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Created October 7, 2015 17:18
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  • Save scollis/9d11194872367a65cfd2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import sys
from pv_atmos.basic import *
from pv_atmos.grids import *
import numpy as np
mm = np.linspace(-120,120,13)
zz = np.linspace(0,18, 5)
bounds=[mm.min(), mm.max(), mm.min(), mm.max(), zz.min(), zz.max()]
fname = "/Users/scollis/projects/AMS-Short-Course-on-Open-Source-Radar-Software/data/"
output_nc, transCoor = LoadData(fname, ['nx','ny','nz'], aspectRatios=[2.4,2.4,1.7], logCoords=[], basis=[], reverseCoords=[], revCenter=[], replaceNaN=True )
transCoor.Function = 'iHat*(coordsX-120) + jHat*(coordsY-120) + kHat*coordsZ/2'
cmap = 'erdc_rainbow_bright'
tf = Threshold(transCoor, ThresholdRange = [-8, 64], Scalars = ['reflectivity'])
Planex=AddGridPlane(0, 0,bounds = bounds, ratios =[2.4,2.4,1.7], logCoord=[],
src = tf, data=1 )
Planexrep = GetDisplayProperties(Planex)
Planexrep.ColorArrayName = 'reflectivity'
z = output_nc.PointData.GetArray('reflectivity')
lkpW = AssignLookupTable(z,cmap)
Planexrep.LookupTable = lkpW
Planexrep.Opacity = 0.8
renderView1 = GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView')
# uncomment following to set a specific view size
# renderView1.ViewSize = [795, 485]
reflectivityLUT = GetColorTransferFunction('reflectivity')
reflectivityLUTColorBar = GetScalarBar(reflectivityLUT, renderView1)
reflectivityLUTColorBar.RangeLabelFormat = '%6.2g'
reflectivityLUT.RescaleTransferFunction(-8.0, 64.0)
Planey=AddGridPlane(1, 0,bounds = bounds, ratios =[2.4,2.4,1.7], logCoord=[],
src =tf, data=1 )
Planeyrep = GetDisplayProperties(Planey)
Planeyrep.ColorArrayName = 'reflectivity'
Planeyrep.LookupTable = lkpW
Planeyrep.Opacity = 0.8
Planez = AddGridPlane(2, 2,bounds = bounds, ratios =[2.4,2.4,1.7], logCoord=[],
src =tf, data=1 )
Planezrep = GetDisplayProperties(Planez)
Planezrep.ColorArrayName = 'reflectivity'
Planezrep.LookupTable = lkpW
Planezrep.Opacity = 0.8
view = GetActiveView()
view.ViewSize = [ 600, 300 ]
# create a new 'Contour'
contour1 = Contour(Input=transCoor, Isosurfaces = [30,40,50],
ContourBy=['POINTS', 'reflectivity'])
contour1.ComputeNormals = 1
contour1.ComputeGradients = 0
contour1.ComputeScalars = 0
contour1.OutputPointsPrecision = 'Single'
contour1.GenerateTriangles = 1
contour1.PointMergeMethod = 'Uniform Binning'
contour1Display = GetDisplayProperties(contour1)
ColorBy(contour1Display, ('POINTS', 'reflectivity'))
contour1Display.Opacity = 0.5
# get active view
# get display properties
planezDisplay = GetDisplayProperties(Planez, view=renderView1)
# hide color bar/color legend
planezDisplay.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, False)
# show color bar/color legend
planezDisplay.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, True)
(Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax,Zmin,Zmax) = BoundAspectRatio(bounds,[1,1,1],[],[])
print( [3*Xmin,0.5*(Ymin+Ymax),Zmax*5])
print( [0.5*(Xmin+Xmax),0.5*(Ymin+Ymax),0.5*(Zmin+Zmax)])
view.CameraPosition = [2*Xmin,100,Zmax*5]
view.CameraFocalPoint = [0.5*(Xmin+Xmax),0.5*(Ymin+Ymax),0.5*(Zmin+Zmax)]
view.CameraParallelProjection = 0
view.CameraViewAngle = 45
view.CameraViewUp = [0,0,1]
#AddGrid(xlevels=mm, ylevels=mm, zlevels=zz, ratios=[1,1,1], bounds = bounds,
# logCoord=[], basis=[], reverseCoords=[], revCenter=[],
# AxisNames=["x","y","z"], AxisColor=[0,0,0], AxisWidth=1.0,LabelSize=2.0)
WriteImage("/Users/scollis/cmac.png", Magnification=4)
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