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// Website you intended to retrieve for users.
const upstream = ''
// Custom pathname for the upstream website.
const upstream_path = '/'
// Website you intended to retrieve for users using mobile devices.
const upstream_mobile = upstream
// Countries and regions where you wish to suspend your service.
const blocked_region = []
// IP addresses which you wish to block from using your service.
const blocked_ip_address = ['', '']
// Whether to use HTTPS protocol for upstream address.
const https = true
// Whether to disable cache.
const disable_cache = false
// Replace texts.
const replace_dict = {
'$upstream': '$custom_domain',
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
async function fetchAndApply(request) {
const region = request.headers.get('cf-ipcountry').toUpperCase();
const ip_address = request.headers.get('cf-connecting-ip');
const user_agent = request.headers.get('user-agent');
let response = null;
let url = new URL(request.url);
let url_hostname = url.hostname;
if (https == true) {
url.protocol = 'https:';
} else {
url.protocol = 'http:';
if (await device_status(user_agent)) {
var upstream_domain = upstream;
} else {
var upstream_domain = upstream_mobile;
} = upstream_domain;
if (url.pathname == '/') {
url.pathname = upstream_path;
} else {
url.pathname = upstream_path + url.pathname;
if (blocked_region.includes(region)) {
response = new Response('Access denied: WorkersProxy is not available in your region yet.', {
status: 403
} else if (blocked_ip_address.includes(ip_address)) {
response = new Response('Access denied: Your IP address is blocked by WorkersProxy.', {
status: 403
} else {
let method = request.method;
let request_headers = request.headers;
let new_request_headers = new Headers(request_headers);
new_request_headers.set('Host', upstream_domain);
new_request_headers.set('Referer', url.protocol + '//' + url_hostname);
let original_response = await fetch(url.href, {
method: method,
headers: new_request_headers,
body: request.body
connection_upgrade = new_request_headers.get("Upgrade");
if (connection_upgrade && connection_upgrade.toLowerCase() == "websocket") {
return original_response;
let original_response_clone = original_response.clone();
let original_text = null;
let response_headers = original_response.headers;
let new_response_headers = new Headers(response_headers);
let status = original_response.status;
if (disable_cache) {
new_response_headers.set('Cache-Control', 'no-store');
new_response_headers.set('access-control-allow-origin', '*');
new_response_headers.set('access-control-allow-credentials', true);
if (new_response_headers.get("x-pjax-url")) {
new_response_headers.set("x-pjax-url", response_headers.get("x-pjax-url").replace("//" + upstream_domain, "//" + url_hostname));
const content_type = new_response_headers.get('content-type');
if (content_type != null && content_type.includes('text/html') && content_type.includes('UTF-8')) {
original_text = await replace_response_text(original_response_clone, upstream_domain, url_hostname);
} else {
original_text = original_response_clone.body
response = new Response(original_text, {
headers: new_response_headers
return response;
async function replace_response_text(response, upstream_domain, host_name) {
let text = await response.text()
var i, j;
for (i in replace_dict) {
j = replace_dict[i]
if (i == '$upstream') {
i = upstream_domain
} else if (i == '$custom_domain') {
i = host_name
if (j == '$upstream') {
j = upstream_domain
} else if (j == '$custom_domain') {
j = host_name
let re = new RegExp(i, 'g')
text = text.replace(re, j);
return text;
async function device_status(user_agent_info) {
var agents = ["Android", "iPhone", "SymbianOS", "Windows Phone", "iPad", "iPod"];
var flag = true;
for (var v = 0; v < agents.length; v++) {
if (user_agent_info.indexOf(agents[v]) > 0) {
flag = false;
return flag;
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