'`

Login to the registry

sudo docker login -u builder -p ${TOKEN}

Kubevirt stuff

sudo DOCKER_PREFIX=${REGISTRY}/kubevirt make docker
sudo DOCKER_PREFIX=${REGISTRY}/kubevirt make push

# Use the internal service instead

sudo DOCKER_PREFIX=docker-registry.default.svc:5000/kubevirt DOCKER_TAG=latest make manifests

Deploy kubevirt

sudo podman run -it --rm \
    -v ${PWD}/gcp-dev/:/gcp-dev:Z \
    -v /home/jlcallen/Development/kubevirt/_out/manifests/dev:/tmp/manifests:Z \
    -e KUBECONFIG=/gcp-dev/admin.kubeconfig \
    oc create -f /tmp/manifests/

Permissions for kubevirt image pull

To pull images from the kubevirt project allow the service accounts access via system:image-puller

sudo podman run -it --rm -v ${PWD}/gcp-dev/:/gcp-dev:Z -e KUBECONFIG=/gcp-dev/admin.kubeconfig \
	oc policy add-role-to-user system:image-puller system:serviceaccount:kube-system:kubevirt-controller -n kubevirt

sudo podman run -it --rm -v ${PWD}/gcp-dev/:/gcp-dev:Z -e KUBECONFIG=/gcp-dev/admin.kubeconfig \
	oc policy adm add-role-to-user system:image-puller system:serviceaccount:kube-system:kubevirt-apiserver -n kubevirt
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