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Created October 21, 2015 00:26
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Free monad implementation in JS
// Largely translated from
var Fn = require('../fn/fn')
var Type = require('../type/type');
var Identity = require('../data/identity');
var Either = require('../data/either');
var List = require('../catenable/list');
var Free = Type.product('view', 'list');
var FreeView = Type.sum({
Return: ['a'],
Bind: ['a', 'f']
var fromView = function(v) {
return Free(v, List.empty);
/* // for plain arrays rather than catenable lists
var fromView = function(v) {
return Free(v, []);
var concatF = function(free, r) {
return free.unapply(function(v, list) {
return Free(v, List.append(list, r));
//// for plain arrays rather than catenable lists
//return Free(v, list.concat(r));
var toView = Type.unapply(function(v, list) {
return v.match({
Bind: function (f, k) {
return FreeView.Bind(f, function (a) {
return concatF(k(a), list);
Return: function (a) {
return List.uncons(list).match({
Nothing: function() {
return FreeView.Return(a);
Just: Type.unapply(function(head, tail) {
return toView(concatF(head(a), tail));
//// for plain arrays rather than catenable lists
//return list.length > 0 ? toView(concatF(list[0](a), list.slice(1)))
// : FreeView.Return(a);
}); = Fn(function(k, f) {
return Free.chain(Fn.compose(Free.of, k), f);
}); = function(k) {
return, this);
Free.chain = Fn(function(k, f) {
return f.unapply(function(view, list) {
return Free(view, List.snoc(list, k));
//// for plain arrays rather than catenable lists
//return Free(view, list.concat(k));
Free.prototype.chain = function(k) {
return Free.chain(k, this);
Free.prototype.of = Free.of = Fn.compose(fromView, FreeView.Return);
Free.ap = Fn(function(ff, fa) {
return Free.chain(function(f) {
return, fa);
Free.prototype.ap = function(fa) {
return Free.ap(this, fa);
Free.tailRecM = Fn(function(k, a) {
return Free.chain(function(e) {
return e.match({
Left: Free.tailRecM(k),
Right: Free.of
}, k(a));
Free.liftF = function(f) {
return fromView(FreeView.Bind(f, Free.of));
Free.suspendF = function(F, f) {
return fromView(FreeView.Bind(F.of(f), Identity.I));
}; = function(k) {
return Free.fold(Fn.compose(Free.liftF, k));
Free.fold = Fn(function(M, k) {
return M.tailRecM(function(f) {
return toView(f).match({
Return: function(a) {
return M.of(a).map(Either.Right);
Bind: function(g, i) {
return k(g).map(Fn.compose(Either.Left, i));
}); = function(k) {
return Fn.compose(
function(i) { return i.value; },
Free.runM(Identity, Fn.compose(Identity, k))
Free.runM = Fn(function(M, k) {
return M.tailRecM(function(f) {
return toView(f).match({
Return: function(a) {
return M.of(a).map(Either.Right);
Bind: function(g, i) {
return k(;
module.exports = Free;
var Fn = require('../../src/fn/fn');
var Type = require('../../src/type/type');
var Identity = require('../../src/data/identity');
var IO = require('../../src/data/io');
var Free = require('../../src/free/free');
var Monad = require('../../src/control/monad');
var Unit = Type.product();
// Declare the valid commands for the simple teletype program
var TeletypeF = Type.sum({ PutStrLn: ['str', 'a'], GetLine: ['f'] });
// Simple logging function for demonstration
var log = s => IO(() => console.log(s));
// Helpers for lifting TeletypeF into Free
var putStrLn = s => Free.liftF(TeletypeF.PutStrLn(s, Unit));
var getLine = Free.liftF(TeletypeF.GetLine(Identity.I));
// Interpreter mapping (natural transformation) from TeletypeF to IO
var teletypeN = Type.match({
PutStrLn: (s, a) =>, log(s)),
GetLine: k => IO.of(k("fake input"))
// Create the Free TeletypeN interpreter
var run = Free.fold(IO, teletypeN);
// A simple program (not bound to any implementation yet)
var echo = Monad.genDo(function*() {
var a = yield getLine;
yield putStrLn(a);
yield putStrLn("Finished");
return Free.of(a + " " + a);
// Use the IO interpreter to run the program
// Test for stack safety
var counter = Monad.genDo(function*() {
var i = 1000000;
while (i--) yield putStrLn(i);
return putStrLn('DONE');
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