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Last active February 11, 2016 01:34
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Prompt with virtualfish support for the pure theme
#!/usr/bin/env fish
# vim: set ft=sh:
# Pure
# by Rafael Rinaldi
# MIT License
# Whether or not is a fresh session
set -g fresh_session 1
# Symbols
set -g symbol_prompt "❯"
set -g symbol_git_down_arrow "⇣"
set -g symbol_git_up_arrow "⇡"
set -g symbol_git_dirty "*"
set -g symbol_horizontal_bar "—"
# Colors
set -g color_red (set_color red)
set -g color_green (set_color green)
set -g color_blue (set_color blue)
set -g color_yellow (set_color yellow)
set -g color_cyan (set_color cyan)
set -g color_gray (set_color 93A1A1)
set -g color_normal (set_color normal)
function fish_prompt
# Save previous exit code
set -l exit_code $status
# Set default color symbol to green meaning it's all good!
set -l color_symbol $color_green
# Template
set -l current_folder (__parse_current_folder)
set -l git_branch_name ""
set -l git_dirty ""
set -l git_arrows ""
set -l command_duration ""
set -l prompt ""
# Do not add a line break to a brand new session
if test $fresh_session -eq 0
set prompt $prompt "\n"
# Set virtualenv prompt
if set -q VIRTUAL_ENV
set prompt $prompt "$color_gray("(basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV")")$color_normal "
# Format current folder on prompt output
set prompt $prompt "$color_blue$current_folder$color_normal "
# Handle previous failed command
if test $exit_code -ne 0
# Symbol color is red when previous command fails
set color_symbol $color_red
# Prompt failed command execution duration
set command_duration (__format_time $CMD_DURATION)
set prompt $prompt "$color_yellow$command_duration$color_normal"
# Exit with code 1 if git is not available
if not command -s git >/dev/null
return 1
# Check if is on a Git repository
set -l is_git_repository (command git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree ^/dev/null)
if test -n "$is_git_repository"
set git_branch_name (__parse_git_branch)
# Check if there are files to commit
set -l is_git_dirty (command git status --porcelain --ignore-submodules ^/dev/null)
if test -n "$is_git_dirty"
set git_dirty $symbol_git_dirty
# Check if there is an upstream configured
command git rev-parse --abbrev-ref '@{upstream}' >/dev/null ^&1; and set -l has_upstream
if set -q has_upstream
set -l git_status (command git rev-list --left-right --count 'HEAD...@{upstream}' | sed "s/[[:blank:]]/ /" ^/dev/null)
# Resolve Git arrows by treating `git_status` as an array
set -l git_arrow_left (command echo $git_status | cut -c 1 ^/dev/null)
set -l git_arrow_right (command echo $git_status | cut -c 3 ^/dev/null)
# If arrow is not "0", it means it's dirty
if test $git_arrow_left -ne "0"
set git_arrows $symbol_git_up_arrow
if test $git_arrow_right -ne "0"
set git_arrows $git_arrows$symbol_git_down_arrow
# Format Git prompt output
set prompt $prompt "$color_gray$git_branch_name$git_dirty$color_normal\t$color_cyan$git_arrows$color_normal"
set prompt $prompt "\n$color_symbol$symbol_prompt$color_normal "
echo -e -s $prompt
set fresh_session 0
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