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Created July 5, 2018 07:35
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let launch = this.taiBombers.countActive();
this.startingX = Phaser.Math.Between(100, 700);
if(this.score >= 50){
if(launch == 0){
let delay = Phaser.Math.Between(3000, 7000);
console.log(delay + "Time delay");
console.log("lanuch is false now start emmiting enimes");
console.log("taiBomb" + this);
let taibomber = this.taiBombers.getChildren();
let tbRow1 = this.taiBombers.create(this.startingX, 120, 'taiBomber');
tbRow1.body.velocity.y = 30;
let tbRow2 = this.taiBombers.create((this.startingX - 30), 70, 'taiBomber').setVelocityY(30);
let tbRow3 = this.taiBombers.create((this.startingX + 30), 70, 'taiBomber').setVelocityY(30);
console.log(tbRow1.y + ' first row location');
this.time.delayedCall({ delay: 800, callback: this.launchTaiBomber, callbackScope: this });
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